Viral Stampede 50% Off Discount

[headline_arial_small_centered color=”#000000″]I’ve discovered a 7-step method that floods your site with traffic that then snowballs into even more leads…skyrocketing your sales, profits, and cash flow in the process.[/headline_arial_small_centered]

[headline_arial_small_centered color=”#000000″]Follow these 7 steps and you can enter ANY niche, get MASSIVE amounts of traffic to your site, and leave your competitors in the dust![/headline_arial_small_centered]

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Ever wonder why some internet marketers make a KILLING online… while others literally go broke? 

Have you ever wondered why some products become online best sellers… while others just gather digital dust? 

Well, I can tell you why. The truth is, over 95% of ALL marketers who try to make a living online will go BANKRUPT in the first 2 years because they don’t get enough TRAFFIC! 

Traffic is the lifeblood of every internet business. You’ll NEVER make REAL money, let alone survive, without enough of it.

What Are the 3 Ways MOST Marketers Get Traffic? 

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1.  They spend a fortune on expensive pay per click, but eventually run out of cash!

2. They spend HOURS a day doing tedious SEO tasks like writing articles, getting links, and other mundane jobs that literally return nothing for your time invested.

3. They chase after people with big lists and beg them to do a joint venture.


Look, there’s nothing wrong with any of these… because they work.

But if you’re serious about the long-term potential of your business… you need a quicker, less expensive way to drive a boatload of traffic to your site right away.

Pay per click is expensive…with many search terms now costing more than $20 per click!  And it can take weeks, if not months to see SEO efforts take effect… and even then you’re NEVER guaranteed that you’ll rank well on the search engines.

Thankfully, I’ve Found a Better Way to Drive Traffic… And NOBODY is Doing This!


Let me ask…

What if I could show you how to get other people to send you a ton of free, targeted and passive traffic on a daily basis?

What if other people could help you ramp it up and scale your traffic to mind-blowing levels… would you want to hear about it?

Great… But Who am I and Why Should You Listen To Me?

My name is James Scholes and I’ve been making a VERY good living online as a full time internet marketer since 2006.

I’ve sold over a million dollars of products online (and rapidly growing) and I’m now helping others make a true “set & forget” income from the comfort of home.

I make between $1,243$ and 1,553 every day, like clockwork, with my online business.

In fact, here’s me in one of my Paypal accounts…

I make this much money each day because I’ve learned how to get a ton of traffic… without spending a lot of time or money.

Believe me, I’ve spent a small fortune trying all the latest and greatest traffic generation methods over the last 7 years online.  I’ve done pay per click, article marketing, search engine optimization, Facebook ads, and more.

But there’s one source of traffic I’ve used that has beaten them all, hands down, in terms of sheer size and magnitude. 

It has sent me the largest amount of traffic I’ve ever gotten but the best part is… It’s totally free!

So what exactly is this “magic” FREE traffic source?  It’s from getting user-driven website traffic… or viral traffic generation.

If you want loads of eyeballs to your site WITHOUT spending a single cent on advertising… Then viral traffic is the way to do it.

It’s FREE, Easy and Converts Like Crazy!

Viral-Marketing1In short, viral traffic involves getting other people to spread your message FOR you.

People who like what you’re offering will tell other people and the message spreads from person to person like a virus.  Someone sees what you offer and tells a couple friends. Their friends see your message and tell a couple of their friends and they tell a couple friends, and so on.

Just think about how quickly it could spread. If one person saw your message and told 2 people, who told 2 people, who told 2 people, and it continued… your message would quickly be in front of thousands of people.

Now imagine if 100 people started spreading your message, or 1,000 people. 

 You can see that it doesn’t take long before hundreds of thousands or even millions of people are visiting your site and buying your stuff.

Your Fans Create Word of Mouth Traffic FOR You While You Kick Back and Relax!

By creating something that’s worth talking about and passing along, you create a “buzz” that spreads across the Internet.

Imagine giving away a free report that sparks a “snowball effect” that grows into a “viral storm” of traffic and leads.

You start it all by giving it away to 100 people. Those 100 people use Twitter to tweet about it and each tweet twittergenerates 100 more views.

Now imagine if someone with 10,000 followers decides to tweet a message. Or they decide to post on Facebook and ask their 5,000 friends to check you out.

You could get 1,000 times more leads for almost NO money. All it takes is one strategically placed message and you’ll never have to worry about getting traffic again!

It can send floods of traffic to your site to see what the buzz is about. Once they like what they see, they pass the information along, and the buzz continues to grow.

It’s a Fast, Effective Way to Drive Traffic to Your Site… While NEVER Spending a Single Cent on Advertisment!


This is by far the most effective way to get word out about your site. That’s because people will listen to a friend or family member more than they’ll listen to you.

Because your message comes from a person they already know, it has more credibility than if the message showed up from someone they don’t know.  Once the word starts to spread, it can pick up size and speed, like a snowball rolling down a hill.

And the cool thing is… viral traffic is very FREE. So basically what you make… You keep.

When your message goes viral, not only will it send a flood of traffic to your site, but other sites will link to you… helping your site rank higher in the search engines.

Imagine Getting This Type of Traffic to Your Website 

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The Amount of Money you Can Make is AMAZING!

Up until now, getting a ton of traffic was either too hard to learn, too time consuming, or too darn expensive.

That’s why I created my very own 7-step system for generating a never-ending stream of ongoing, targeted VIRAL traffic that can skyrocket your profits, month after month.

Imagine waking up each morning, turning on your computer, and noticing that thousands of people passed around your message overnight, while you were sleeping.

Can you imagine how much potential revenue that could bring! 

Well… THAT kind of system for generating an unlimited amount of traffic is available!

Introducing “Viral Stampede System”

Viral Stampede Group Shot

Viral Stampede shows you, step by step, how to get thousands and thousands of visitors to your site… all virally and with other people sending these leads to you.

When you drive massive amounts of traffic, you can increase sales DRAMATICALLY!

You’ll get traffic from hundreds of websites that will snowball and grow bigger and bigger over time. You’ll get people talking about your website on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Not only will your traffic levels get higher and higher over time, but this will rank your site higher in the search engines as well.

More Traffic, More Sales, and MORE MONEY…


Not only will you have traffic coming from Blogs, websites, forums and social media sites… you’ll start getting a lot more love from Google as well.

I created this program to drive more traffic to my own sites!  But then I let a few of my good marketing friends use this on their launches and they were blown away!

Now you can have an army of people promoting your business FOR YOU for free. Within a few days of using this 7-step method… you’ll get more traffic than you’ve ever seen before!

You’ll harness the power of social media marketing so you can literally flood your site with leads and traffic.  This is the first step by step video course that takes you from just starting… to building an avalanche of viral traffic sent to your site!


It’s The Ultimate Viral Traffic Generation Program!

One viral stampede can bring in more sales and profits than anything else you do.

Imagine getting thousands of people out there posting on their Facebook accounts, Tweeting your message, writing Blog posts about you and your site and how amazing you are… All this plus more that will in turn create a MASSIVE avalanche of buzz about you and your sites and products!

Imagine having 100 people tell 100 other people? Then those 100 people post on social media sites and forums and thousands of others see it. All of the posts push more visitors to your site. 100 people can quickly refer 1,000 people.

Those 1,000 people can quickly refer 5,000 people and all those people come to check out what you offer… bringing a ton of potential sales and profits in the process! This stirs up word-of-mouth and that can bring you a TON of traffic and a small fortune very quickly!the snowball effect begins!  Imagine your site was posted on 5,000 Facebook Walls and tweeted on 5,000 Twitter accounts! 

How different would your life be if you could harness that kind of traffic and funnel it in to your website and marketing campaigns?

More Viral Traffic Means More Sales and Profits For You!

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This also saves you tons of time, money, and frustration by no longer needing to spend a ton of money on paid advertising or spending hours with SEO. 

And you’ll be doing it without having to beg people for Joint Ventures.

Finally, after all of the failed marketing campaigns, all the money wasted on PPC , and all of the frustration… you no longer have to worry about getting traffic.

You get 7 videos showing you exactly how to start a viral traffic campaign that brings you cash-in-hand customers to buy what you’re selling.

It can grow so fast and so large… you couldn’t stop it even if you wanted to!

Here’s what you’ll discover inside this video series:

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  • Get huge floods of visitors from viral traffic to your site almost instantly
  • Increase the exposure of your business, products or services quickly
  • Increase your earnings and profits
  • Focus your social marketing to achieve viral results
  • Learn Facebook strategies that get your friends to refer people to you
  • Attract Twitter followers to tweet for you
  • How to scale your business so you can cash in on the “power of numbers”
  • Traffic techniques more powerful than any paid traffic campaign.
  • Where to get BIG TRAFFIC and save more money instead of paying ad costs!
  • How to use the power of simple math to earn a huge income!
  • What millionaires marketers do to get traffic
  • The power of viral campaigns and how this alone can quadruple your income!
  • How to give away free information the right way to gain trust and customers.

[/red_arrow_list]Look, you’re probably fairly skeptical about some video course being the answer to your traffic worries. It sounds almost too good to be true… right?

Let Me Show You What A Few Of My Customers Have Said About This Course…

[testimonial3 author=”Yani B –” + pic=””]“It’s going to make alot of people ALOT OF MONEY”

I must say, this is REFRESHINGLY EASY to implement.

The information is in short, bite sized, memorable videos (no sitting in front your PC/MAC for hours and then promptly forgetting everything you just listened to except for the last 5 minutes) I’m biased towards pdfs, and these videos were fine for me.

Everything was laid out step by step; there really isn’t any way that you CAN’T make money with this system. The Bonus Video at the end I believe is worth the price of the entire product.

I’ve really never seen this method before; and I’m confident it will work. Viral Stampede really overdelivers; and I think that James has outdone himself this time. I’d gladly have paid for access to this.

It’s going to make alot of people A LOT OF MONEY.[/testimonial3]

[testimonial3 author=”Rhonda Lewis” + pic=””]“Over delivery at it’s best”

I don’t know how James even came up with this idea but it is very good. This viral traffic program will work like gangbusters when you follow the simple instructions that James has laid out in the video course.

They are only about 5 minutes long and easy to follow. The video course isn’t just about viral traffic but also how to get the most out of the traffic you will be receiving.

James has also added a lot of tools or aids to help you our along the way. This is over delivery at it’s best. Thanks James[/testimonial3]

[testimonial3 author=”Sir Timan –” + pic=””]“Drive traffic to your sites and blogs that literally snowballs out of control”

If you need more traffic, leads, optins, or you just want to increase  your bottom line with little to no additional work, then I recommend James’ Viral Stampede.

James takes you from start to finish on a method I’ve never heard of before on how to drive traffic to your sites and blogs that literally snowballs out of control, therefore sending your more traffic on a daily basis.

But what makes James’ Viral Stampede great is how easy it is to implement. He literally takes you step by step through the entire process in 7 easy-to-follow videos so anyone can use this to start getting traffic their site today.

So if you want traffic that grows and grows passively in a daily basis, then I recommend Viral Stampede… There’s simply nothing like it on the market.


[testimonial3 author=”Misha’el Fabien” + pic=””] must say I was a little skeptical of the promises made in the pitch, but James delivered.

He really takes the time to throw in the information that actually helps. Breaking things down step by step, and showing the methods he ACTUALLY uses, not just theory.

I am going to apply lots of this in my current projects. Thanks much man.[/testimonial3]

[testimonial3 author=”Guy Clarke” + pic=””]“It is a very powerful method that I will be implementing on my sites as of now”

Great work, James. Viral Stampede consists of 7 videos and a bonus. Every step of the process is explained with images and every detail is covered.

What you will learn is how to generate viral and highly targeted traffic to your website. I have not come across this method before. This is not something that has been rehashed from other WSOs and products. It is a very powerful method that I will be implementing on my sites as of now.

The whole process can be done without additional investments. There is one step in the process where you can opt to invest a small amount of many for quicker results, but it is optional.

In short, I think  Viral Stampede is wonderful – a must have if you want to increase traffic and sales![/testimonial3]

[testimonial3 author=”Nic Penrake – blogger and copywriter.” + pic=””]“If you’re trying to get traffic to your sites, blogs and offers, you’ll love this course”

In 7 easy-to-follow short videos James delivers a super-simple, razor-sharp strategy for getting tons more traffic to your sites – and of course your affiliate and sales links.

If you’re trying to get traffic to your sites, blogs and offers, you’ll love this course because you can get cracking with it right away and implement it in short sittings of 30 minutes here and there.

A complete no-brainer, in my view – perfect for newbies and veterans alike. [/testimonial3]

[testimonial3 author=”Jaime GM” + pic=””]“I give my thumbs up, for this”

James has a really good idea how to make things viral. He shows you how to set up these little campaigns that act this like a snowball for creating a lot of leads or sales, increasing overtime and working in automatic at the same time.

These information is provided in seven videos plus the bonus which also is very helpful, after checking this information I can say it is a tool for passive income and at the same time, it is a way of advertising under the radar, but working in a completely ethical way, I give my thumbs up, for this, and thank you James for sharing these valuable ideas.[/testimonial3]

Are You Ready To End Your Traffic Worries?

These 7 videos will pull back the curtain and show you what it actually takes to create a viral traffic storm that can’t be stopped even if you wanted it to.

Each video covers an important part of making your campaign go viral… and they all come together to give you the big picture.

Let me share with you the exact topics we’ll cover in these money-making videos:

Step 1: Give ’em What They Want

The first thing we’ll do is find out the best kind of prospects to target. This is very important because if you get this wrong, it’ll diminish the viral potential of your campaign greatly.

You’ll learn how to structure your viral campaign for maximum potential and find out who to target and how to guarantee you’ll make your viral campaign hit the ground running and send you massive amounts of free leads to your site every single day without fail.

Step 2: Creating Your Traffic-Sucking Viral Stampede Magnet

Now that you know the people to target, I’ll show you how to create something I like to call “Viral Stampede Magnets”. What these Viral Stampede Magnets do is go out there and generate you free, passive traffic 24/7 on complete auto-pilot.

And don’t worry; this is super easy to do and only takes minutes to create your very own Viral Stampede Magnet…. You’re going to love it when you see it 🙂

Step 3: Deploying Viral Weapon No1 For Mass Exposure

Now that you have your Viral Stampede magnet primed and ready, I’ll show you how to get people to share it like crazy. This will result in your Viral Stampede Magnet to spread through the internet like a uncontrollable wild fire – sending you more and more free, passive traffic that multiplies practically on a daily basis.

It’s really cool stuff this and I think you’re going to be blown away by this video alone 🙂

Step 4: The “Eyeball” Page

In this video I’ll show you how to quickly create your very own “Eyeball” page. Your Eyeball page will act as your sales man will go out there and make people take action and spread the word about you and your site and how amazing you are!

After implementing this, you’ll have people talking about you on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest…And all the other Social Networking sites. People will even be Blogging and talking how amazing you are in forums, all with links pointing back to your site!

Just imagine what this one video alone will for your Google rankings…

Step 5: The Stealth Recruitment Method

In this step, I’m going to show you how to turn your new found viral visitors into dedicated followers that will go out there and promote your site – opening up multiple traffic streams on a daily basis.

This is powerful stuff but the best part is… I’ll show you how to position yourself so it looks like you’re doing them the favour, yet they’re doing all the hard work getting YOU traffic around the clock.

Step 6: Connecting The Dots

Now that we’ve got to step 6  – it’s time to join the dots up and I show you how in a matter of minutes in this short, yet to the point video… Easy peasy 🙂

Step 7: Four Ways to Integrate Your Viral Campaign into Your Business for Free, Massive, Passive Traffic

In this video I’m going to show you 4 easy ways how you can simply “plug” your Viral Stampede campaign into your own business so it generates you “hands free” traffic that snowballs bigger and bigger till the point you’re driving thousands of visitors to your site every single day.


You Get 7 Powerful Traffic Videos in all…

There’s no reason to keep stumbling in the dark, trying everything and anything you can to get more traffic.its-easy

Once you learn these 7 steps… you’ll be using the power of the internet to leverage your products and services on a LARGE scale so you can sell more and make more.

You can just follow the same exact system that I’ve personally used to make $1,553 each and every day, with just part time hours from home.

This will help you dominate any market and pump large amounts of cash into your bank account each and every day like clockwork. 

You can easily start funnelling INSANE amounts of targeted traffic within minutes! Send a surge of traffic to your squeeze page, flood your site with high quality traffic, and make a killing with CPA or affiliate offers.

What you get are all of my strategies, tactics, and techniques I’ve learned that are responsible for generating MILLIONS of visitors to my sites each year. 

So How Much Does It Cost?

Well, let me ask, if the only thing this did was save you from wasting more of your hard earned money on expensive pay per click ads… it would be worth $297?

If the only thing this did was make you the minimum of $1,553 a day like it has for me… it would be worth $297, right?

If the only thing that this did was help you stop spending hours and hours of your time on tedious search engine optimization… it would be worth $297, yes?

If the only thing it did was make it so you didn’t have to beg affiliates or other marketers to do Joint Ventures with you… that’s worth $297, yes?

Well, the good news is… Viral Stampede does every one of those and more! But I’m not even going to think about asking you to pay $297. In fact, it won’t even cost you HALF of that.


If you take advantage of this special offer right now, your total investment is just $97 $47.

The reason why it’s this inexpensive is simple: People on my list wanted me to share my no:1 traffic method I use to drive free traffic to my sites and blogs.

So as a special favour to my list, I’m going to share my entire Viral Stampede system to the first 100 people who take action at this special discount.

Now I can only release a 100 copies, otherwise the power of the Viral Stampede system will diminish the more people who get access to it.

So if you want in at the discounted price of $97 $47 then make sure to ACT NOW otherwise miss out forever on this life-changing information.

ORDER NOW and You’ll Also Receive This Awesome Bonus, Worth $97, Absolutely Free!


The Trojan Horse method will show you how to get hundreds of people in minutes to promote your site like crazy…

…And you look a total legend in the process 😉

As it goes, this is pretty sneaky and “under the radar” stuff and I think you’ll be shocked how easy, yet powerful this method is when you see it.

(And don’t worry: this is totally ethical to do – in fact, people will LOVE you for it 😉

But the best part is… NOBODY is doing this! And I would love to share this method with you when you grab your Viral Stampede today… So act now!

You’re Now Standing at the Crossroads…

Of the two roads before you, the one on the left is the road you’ve been traveling already… it’s rough, uphill, and full of pain and toil.

On the right, it’s smooth, paved, and proven to be the easiest way to drive floods of free, passive traffic to your sites in just a matter of days from now.

If you want to be somewhere different than you are now, you’ll have to do something different.

Choose the right road. I promise you… it will be worth it.



[green_tick_1_list width=”100%”]

  •  INSTANT ACCESS: to a powerful viral traffic system that will send massive, passive traffic to your site that will literally snowball out of control…
  • INSTANT ACCESS: to a tried and tested methods that are not only proven to work for James, but everyone else who’ve implemented the EXACT SAME system you’re getting access today…
  •  INSTANT ACCESS: to the “Trojan Horse” method worth $97 that will DRAMATICALLY increase your traffic and as a result will get you MORE traffic, MORE leads and of course… Make you MORE money!


Original Price: $97 Today: $47

[add_to_cart_btn_style_3_no_paypal link=”″ + target=”_self”] [/add_to_cart_btn_style_3_no_paypal]



James Scholes

P.S.  Imagine waking up to 3,000 new subscribers… 2,000 new links to your site… 25 new YouTube Videos… 300 new Facebook posts… 50 new Tweets… 216 Blogposts and 83 forum post… ALL raving about you and your site!

Well, it can happen and I’ll show you how – step by step. This really is the key to exploding your list, traffic and profits and the quickest, easiest way possible!

You just need to “Click the Add to Cart Button”and let’s get started!