How to get Google to Optimise Your Site for FREE & Get TOP Rankings


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21 replies on “How to get Google to Optimise Your Site for FREE & Get TOP Rankings”

Thank you, Rakel.

If I get enough interest, I’ll definitely go for it.

It’s just going to be quite complicated to teach as there’s many parts to it and I have to find the best way to teach it.

I’ll keep you posted if I go ahead with it anyway.

I’ve got some other training coming next week and if you enjoyed today’s video, I think you’re going to get a lot of value from next week’s training too.

So yeah, keep an eye out for that as well.

See you then, Rakel 🙂

James Scholes

Yeah James, would love to learn this stuff from you. Your trainings are always informative, thurough and easy to understand. THANKS!

Thank you, Diane… Appreciate your kind words.

As it goes, I’m working some training for next week (hopefully) and I think you’re gonna love it when you see it.

I’ll keep you posted if I go ahead and do it anyway.

Thanks again,

James Scholes

Hey James

Yet another golden nugget!

Please just keep on doing what you do so well.

Thanks and cheers mate!


Thanks for all your trouble and valuable infor mation. I would appreciate if you put me also on the list if you release more info on ranking of our site’s.Thanks you are the greatest.

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