$10,000+ Demo

Here’s what people said after seeing the ‘incomplete’ version:


40 replies on “$10,000+ Demo”

James I need this so right now. I’m a email marketer and I know you’ll deliver massively on this. I just hope I’m one of the 100 who gets this.

Thank you, Renee.

I’m really glad you have faith in me.

I’m gonna try my hardest to deliver on this and I think you’ll see that once inside.

Hope you get in too anyway.

See you Monday 🙂

James Scholes

I can’t wait for this. I’ve got your EWF course and if it’s half as good as that then count me in. See you Monday!


Thanks, Pete.

This new course is basically the sequel to the EWF.

So if you’re getting results from the EWF and you really wanna ramp things up dramatically… Then this is it.

See you Monday too, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James

I really want to buy this course but I don’t know if this will be right for me. I’m email marketing myself and to be honest, the results have been mediocre to say the least. Will your course help me?



Hey Ash… Hope you’re okay.

To answer your question: if you’re an email marketer but if you’re struggling to get your list respond or you’re not making as much money as you want… Then I would say this is the best course for right this minute.

It’ll show you how to make your list responsive again and make massive paydays… Even if you’ve got a small, burned out email list.

Hope this helps anyway, Ash 🙂

James Scholes

Hey James it’s Stephen here.

Just letting you know I enjoyed this video like all your other videos and I can’t wait to get access to your course. Can’t wait to see what you’ve got in stall for us.

Keep up the good work!


Thank you, Steph… Appreciate it, buddy.

And I’ve got some really cool stuff in stall as well.

This is way bigger than my EWF course so there’s tons inside and there’s multiple ways you can use this course too.

It’s really powerful stuff, indeed.

I’ll see you Monday anyway, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Hey James,

I’m afraid I can’t – even if I wanted to.

This is because I haven’t finished it still!

I’m still making videos for it so I should have it done by Monday – hence why it’s coming out then.

See you then anyway, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Hey James,

Will previous customers of Evergreen Wealth Formula, get access to this?

Or will we need to buy it?

Hey Carl,

Well it’s a completely new course with new content so everyone will have to pay to get access to it.

I installed in the EWF member’s area just to make it easy for current EWF members as it puts everything in one area.

Hope this helps answer’s your question anyway, Carl 🙂

James Scholes

Ey up James,

Looking forward to the new courses, just left my day job as well so i will be able to put 100% on this

Thanks again mate 🙂

Eh up, Steve.

Well it’s completely different course with all new content so there’s cost for everyone – including the EWF members.

I only put it in there just to make it super easy so you won’t need to login and out of multiple accounts all the time to get access to the training.

Hope this explains it anyway, Steve 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James This sounds really great! How much is it going to cost James just so I can make sure I’ve got enough money in my account?


Hi Bro,
This seems very amazing and I have no doubt that this is going to
produce like you are telling. Can wait to get hold of it.
See you then Bro James.

Thanks, Stan.

I think you’re gonna really dig what’s inside – lots of stuff I’ve never taught before and it really delivers when it comes to making those paydays.

I’ll see you Monday anyway, mate 🙂

James Scholes

How much is the course? And is Monday the day you’ll give us the link to buy the course? In other words you’ll be emailing the link to us Monday at 9am PST (my time).

Hey John… Hope you’re okay, mate.

Anyway, lets answer your questions for you:

1: I didn’t put it down yet ’cause I’m not sure yet, but I think it’s gonna be $297

2: Yup, that’s right. I’ll be emailing the link to you and my list at that time.

Hope this answer’s your questions anyway, John 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Chinye… Hope you’re okay.

To answer your question: yes, you can do this in Nigeria.

In fact, as long as you’ve got a computer and a internet connection… You can do this anywhere in the world.

Hope this helps anyway, Chinye 🙂

James Scholes

I already purchased your Evergreen method. I want this new $10,000 + Paid day System. You said if I already purchased Evergreen, you will give a copy to me with no extra charge. I would like a copy of it. Don’t leave me out.

Best Regards,
Carroll P Florey

Hey Carroll… Hope you’re okay, mate.

First up, I never said EWF members will get it free so I’m not sure where you heard that.

It’s a completely new course with all new content you see.

So you have to pay to get access – including EWF members.

I only put it in the EWF member’s area just to make it super easy and convenient for EWF members that’s all.

It’s out on Monday and they’ll only be a 100 copies available by the way.

Hope this helps anyway, Carroll 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Venkatesh… Hope you’re okay, mate.

Anyway, lets answer your questions for you:

1. This course is for email marketers.

So if you know how to build squeeze pages and you’ve already got a list… Then this is absolutely awesome for you.

It’ll show you how to make your list – regardless how small or burned out it is – and make those $10K+ paydays in 30 days from now.

If you don’t have a list and you don’t have basic website skills like building squeeze pages… Then this isn’t for you I should imagine.

If you are a complete beginner, then I recommend my Evergreen Wealth Formula as that will take you from start to finish on how to make money online in easy to follow step by step video tutorials anyone can follow.

2. I think it’s gonna be $297.

Hope this helps anyway, Venkatesh 🙂

Stay awesome my friend,

James Scholes

Hey James,

Thanks for the follow-up and I’m really looking forward to securing your “sequel” to EWF on Monday.



P.S. I’m done with being caught up with the “business of life”

You’re welcome, JC.

I’ll be sending another email out today with something else I think you’ll be interested in.

It’s a last minute kinda thing but I think you’ll love it when you see it.

See you then, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Venkateshbabu… Hope you’re okay, mate.

To answer your question: it depends on how you implement the system.

Each module can be used individually in every other aspect of your marketing – whether it’s email marketing, blogging, video and article marketing… Whatever really and you won’t need to create product to make money.

Now if you follow the entire course – and you want the best results – then it would help to create a product.

Thankfully, I’ve created a entire module on how to create and sell your own extremely profitable product quickly and easily.

But if you don’t wanna, you can use it without a product.

By the way, dunno if you’ve seen this yet, but I’ve just posted another video.

You can watch it here:


It’s all about how to get free Skype training of me. So if you’re interested… Check it out.

Hope this helps anyway, Venkateshbabu 🙂

James Scholes

hello there James,

I may have misunderstood your above video? because I have logged intio the EWF members
area however I am not seeing the additional moduals please clarify.

Kind regards

Hey Heather… Hope you’re okay.

To answer your question: it’s a completely new course with all new content.

So everyone as to pay – including EWF members.

I only put it in the EWF member’s area just to make it super easy and convenient for EWF members as it keeps everything in one area for you.

It’s live right now if you wanna check it out:


But they’ll only be a 100 copies available at launch and with 849 people interested… I should imagine it’ll get sold out quickly.

Plus, I’m giving away free one on one skype consultation to the first 50 people who grabs it.

So if you want that too, I would recommend grabbing it at launch.

It’s good hearing from you anyway, Heather, and I hope everything is good at your end 🙂

James Scholes

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