In This Part of The FREE Training Series, You're About To Discover...

How Drive Traffic and Make EASY Sales TODAY Using This FREE Software

IMPORTANT: Part 3 Will Be Emailed To You Tomorrow So Make Sure To Whitelist My Email So You Don't Miss It or End Up In Your Spam

Resources Mentioned in This Video:

First Video <= Watch this first if you haven’t yet

Become a Evergreen Wealth Formula Member Here

Get TubeBuddy FREE Here

Side Note: James here with a super quick message for you. Make sure to stick around till the end of the video as I have something special which I think you’ll want in on. Trust me: you’ll see what I mean at the end of the video 🙂


  • James Scholes

    Reply Reply March 12, 2021

    Got a question about what’s been taught in this particular video?

    If so, no problem, just leave your question below and I’ll get back to you with an answer to your question as soon as I can.

    If you’ve got more than one question by the way, make sure to number each question.

    For example, like this:




    This way, it makes it easier for me to answer each question and easier for you to find the answer to the corresponding question.

    Enjoy the video anyway ?

    James Scholes

  • Cazz One

    Reply Reply July 27, 2022

    Hi I like ur tutorials a lots, I hope I hope u’ll make me do the 1st sale of my life 🤞🤞
    I’m putting all myself to learn how start some business on the web, I’m Italian, i lived in London 4 about 8 years and now I’m in mexico since the 2014 and the working situation s getting harder, i promise with all my heart that i ll buy the evergreen tutorial,. But now with the pesos i make is impossible imagine 1€ = 24 pesos.
    1) the affiliate platform u presented when I sign up they want my website, i don’t have it, what should I write ?
    2) When i shorted links with i put the shorter link under a video description, when I go to try if they works, happened that google flagged them as a suspicious links because they are hiding something, if this ll happen how can I fix it?

    3) i have more than 20 expired domains with more than 20 DA, Id like to finish this course now then i ll go back to the 3 hours tutorial, but those domains that i selected checking the first 50 pages they ll b still good to use or i ll have check them again?

    I like ur accent , but is not a London accent I think…

    • James Scholes

      Reply Reply July 27, 2022

      Hey Cazz, nice to meet you.

      First up, really glad you’re getting value from my tutorials.

      It means a lot when I read stuff like that.

      Anyway, here’s the answers to your questions…

      1. Try leaving it blank if you can.

      Also, this method will work with any affiliate network as well.

      So if you can’t use this affiliate program, then use another like Clickbank, JVZoo, OfferVault etc instead.

      2. You can just put the link in without a shortener.

      You can also try another link shortener service simply by Googling “link shortener” and see if that works for you.

      3. It depends on the domains – the more desirable the domains, the quicker they’ll get snapped up.

      So if you find a really good one, my advice is to buy it straight away otherwise someone else will end up buying it.

      I’m English by the way, but no, I’m not from London, I live north of England (Leeds).

      Hope this helps anyway, mate 🙂

      Good luck,

      James Scholes

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