New “Weirdo” Formula Generates $100 a Day Income Streams With JUST 1 Hour’s Work!

89 replies on “New “Weirdo” Formula Generates $100 a Day Income Streams With JUST 1 Hour’s Work!”

Once again James you simply over-deliver.

Thanks for this, I will definitely be giving this a go as it looks easy enough to do.


Hey Tod, thanks for stopping by and leaving comment… Really appreciate it buddy 🙂

Yeah, give it a go. It shocked me just how easy it is. You can literally throw these income streams up in no time whatsoever.

Also, that $20 a day income stream I showed you. It’s now pulling in over $30 a day now!

I’ve also got another 4 up since making this video.

James Scholes

Hi James

I’ve actually been doing this as you lay it out in your course the Evergreen Wealth Formula and I’ve got a video making $60 a day using what you show in this video so yeah, I can confirm this works.

Thanks anyway James. Loving the course and keep up the good work!

Your pal,

Michael Groady

Hey Michael,

Good to see you commenting on here, we’ve exchanged a few email haven’t me? I remember your name you see.

That’s pretty cool that you’ve got one video pulling $60 a day. Although not as good as yours, the video mentioned in the video above is currently pulling in upto $55 a day.

See for yourself here:

…Seems to be growing by it’s own accord too which which is absolutely fantastic so I reckon I’ll be snappin’ at your heels soon Michael 😉

But yeah, really pleased for you buddy. Keep us posted on how it goes anyway.

James Scholes

Hey Chris,

If you follow the instructions, you can make money as soon as 5 days from now.

However, it’ll start of small at first but you’ll notice it’ll grow more and more as time goes by and I’d say it take upto 30 days to gather full momentum and start making you a nice chunk of passive income online.

Hope this helps Chris and of course… Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment 🙂

James Scholes

Great work James, as usual. I’m very impressed.

I’ve been reading some reviews for the evergreen wealth formula and it looks like people are getting results with your training.

These are the reviews I’m referring to by the way:

After reading these reviews, I’ll definitely be picking up your evergreen wealth formula when I get the funds together.

Thanks again for all the free training you put out, we all appreciate it it!


Hey James

Thanks for this, I will definitely give this a go as I know everything you teach just flat out works!

Just a side note btw. If anyone is considering getting the Evergreen wealth formula, just get it! I cannot recommend it high enough and there is so many ways of making money with it, from building your own business – right up to making quick and easy cash grabs ( like what’s shown in this video).

Hope you’re ok with me plugging your course James, it’s just that it’s the only thing that actually works and I’ve tried a lot over the last few years.

Thanks again anyway James and once again, great info as per usual!

Of to make some money anyway haha!

Gordon Freelance

Hey thanks Gordan – it’s great to hear you’re lovin’ the course mate.

And yeah, I’ve got NO problem whatsoever pluggin’ my course 😉

Have a great day anyway and thanks for stopping by leaving a comment… Really appreciate it!


I have been looking for a way similar to this and now I hope this is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for everything and cheers to all the money makers out there.

Hey Dominic, thanks for stopping by 🙂

Yeah, it doesn’t get any easier than this, but what I love about it though is there absolutely NO selling whatsoever so people don’t want to get into marketing etc will love this as they can have some fun making some simple videos and make multiple passive income streams in the process!


Hi James, gotta quick question for ya…Is there just one video in the course or is it the course itself that explains this process you are talking about with in this ad video?
Just checking it out and it looks like a lot of GREAT stuff in here. I already make money online, but am always checking out your stuff as you give away a lot of free info so I paid for this course to just kinda support you. You are honest and sincere. Can’t find much of that on the net today. I know you are the real deal dude, and I hope you make millions and millions online. Anyway, answer my question please…:O)

Hey Cindy

Glad you’re diggin’ my stuff, and thanks for the support… Really appreciate it 🙂

Basically, this method is explained under the “Traffic” tab, in the “Youtube” section of the course and it’s about 6 videos long (each video ranging from around 5 to 10 minutes long).

I talk about this method in the context of getting traffic to your offers but instead of sending traffic to your websites or any other links for that matter, you can use it to just post videos and make money from the Adsense revenue that you can connect up to your Youtube account within your Youtube settings.

It really does free up everything if you want to make money like this because you don’t have restrict yourself trying to go for profitable keywords etc as every single keyword is now profitable, all what matters is search volume.

Hope it helps 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James,

thanks for sharing as usual. Been following your stuff for a while and if not
for anything at all, I know how much I’ve learned so far though I’ve not bought into
any of your courses yet. Really looking at doing so pretty soon..

Just a quicky, do you run any affiliate program yourself for any of your blogs or
even the evergreen wealth formula system? Just so newbies could just use methods
like this weirdo youtube trick to return all the traffic and earn some cash there.

…and Hey, sent you an email, hope to get your response soon.

Dave, Ghana

Hey Dave,

The only affiliate program I’ve got running at the mo is for the Evergreen Wealth Formula.

I’m currently 100% Paypal commissions so each course you sell will make you around $90 (after fees etc of course).

Check it out here:

Anyway – just about to go through my emails so I’ll reply as soon as I come across it 🙂

James Scholes

Yes Ilham… This is totally real mate.

As you can see, I’m logging into my Youtube accounts live on camera going through the option setting etc.

Hope it clears things up for you buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James! I hope this works. I’d be grateful if you could send me this in writing and instructions. Thank you!

Hey Prasanna,

It defo works, mate. In fact, I’m currently clockin’ $70 a day of that one little video, and it’s still gradually climbing too… Oh happy days 🙂

Actually, you can see for yourself here:

As you can see, it’s currently generating me $1,278,99 a month – but like I said – I expect this to climb considerably – probably around the $1,500 mark… Maybe more.

The instructions btw are in easy-to-follow, step by step video instructions btw. I don’t have them in written form.

Thanks for watching the video anyway, Prasanna… Really appreciate it buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Hey James

I’ve been doing the exact same thing with YT & Adsense for a good few months now and wanted to say how well its works for easy passive income! also wanted to say its great to see a fellow English man doing great in marketing

where about’s (exactly)are you from btw?

Hey Kim,

Sorry to hear that. What I’ll do now is email you and see if I can help you in anyway possible 🙂

Speak soon.

James Scholes

Hey James

Love your stuff and love that you are so accessible to us newbies trying to get something started here. Question: I know you have multiple youtube accounts. But how many adsense accounts do you have/recommend?



Hey Kirk… Glad you’re diggin’ my stuff mate 🙂

Honestly, I’ve got two accounts but you can do everything under one account and that’s all I would recommend to run your entire “Adsense” empire anyway.

So yeah, stick with one and you’ll be golden, mate 😉

James Scholes

Hey James

Another question if you dont mind… what type of video did you upload to get these results? You dont have to spill all the beans – just wondering what kind of genre it is.

Hey Kirk,

Sos for the reply – been super busy!

The video that got these results was a simple 3 minute Camtasia video tutorial on how to do something… It was the easiest thing ever I’m tellin’ ya 🙂

Hope this helps, buddy.

James Scholes

P.S. If you want to see how I did this – step by step – then I cover it extensively in my Evergreen Wealth Formula course which you can get below.

Hey Kirk,

If you’re waiting to be approved by Google Adsense, then it can take a week or two to get approved.

Just make sure to have a few videos on your Channel and they MUST be 100% your content otherwise they won’t approve you.

Hope this helps buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Do you have this in writng the audio is breaking up so bad I’m missing the best part of what you are saying thanks for your help….Tim

Hey Tim,

Is it? It shouldn’t be as the video is hosted on Youtube which is very flexible and “bandwidth” friendly too.

Guess all I can say is, click on the video to pause it and leave it for a few minutes, then come back and let it play.

Hope it works for you, mate.

James Scholes

Really Thank You Very Very Much my friend u let me take my action 😀 to start with good Courses and i think maybe i.m first one here from egypt 🙂 to do this and really i waiting your courses all the time 🙂 I Respect <3
when i can see the money coming when i will do all in this video ?!

Hey Wealysh,

When will you see the money coming in? Well it depends and it’s always different for everyone as people work at different paces etc.

But as soon as you’ve posted enough videos and they start getting traffic… Then the sales will soon follow 🙂

If you want to accelerate the method with less videos to post, then I do recommend to checking out my Evergreen Wealth Formula as I have an entire module dedicated to Youtube and I show you how to get tons of free traffic to your Youtube videos – basically only needing to post one or two, instead of hundreds what I teach in this particular method.

Hope this helps anyway and good luck!

James Scholes

Hey Kevin,

Basically, you can get access to the full method within my Evergreen Wealth Formula course as I have a module dedicated to it. I can’t share this particular method with everyone because if it gets too saturated, it will no longer be an effective money making strategy.

If you don’t want to get my Evergreen Wealth Formula, then use the free training I’ve sent you the last couple of days as that’s totally free.

Hope this helps, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Hi, James, buddy, I sense you are a really good guy, based on you really reply.
I really wanna get in your course, the things is, $97 is a lot for me. And I’ve purchased way too many junk products that never deliver. I wasted a lot of money and time. I can’t afford another.

Another thing, youtube marketing is basically impossible for me because of where I live (China).
You have no idea what efforts you have to pay just to upload a simple video here in China. Uploading a 2 mins long video, you may have to upload 101 times because it fails at least 100 times.

But at the same time I am deadly desperate to make some money! I lost my job already, I stick to internet marketing for months and never make a dime! It makes me want to kill myself already…

Is there any other way to make money other than youtube?

Hey again, Kevin 🙂

Let me answer your questions for you:

Q. I’ve purchased way too many junk products that never deliver. I wasted a lot of money and time. I can’t afford another.

A. First up, I just want to say that… You’re experience will be totally different with the Evergreen Wealth Formula as it has a high success rate because I get a lot of emails from fellow EWF member’s who grab the course and they end up making around $300 – $500 a day around 3 months after following the course.

I’m not saying you will, you may less, or more… Depends on how much work you put in really but a lot of member’s put in around 1 – 2 hours a day and they start seeing results as little as a month after following the course.


Q. Another thing, youtube marketing is basically impossible for me because of where I live (China).

A. Youtube is only a tiny fraction of the course, as I cover a ton more methods I haven’t even mentioned yet.

So if you can’t do Youtube – for whatever reason – the system will still work… Regardless where you are in the world 🙂


Q. You have no idea what efforts you have to pay just to upload a simple video here in China. Uploading a 2 mins long video, you may have to upload 101 times because it fails at least 100 times.

A.As it goes, I do share a method within the Youtube module where you can “ethically” use other people’s videos. And don’t worry: this involves NO uploading whatsoever… In fact, the videos are already uploaded, you just edit ’em 🙂

It’s a cool little method and Youtube wants you to do it too.


Hope this helps anyway, Kevin. Got anymore questions – feel free to hit me up again 🙂

James Scholes

Thank you soooooooo much for your prompt reply!!!
I am really considering purchasing now.
Just one thing, cuz I am extremely desperate to make some real money now.
Is there some ways to make a few quick bucks that do not use Youtube?
Just a few bucks is fine by now, let’s say something like $5 within the same day, about $20 per day in a week. Speed is everything in my case.
I am willing to pay 120% effort to make it happen. But is it really possible as you can see?

You’re welcome, Kevin 🙂

Regarding your question. The EWF isn’t really about that per-se, it’s all about making massive amounts of passive, evergreen wealth online… But that can take some time.

But saying that, people have started making money as early as 6 days after implementing the course. It wasn’t much – about $30… But it starts to slowly grow from there and you can scale it up as high as you want really.

And yes, you can do this WITHOUT Youtube. Like I said before, Youtube is only a tiny part of the entire system – and if you want – you can leave it out entirely and scale it up as high as you want using the other methods.

James Scholes

Hey that’s great, Vakinder.

If you’ve got any questions – feel free to hit me up and I’ll help you out where ever possible 🙂

James Scholes

Hey James

Thanks for the stuff! Have you noticed anything different with your videos and rankings with the Youtube updates?


Hey CJ,

The method I show you in the video itself, is actually making money from Google Adsense when you connect it up to your Youtube account.

It’s a really easy way of making a lot of money passively and I show you how to do it within the Youtube module of the EWF (Evergreen Wealth Formula) course.

Btw, this is just a tiny fraction of the EWF as it’s basically a complete system that will walk you step by step through the entire process of what I do myself to make $1000+ a day online using affiliate marketing.

But saying that, a lot of my members have used the traffic modules themselves to send traffic to their own sites etc.

Basically, there’s multiple ways of using the EWF but if you also want a very detailed step by step plan that will take you from start to finish on the whole thing… It’ll also do that too for you 🙂

Hope this helps!

James Scholes

Hey buddy,

Basically, it’s a complete formula I recently discovered on how to dominate Youtube and as result, gets you thousands of real, passive views everyday that will make you an absolute killin’ using Youtube’s built in advertising program (Google Adsense).

If you want me to walk you step by step through the entire process on how to do this with one of your videos I can do that right now as I show you how to quickly do it yourself within the Youtube module of the Evergreen Wealth Formula.

Check it out here:

But yeah, it’s really easy – especially when you know how 😉

Hope this clears things up for you, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James,

I just curious why do U analyze last year‘s data instead of the recent one let say last month‘s data?
Don‘t u think it is more convincing?



Hey Kerrian,

Totally agree and when I made this video, it was with stats that was bang up to date.

So what I’m saying is, I made this video just shy of a year ago.

So you’re probably thinking “Does this still work a year later” and the answer is…Yes, better than ever in fact.

Hope this helps anyway, Kerrian 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James,

Great to hear that it works even better now.
My another question, from earlier, U told me even without adsense account, the system worked. I read some replies here, U mentioned the video is connected to an adsense account to make the income, can u clarify again?

Thks a lot for your patient,


Hey Kerrian,

Basically, I’m using the Youtube module within the Evergreen Wealth Formula to make money with Youtube and Adsense but if you don’t have an Adsense account that’s perfectly fine because the way the Evergreen Wealth Formula is laid out… You can use Youtube to make money… All without using Adsense, using other methods I share within the course.

In fact, the way the entire course is laid out, you don’t even have to use the Youtube module if you don’t want to to make money as it’s only a tiny fraction of what’s inside the Evergreen Wealth Formula.

Hopefully this clears it up a bit. If not, feel free to ask me anything you want or if you want, simply reply to one of the e-mails you get from me and I’ll reply 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Kerrian,

It’s not a coaching program, it’s a complete A to Z system on how to make multiple income streams that come in passively on a daily basis using mainly affiliate marketing (although you can use this with CPA marketing or even sell your own products if you want… Entirely up to you).

It makes me around $1000+ a day online passively and people who buy it tend to make around $300 to $500 a day online in just 3 months of following it.

And like I said, video is a tiny fraction of the entire system. In fact, if you don’t want to use any video whatsoever, then you don’t need to with the Evergreen Wealth Formula as I show you multiple ways you can make money without video.

I just use video because, well, I like using videos 🙂

James Scholes

Hey that’s great, Kerrian.

If you need anything, you’ll get my personal email once you purchase so you can get me through that rather than leaving a comment here.

Thanks again 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James

Got an e-mail from you where for only a limited time you offer the Ever green wealth formula for free. When I click on the link it takes me through to pay pal and is asking for my credit card details. Can you help???

Hey Adrian,

I answered this the other day but I’ll answer it again for you 🙂

Basically, for a limited time, I’m giving away a mini course called “Sameday Commissions” and you get it free when you order the Evergreen Wealth Formula.

That’s how it works and the offer – as you can see – is only open for 2 days.

Hope this clears things up for you, Adrian.

If you’ve got anymore questions, feel free to hit me up and I’ll help you out where ever possible 🙂

James Scholes

Hey James,
Im interested in joining your program but I am still lost at how it works please help.


Hey Natalie,

I think we just spoke on email but I’m more than happy to answer your question here too 🙂

The Evergreen Wealth Formula is basically a complete system on how to make a full time passive income from home using affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing by the way is where you sell other peoples’ product and every time you sell a product… You make a commission.

I’ll show you where to find products that pay you anywhere from 50% to 100% commissions every time you sell a product.

And don’t worry – you won’t have to sell anything because I give you all the tools like free website templates that does all the selling for you.

You basically set it up, scale it up to the desired income level you want to earn… And it kinda runs itself.

So yeah, it’s basically a little business that once setup, runs itself and I show you how to do everything in minute step by step video tutorials.

So if you’re enjoying my free video training, they you’re going to absolutely love the Evergreen Wealth Formula as it’ll take you by the hand and walk you through everything – step by step – till you’re earning a nice passive daily income.

Hope this clears things up for you anyway, Natalie 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James!

Totally loving your videos!! Reading a bit between the lines here and I am thinking I need some backlinking here. What do you recommend for this? Cheers!!

Hey Kevin,

Well that’s only a tiny part of it and when you know how to do it… It’s fiendishly easy to repeat the process again and again which can really sky-rocket your income 🙂

But yeah, backlink can play a part in it and the best ones are high PR backlinks.

As it goes, I show you how to get these kinda backlinks in their thousands instantly in my Evergreen Wealth Formula course… Plus all the other methods you need to get these kind of results I show in the video.

Hope this helps anyway, Kevin 🙂

James Scholes

Howdy James,
How’s she hangin, buddy?? Due to your engaging and very human style, I feel I almost know you already. I like that. Thanks for the great content. Thinking about purchasing your EWF course. Just wondering one thing. Effective techniques evolve very fast with Internet Marketing. Will EWF continue to be updated in the future, as you find new techniques that back-fill methods that bite the dust due to trends and/or new Google/YouTube technology and algorithms? I would be looking for not only a course, but a trusted futurist that could forge the way while I am in the trenches doing day-to-day stuff. Can’t afford the $2000/month stuff though. Anything on that scale would have to wait to be covered by profits. Anyway, regardless, cheers and all the best…

-Jim (a Bloody Fan with a Yank accent, hehe)

Howdy back at ya, Jim 🙂

First up, really glad you’re diggin’ not only my vids… But my style too.

So thanks for that!

Anyway – to answer your question…

…Well first up, I’m not one of those marketers who launches a new course every month… Couldn’t be assed with kinda stuff anyway.

What I’m doing is focusing on one course (The Evergreen Wealth Formula) and not only make it as awesome as possible… But to keep it constantly awesome (Basically: keep it up to date).

For example: two months ago – I totally revamped the Youtube module bang up to date with all the methods I use right now.

Then a few weeks ago, I also added a new module to the course in the advance section where I show you how to make $10,000+ in 7 days.

So yeah – everything is up to date and all the methods taught in the course work.

Hope this answers your question anyway, Jim.

Stay awesome my friend 🙂

James Scholes

James no doubt your a successful IM marketer however, seen many of your videos over the years.

I do not have the attention span to watch the videos you are sending me! Sorry! To Long!

Hey no worries, Ryesr, videos isn’t for everyone.

If you want, you can always unsubscribe.

There’s a link at the bottom of every email I sent – and if you hit that – you’ll automatically unsubscribe.

Hope this helps anyway, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Gary… Hope you’re okay, mate.

To answer your question: you don’t really sell anything – you just make money of the ad revenue from the ads that show up on your Youtube videos.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Dan… Hope you’re okay, mate.

To answer your question: oh definitely.

In fact, I’m always updating the course to make sure it’s always working.

I’m not one of these marketers who make a living of launching products every month you see.

I’d rather focus on one and make it as awesome as possible.

As it goes, I updated the Youtube module recently to bring it up date with the methods I’m using right now in 2015.

I also added another module a month ago in the advance section of the course on how to make $10K in 7 days as well.

The only thing I can think of is that some of the sites might of changed their layout a little.

But these are just cosmetic changes so I haven’t bothered updating these.

But yeah, all the actual strategies and methods are rock-solid and work brilliantly in the here and now in 2015.

Hope this answer’s your question anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hey James,

Your free info is just as good as a lot of marketers paid stuff. But, now you knew there was a “but” coming up didn’t you! When I scrolled down this page the price of your Evergreen product was $97. When I clicked to buy up came a page where the price was $197! Pretty big difference in price.


Hey Steve,

First up, thank you for your kind words… Appreciate it.

Regarding the price: since making this page/video, I’ve launched the latest version, the Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0.

The new EWF 2.0 has been literally built from the ground up.

I’m using brand new software for the member’s area and I’m teaching new methods I’ve never taught before.

These new methods are basically what I’m doing right now to make a completely automated income online that can be easily scaled up.

So the only time you work with the EWF2 is to increase your income, never to maintain it.

As you can see, it’s not minor upgrades, it’s complete overhaul of the entire system – a new product, basically.

As a result, the price has increased to $197 (but trust me, it’s very much worth it).

If you’re not sure if you want to invest but you want to see what’s inside, there’s a video showing you what’s inside.

You can find it on this page here:

Hope this answers your question anyway, Steve 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James,

Your course sounds great but all marketers make their programs sound so good, that’s why they call it marketing. I didn’t see any guarantee anywhere, do you have one? In the last six months or so I’ve bought 5 money making plans, I asked and to my surprise, I did get a refund from four of the sellers as their programs were garbage, the other one I kept because it was actually pretty good. Asking someone to fork over $197 with an “all sales are final” policy is asking quite a lot. I also don’t take too seriously testimonials, as they can be bought from sights like Fiverr.

Hey Jim… Nice to meet you.

First up, I just want to make it clear that all the testimonials I use are all from real customers who’ve paid for the course.

I’ve never bought testimonials as I genuinely believe it’s a disgusting and completely unethical thing to do.

I know it’s probably a tactic other people have used but I’ve worked very hard to get these testimonials.

With the refund policy: I’m afraid I don’t offer refunds on my course.

If you go and check the main website where you can buy, you’ll notice I make no money back guarantee whatsoever.

In fact, it even clearly states on the TOS here that I don’t offer refunds:

Refund Policy for digital based goods: We Don’t issue refunds for digital based products like ebooks, online membership sites, video etc being non-tangible, irrevocable, digital goods; During checkout, upon clicking the “Confirm Order” button, your purchase is charged to the credit/debit card, the PayPal account or the invoice address that you supplied. All sales of digital goods such as ebooks, online membership sites, video etc are final. You cannot cancel a purchase or receive a refund for a purchase of digital goods.

One of the reasons why there’s a no refund policy is because it attracts the wrong type of people.

You see, a lot of people buy with the intention of getting a refund – regardless of how good the product or service is.

The end result is that they get the product for free and it’s problem that’s getting bigger and bigger, I’m afraid.

In fact, more and more people selling digital goods are no longer doing refunds.

If you look at all the big boys like Apple, Microsoft, Sony etc… They don’t allow refunds on their digital products anymore.

Another reason is that people just don’t try when there’s a safety net of a refund.

As there’s zero risk, people just give up at the first hurdle and get a refund.

But what I’ve found, when I removed the refund policy, is that people want to get their money’s worth out of their purchase.

The end result? They end up getting results and start making money with the course.

As it goes, it reminds me when when I bought a internet marketing course for $2000 way back in 2008.

(By the way, this was A LOT of money to me back then!)

To be honest, I took one look at it and I thought I can’t do this – totally overwhelmed, basically.

My knee-jerk response was to get a refund, but it turned out there was a “no refund” policy on the course.

But you know what, it was the best thing that ever happened to me…

I thought, I’m not wasting $2000, so I forced myself to implement the course.

As a result, I’ve made countless thousands from it – maybe hundreds of thousands, in fact.

I would even go as far to say it was the best course I’ve ever bought, looking back now.

Anyway, that said, I’m here to help…

So if you do run into any problems whatsoever – no matter how big or small – hit me up and I’ll help you through it.

I give everyone who buys my course one on one email support with me personally for life, you see 🙂

James Scholes

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