How to Write PROFITABLE Headlines in SECONDS for ANY Market or Niche


Have you ever wrote sales copy?

Don’t know about you, but I find it to be a absolute pain in the ass to do.

But as much of a pain in the ass it is… It’s one of the most crucial things you can learn and implement in your own business.

I mean, I’ve wrote sales letters years ago… And they’re STILL making me money today

In fact, they’re like automated salesmen that go out and make you sales everyday.

So yeah, definitely learn and master the art of copywriting if you’re serious about internet marketing and generally making a career online.

Now one of the most important factors of any sales letter is without a doubt… The headline.siren-like-headline-writing-584x300-300x154

I mean think about it, a prospect heads over to your sales letter and what’s the first thing they see?

Yup, that’s right… The good ‘ol headline.

And the headline will literally make your break your sales letter.

So it’s absolutely vital you have a headline that grabs ’em by the scruff of neck, demands attention and arouses so much curiosity that they feel compelled to read on to find out more.

So you’re probably thinking “How the ruddy ‘ell do I do that, James?”.

Well you’re in luck because I’m going to share a simple, yet powerful formula that anyone can use to write killer headlines

And that’s not all, not only will you be able to write powerful headlines… But this simple formula will work in any niche or market.

So I don’t care if you’re selling dildos, chairs or info products… This little headline formula will deliver the results you’re after 🙂

Also, it’ll take seconds to write these headlines too.

I mean, you can literally bash these buggers out in seconds

So that said and done, here’s my simple little formula to writing killer headlines in seconds for any niche or market… Enjoy!


Good stuff, huh… But hold your horses right there, sunshine, as I’ve got more cool stuff for ya 🙂

While you’re on this little ol’ page, I figured I’d share a free video where I show you how to make $1000+ a day online.

But listen up, as it gets better…

Not only will you discover this little “$1K a day” trick… But I show you “Step by step” how to do it too 🙂

So if your pockets are little light at the mo – yet you wanna make some quick cash – then this free video will definitely get you where you want to be.


16 replies on “How to Write PROFITABLE Headlines in SECONDS for ANY Market or Niche”

Absolutely brilliant training James.

I’m currently writing a sales letter for a product I’m releasing soon and I’ll use this method for my headline.

May I ask, can use this in other sale’s webpages like squeeze pages as well?



You’re welcome, Sarah… Glad you found it helpful 🙂

Anyway, to answer your question: yeah sure, you can use this in all sorts of of your marketing.

You can use this for reading headlines on your squeeze pages, email subject lines if you’re a email marketing… Basically anywhere you see fit.

Glad you found it useful anyway, Sarah 🙂

James Scholes

Fantastic training James. It’s always top quality regardless if it’s paid or free. In fact, your free training beats most peoples training hands down!!

Getting awesome results from your evergreen course too. I’m clearing around $150 a day and it’s all thainks to you James. Can’t wait for your other training you spoke about too!!


Thanks Tony… Glad you’re enjoying the training I send out.

Also super pleased you’re getting results from the EWF too.

So yeah, keep up the good work, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Kia ora James

Well well well its about time you got back
into cyberspace lol… great to see you
back and as usual looking after your
followers. As always great stuff again
thank you from the moon and back.
And am looking forward to making some
great profits.

Great to have you back James.

Kind regards

It’s good to see you too, Georgie.

Yeah, it got a bit quiet so I figured a comeback was over due 😉

I’ll be posting some more videos in the near future so keep your eyes peeled for ’em.

Thanks again, Georgie.

James Scholes

Hey Bull,

Are you referring to the Evergreen Wealth Formula?

If so, it’s a one time payment of $97 and this will give you life time access to the entire system.

This will also give you access to the latest updates and new modules as and when they’re ready for free too.

Plus, if you have problems whatsoever – no matter how big or small – just hit me up and I’ll help you out.

I give everyone who buy’s the EWF one on one email support you see.

Hope this answers your question anyway, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Great to hear from you again. I still don’t have enough cash to buy your system but I will get there eventually.

Good to hear from you too, Kobus.

And don’t worry – if you can’t afford the EWF, I’m always sending out free video tutorials anyway.

I’ve got one coming soon where I show you a complete $10,000 a month blueprint and I walk you through the entire process for free.

Thanks again for stopping by anyway, Kobus… Really do appreciate it, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

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