Youtube Piggy-Back Traffic Method


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50 replies on “Youtube Piggy-Back Traffic Method”

Where do you come up with all these crazy tricks James!?!?!

All your videos you put up out are loaded to bring with value that other marketers would normally sell for a premium!! Looking forward to your new youtube module you’re adding to the evergreen wealth formula aswell.

May I ask, when will it be added and is it free to all evergreen members???


Thanks, Paul… Glad you’re enjoying my latest methods and videos.

I don’t know really – always trying new stuff and researching new methods.

Most don’t work – but when you love what you do – you understand it’s part of the process and keep on going.

It’s striking gold when you do find something that works and brings in stellar results, like this method for example.

Regarding your question about the Evergreen Wealth Formula: yes, all current members will get this update free of charge.

I called the the course “Evergreen” as I wanted to create a truly “evergreen” course that stands the test of time, you see.

So I’ll always be updating it with the latest methods and stuff like.

In fact, a lot of times, I update the course without making a big song and dance about it as they’re smaller updates and don’t see the point emailing every single thing I update.

But yeah, you and the current EWF are entitled to life time updates for free… Including the upcoming Youtube module.

It should be ready sometime next week…

I don’t really like giving an exact date ’cause I’m rubbish at keeping at deadlines lol.

Thanks for watching the video anyway, Paul… Appreciate it, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Wow, this is absolutely genius trick James. I never thought about it. What more interesting is that you are giving it away for free. I will give it a try soon. This is pure gold information. Well done James. You never disappointing me at all. Your knowledge is truly superb. Btw James, I don’t if you notice it or not but, it seems that one of the word in the title above the video incorrect. The word should be STEAL not STEEL. Other than that, your video is great. Thank you.

Thanks, Jamie…Glad you see the value in it, mate.

Thanks for the heads up on the typo – I’m dyslexic so I’m always doing stuff like that lol.

Thanks for watching my video anyway, Jamie… Really do appreciate it 🙂

James Scholes

Woah all your methods are so amazing and unique James. I can quickly see some results with this cool YouTube trick. You really know your stuff. Your videos are really helpful too. Thanks again James. 🙂


Thank you for your honest truth there is so many nasty horrible people out there and you are helping people thank you mate


Excellent video, I sometimes look for multiple videos that have a ton of views
and put their channel names on the Tags and click update. It does work, but
I never thought of putting my own channel name on my videos.



You out do yourself every time! You just keep coming up with surprises. It’s rare to find someone like you. Attentive supportive engaging energised focused & always determined to offer the latest & best. I know if you say something works it really does work. Thank you for your drive & commitment to us. If you want to see a true mentor smile in the mirror. You’re worth more than gold & your knowledge base is a library of useful up to date wealth for anyone considering joining EWF! Many thanks always

hi james

Another well presented video Well you know what I think inspirational. Been out of action for a while. I will get there.

Hey Regis… Hope you’re okay.

If you want to make money online, then your best bet is to checkout my Youtube channel.

I have a ton of video tutorials on various ways on how to make money online – free and paid methods:

I recommend subscribing too…

I’m always posting video tutorials new ways of making money online you see.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Lydiavan… Hope you’re okay.

Regarding your question: well, it’s more a traffic generation method than anything else.

But of course, you can direct them to an offer in the description box – whether it’s your own or an affiliate/CPA offer.

Plus, you can monetise the video so you can make money from the ad revenue.

So there, two ways you can make money with this traffic generation method.

Hope this helps anyway, Lydiavan 🙂

Good luck,

James Scholes

Very easy method indeed but how many of us have what it takes to make a good video for ourselves.
Do you have any advice or video on how to easily make these videos or aware there any free good software you know of?

Hey Cabot,

To answer your question: yes, there’s a few ways around it when making a video.

The quickest and easiest way though is to simply outsource it if you don’t want to create your own video.

So you can head over to and pay someone very cheaply to make a video for you.

Hope this helps anyway, mate 🙂

Good luck,

James Scholes

Hi James,

Awesome video James ! …and as always you are giving lots of valuable information to us to use and implement , cool stuff !!
Always learning new tricks and ideas from you !! Gonna take action right away !!

Good man – that’s what I like to hear 🙂

Also, I recommend to send some social signals to accelerate the process too.

So stuff like embedding your video on other sites which will massively speed up the process.

Good luck anyway, Henk 🙂

James Scholes

Mr. James you’re a REAL GENIUS….. just watched this video and i was like huh? why haven’t i thought about this and i always visit YouTube every hour to search for info and i never thought of Great stuff like these to get massive traffic…. I’m gonna make a video with my Cam and do exactly as you explained in this video….. i always download all your videos into my laptop and anytime i like i watch it…. i see you like a Multi Billionaire Person, coz someone with great ideas like you has no boundaries financially or whatsoever. Thumbs Up to you Man, you are my greatest mentor online…. i will surely recommend you, your products and services to all my American and Canadian friends…Thanks a million Man

Thank you for your kind words, Amos… Truly do appreciate it 🙂

Regarding this method: to boost this method further, I recommend sending some social signals to your video as well.

So when you make your video, make sure to post and share it everywhere like Facebook, Twitter… And all the other social media sites out there.

In fact, I recommend to use this method in conjunction with this method as well:

It will further boost your results and get you even more views as a result.

Also, I made another video recently on another way of getting views to your Youtube videos as well.

If you want to see that, you can check it out here:

Thanks again for your kind words, Amos… I really do appreciate it, buddy 🙂

Stay awesome my friend,

James Scholes

Hey, nice trick and I can see how I can use it for my own videos. I can also see how copying the title and the tags might be okay, but I’ve actually been taught it’s not good to copy the tags exactly. And if you copy the description exactly, won’t YouTube flag you for it or won’t the owner of the video get angry you just copied and pasted their description? I’m curious if it actually works, and I’m sure it does, but it seems to me like this is almost in the grey-ish areas of being a black hat technique to get views and traffic. I hope my comments aren’t offensive, these are just literal thoughts and concerns I have that come up with these techniques. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

Hey Weston… Nice to meet you 🙂

Regarding your question: you should be fine using the exact title and tags.

However, if it doesn’t sit too well with you, then you can make a slight change to the title and drop some of your own tags of your own in there.

This way, it won’t be a carbon copy of the video you’re trying to show up in the Suggested Video section with.

But even if you use the exact same title and tags, I should imagine you’ll be fine anyway.

Providing your video is unique, engaging content… Then you should be fine.

Hope this helps anyway, mate 🙂

Good luck,

James Scholes

Hi James

Quick question about this method ,

I dont think i will be able to create the video myself unless there is any special software for it

Anyhow if i go to fiverr and get someone to make it for me , what type of video service do i search for on fiverr ?

does it have to be someone speaking directly to the camera or would animated or just a written content video do the job for this ?

please let me know


Hey Dylan,

Regarding your question: well, it depends on what kind of video you want to make.

So it doesn’t have to be someone speaking into the camera, at all.

It can be animated videos, screen capture videos using screen capture software like Camtasia or even a powerpoint presentation.

It boils down to what kinda video you want to make and which format is best to convey your message.

Hope this helps anyway, Dylan 🙂

Good luck,

James Scholes

Hey Salina,

First up, really glad you’re diggin’ my vids… So thanks for that.

Regarding your question: Regarding your question: your best bet is to checkout my Youtube channel.

I have a ton of video tutorials on various ways on traffic generation – free and paid methods:

I recommend subscribing too…

I’m always posting video tutorials on new ways of making money online, you see.

Hope this helps anyway, Salina 🙂

James Scholes


Quality vid as usual, Loads of value mate cheers.

Does the YouTube Vid that I make have to be the same ‘length in time’ as the one I’m copying?

And also I know you said copy their description but could I also put a link to my landing page on my description or does that mess up this method? Should I keep the description exactly the same without adding anything to it?



Glad you enjoyed it, Eli.

Anyway, here’s the answers to your questions:

Q: Does the YouTube Vid that I make have to be the same ‘length in time’ as the one I’m copying?

A: Nope – it can be a long or as short as you want.

That said, Youtube is ranking longer videos over shorter videos, nowadays.

This is because Youtube can monetise longer videos more than shorter ones.

So it’s definitely something to consider when making your videos.


Q: I know you said copy their description but could I also put a link to my landing page on my description or does that mess up this method?

A: It doesn’t have to be identical – just similar.

So yeah, you can put a link to your website and it shouldn’t have any adverse affect or anything.

Hope this helps anyway, Eli 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James,

I am loving your techniques, you are a true inspiration. I have one question though; I am not good at creating videos and don’t want to put my face out there, so can these videos be animated or something? I have some kind of software for creating animated videos, so I was thinking of doing that?

Thanks, Ivana… Glad you’re diggin’ what I’ve been sending out.

Regarding your question: yes, you can use screen capture software like Camtasia or do a powerpoint style presentation with slides and stuff… That will work great for you.

Now that said, you shouldn’t be afraid of putting your face out there on video.

In fact, nothing builds a better relationship with your viewers than you talking live on camera.

Sure, the first time you make these kinda videos will probably be not very good.

But hey, being crap at something is the first step at being awesome at it – so the more you make – the better you’ll get.

I mean, I wish I could dig up some of my first ever videos I made ’cause they’re quite frankly terrible!

But the more I made, the better they got… And that’s exactly what will happen to you too when you keep persisting.

Hope this helps anyway, Ivana 🙂

Good luck,

James Scholes

For some reason the video to this page doesn’t appear James so I was unable to access it at all. Is it a link problem?

Hi CC,

I’m not sure why it’s not running because it’s a Youtube video and hardly anyone has problems running Youtube videos.

Anyway, you can watch it directly on Youtube if that helps?:

The first few minutes is me pluggin’ my squeeze page (which you’re already subscribed to) so ignore that and just skip a minute or two to get to the main training.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

hi james, great video.
i wanted to ask you if you have a way to create my email list fast and easy?
in your opinion which is the best methoth to sell products, im now saving some money to buy the evergreen wealth formula but i still not reach the $200.
thanks for all

Hey Andres,

Regarding your question: your best bet is to checkout my Youtube channel.

I have a ton of video tutorials on on the subjects you mentioned in your comment – both free and paid methods.

Oh, and I recommend subscribing too…

I’m always posting video tutorials on new ways of making money online and traffic generation, you see.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hey In your ewf do we have to pay for traffic or it is free traffic methods?If it’s free traffic method then how long does it take to start making sales from it?

Hey Mike,

I teach both free and paid traffic methods in the Evergreen Wealth Formula.

However, the main traffic method is the automated traffic streams system.

You’ll need to invest $20 a month but it’s quick setup, easy to implement and you can scale it up to whatever level you desire.

The free traffic method is one of my favourite ones – and as result – one of my main traffic drivers.

That said, it doesn’t bring in fast traffic, it will take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to see results but it’s definitely worth it because it’s set and forget – meaning you do the work once and it brings traffic for years, if not for life.

Hope this helps anyway, Mike 🙂

James Scholes

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