How to get Ranked in Google FAST & Profit using my “Zero Effort” Trick


Pssst… Wanna know a little secret?

It’s a goodun’ I swear – it’ll help you out big time, in fact.

Okay, I’ll spill the beans – but before I do – I’ve got a little rant to get of my chest.

It’s been buggin’ me for a while actually, so I’m just gonna come right out and say it…

You know what sucks?

Building backlinks!notime

Now don’t get me wrong – backlinks are awesome and get you crazy rankings in Google.

…But building ’em just ain’t fun, man.

I mean, think about it:

You need hundreds of the buggers to get decent rankings these days.

And to go out there and to build each and everyone one separately – it soon becomes a tedious and repetitive process.

And to think you’ve got to repeat the ENTIRE process all over again when you want to rank a another webpage.

I know, right… Who’s got time for that?

Thankfully, my little secret solves this dilemma in a pinch 😉

So what’s this secret I hear you cry?

Well come a little closer and I’ll tell you…

SEO-curveYou see, the big boys – as in the true masters of SEO – don’t build their their own links.

What they do, is to get somebody else to do all the grunt work for ’em.

So while somebody else doing all the graft, these guys can work on far, far more profitable things  in their business.

…And you know what?

You should be doing the EXACT same thing too!

Screw doing all the hard work – get somebody to do it for you I say.

So in today’s post I’m going to show how to build backlinks… Da smart way!

And get this…

These ain’t any ol’ backlinks either.

These are high quality, PR backlinks that’ll get you ranked in Google fast.

In fact, when I’ve done this, I’ve hit the first page of results in the matter of days.

Pretty nifty, right 🙂

Anyway, I won’t keep you waiting, here’s how the pros do it… Enjoy!


Enjoyed the vid and want more?

If so, and you want some more awesome training from yours truly…

…Then I’ve got a really cool treat for ya 🙂

In this video, I show you really cool way of making around $1000+ a day online.


All you do is, follow the easy step by step video instructions… Then simply profit.

Easy peasy, right 🙂

It’s really cool stuff anyway and I think you’ll dig it when you see it.

You can watch it here anyway… Enjoy!



10 replies on “How to get Ranked in Google FAST & Profit using my “Zero Effort” Trick”

Absolutely brilliant training James. I will be giving this a go when I get home.

Brilliant training as well… Keep it up!


Thank you James for this, I’ve been struggling to rank my website in Google for some time now and this looks like it’ll be a massive help.

Good to hear from you btw James. Love your training as it’s always straight to the point and always very valuable.


Matty B

Thanks, Matty… Appreciate it, mate 🙂

Yeah, give it a go – this is what I always do when I wanna rank in Google.

Pretty sure it’ll work for you – and anyone else – who puts it into action.

Good luck with it anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hey James! I tried this method and when I reviewed the blogs/sites they made for me, each site was exactly the same with only the contextual link changed (for keyword variation). Isn’t having the same content on each page a bad thing and doesn’t it get you slapped with Google? Or is it not as big of a deal as I am thinking it is?

Hey Seth,

I’m afraid what you did won’t work…

This is because Google doesn’t rank duplicate content – it MUST be unique.

So the fact that you’ve got the same content on all the sites will get your sites penalised and rank you lower in Google… No matter how many high quality, high PR backlinks you point towards ’em.

The only way around this is to make sure you have unique content on every single page otherwise you won’t be able to rank ’em in Google.

Hope this helps anyway, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Thanks James for this wonderful sharing, I’ve been trying to rank my website in Google for some time now and I believe that your sharing will help me to achieve my goal. Your training is to follow and anyone can do it.

You’re welcome, Paul… Always happy to help, mate.

And yeah, definitely give it a go – I’ve ranked tons of sites and vids using this particular method.

Just make sure your website is optimised first so when you do this, you’ll hit the ground running and get ranked in the quickest time possible.

If you’re not sure how to do this, I do have some free additional training showing you how to optimise your website right here:

Hope this helps anyway, buddy.

Good luck,

James Scholes

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