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James Scholes
March 12, 2021Got a question about what’s been taught in this particular video?
If so, no problem, just leave your question below and I’ll get back to you with an answer to your question as soon as I can.
If you’ve got more than one question by the way, make sure to number each question.
For example, like this:
This way, it makes it easier for me to answer each question and easier for you to find the answer to the corresponding question.
Enjoy the video anyway 🙂
James Scholes
Kempez Charles
May 10, 2021Hi sir i would like you to help me please about the Market Health i did create in account with them like you showed on the video but i cannot get the link that you show (the preview link for the product research)
James Scholes
May 10, 2021Hey Kempez,
What I recommend you to do is to simply Google “how to get affiliate link in markethealth” and you’ll find tons of how-to articles on how to find your affiliate link.
Another thing you can do is to click on the “Video” tab after searching for it in Google if you want a video tutorial on it.
That way, you can see first-hand on how to find your affiliate link in Market Health.
Hope this helps anyway 🙂
James Scholes
Kempez Charles
May 10, 2021Thank you for your respond!!1
James Scholes
May 10, 2021You’re welcome.
Oh, and don’t forget to checkout part 2 when I mail it to you as this will show you how to further enhance this method.
Best of luck with it anyway 🙂
Kempez Charles
May 10,
Subject: Discontinuation of Service in the United States
April 16, 2020
Dear Savefrom User:
As you may have heard, our industry has been under strenuous attacks by certain US copyright holders. Because of these attacks, it has become financially impractical for Savefrom to continue to provide services in the United States.
Accordingly, Savefrom will be terminating its services in the United States as of April 28, 2020.
We thank you for your past loyalty and patronage and wish you health and safety during the present health crisis and beyond.
Very truly yours,
I have another issue with this app what other app can you recommend me to use to download the Youtube video .Thank you and have a wonderful day
James Scholes
May 10, 2021Don’t worry, this is super easy to fix…
Once again, just Google “free youtube to mp4 converter” and you’ll find tons of sites that will do this instantly for you free of charge.
Kempez Charles
May 10, 2021Thank you very much again for your respond!!
James Scholes
May 10, 2021You’re welcome 🙂
July 21, 2021Hi sir, thank you for sharing me this video, this is amazing trick. If you have not mind than I want to ask you some question sir,
1. can I use click bank product? this trick really works?
thank you.
James Scholes
July 21, 2021You’re welcome, Ayush… Glad you’re diggin’ the training.
Here’s the answers to your questions anyway:
1. Yes, you can use Clickbank products or any affiliate network for that matter.
2. Yes, it still works great.
Good luck with it anyway 🙂
James Scholes
March 26, 2022Savefrom is no longer available in the UK. Whats a good free trusted alternative ? Im weary about downloading any old software
I have a Mac .
thank you
James Scholes
March 28, 2022Hi Natalie,
Just head to your preferred search engine and look up “download Youtube video free online” and you should find tons of sites that will download the video to your computer.
I recommend using the online services than downloading software to your computer as these apps can be riddled with viruses, you see.
Hope this helps and best of luck with it too 🙂
James Scholes
Duncan Pearson
March 28, 2022Hi James
Thankyou for the $688 a day – free video
I was trying to use the ss youtube technique you referred to in your video.
It appears that this service is no longer available.
Do you have any alternative suggestions
Duncan Pearson
See below
Discontinuation of Service in the United Kingdom
Dear Savefrom User:
As you may have heard, our industry has been under strenuous attacks by certain UK copyright holders. Because of these attacks, it has become financially impractical for Savefrom to continue to provide services in the United Kingdom.
Accordingly, Savefrom will be terminating its services in the United Kingdom.
We thank you for your past loyalty and patronage and wish you health and safety during the present health crisis and beyond.
Very truly yours,
Save from
James Scholes
March 29, 2022Hey Duncan,
All you need to do is head to your preferred search engine and do a search for “Download Youtube Free Service” and you’ll find tons of sites where you can download Youtube videos for free.
All you do is paste in the URL for the Youtube video and it’ll then download to your computer.
Hope this helps, mate 🙂
James Scholes
Duncan Pearson
March 29, 2022Many thanks James
July 28, 2022Hi James it s impossible to find a genuine review on YouTube, all the review are made to seel the product with artificial voice and the bitly link at the end, tried more than 15 different health products from clickbank and digistore24 (the website you suggest in the video to sign up ask for a website and i don’t have it yet) .
Do you have any advice to this problem that doesn’t let me finish ur method?
Thanks in advance as always….sorry for my ignorance, but I’m here to learn.
James Scholes
July 28, 2022Hey there,
What you can do is to simply find reviews for another product instead.
If you’re still struggling then try finding reviews for another product from another affiliate network.
Here’s some affiliate networks you can checkout:
There’s many more and you can find them by simply Googling “Affiliate network list”.
That said, what I’ve given you should be more than enough for you to get started and make money from.
Another thing you can do is to use another video platform and look for reviews there.
Here’s a list of video sharing sites:
Daily Motion
So there you have it, there’s numerous additional ways you can improve your results and hopefully make money with.
Best of luck with it 🙂
James Scholes
Jerrald Elliott
September 20, 2022Yes, I was trying to find a way to make money online and I have a little experience in affiliate marketing and I stumbled across this advertisement online, this online system was pretty cheap and supposed to be a one-time fee that this millionarie name Misha Wilson was doing, he’s well known for his expertise on how to make lots of money with affiliate marketing and strategies, but as I got farther into the trading courses he introduced you to some more products to upgrade after he gets you involved with these training videos and how everything’s done for you, which I didn’t like, trying to get you to upgrade and everything, he said it was essential for you to make more money faster, it didn’t make any sense to keep going with the rest of the training process after he said that it was only a one-time fee, knowing that he’s initial plan all alone was to get you to purchase more products and in the training he discussed
the same thing you was talking about, the kind people to look for and the products to promote, but he says if go outside of the health, wealth and relationships market you want make any money, but I saw where you say that you can make money outside of those mentioned, then he was talking about where to find free traffic and free advertisement to promote the product you’re trying to sell, then he went on about an email profit page that will send customers through this email funnel once you get their email information, to build an email list to where you can make more money and have passive income from the email list of people thinking about purchasing. It sounded good, but they just wanted to much money that alot of people don’t have cause they wouldn’t of purchased the system in the first place if he wouldn’t of lied trying to deceive people into buying more than what they want to. I wasn’t going to give up just because of that, I just wasn’t going to spend more more money and knew it had to be a better way without have to spend alot of money just to make money. That’s when I came across your ad on Facebook and decided to give this a try, to get out of my financial situation am in right now, but if you are supposed to be helping people to get out of there financial situations and you’re rich, why would you deceive people to invest more money to upgrade if you’re trying to help people, it seems like the other way around to me, you make as well be scamming innocent people out of their money .
James Scholes
September 20, 2022Hey Jerrald, nice to meet you.
With what you’ve said, I’m not deceiving anyone…
On my site I offered a free guide on how to make money from start to finish, which you’ve got.
Also, over the next few days and weeks I’ll be sending you more training on how to make money and affiliate marketing techniques you can have free too.
Yes, I have products to sell but they’re completely optional.
You can simply ignore them and just opt to use the free training I send you instead – your call, basically.
The products are there is you want to accelerate the process, but like I said, you can ignore them and just use the free training instead.
I hope this clears things up for you and best of luck with this free training as well.
James Scholes
P.S. I’ve got more free training coming tomorrow so don’t forget to check that out too.
December 31, 2022I’m not able to view the video of the part 1 is it available or taken down?
James Scholes
December 31, 2022Hi Nikhil,
I’ve just tried the video at my end and it’s playing fine.
Try another browser like Edge, Firefox, Chrome etc as these type of issues are normally browser issues.
Another thing you can do is delete the cache and cookies in your current browser and see how that goes for you.
Hope this helps anyway 🙂
James Scholes
Robert Morries
July 7, 2023It’s always exciting to come across free training opportunities! Thank you for sharing the “$688 a Day” training. I’m eager to dive in and learn some valuable insights. Appreciate it!
James Scholes
July 8, 2023You’re welcome, Robert.
There’s more training heading your way so keep your eyes peeled for them.
Good luck 🙂
James Scholes