Get massive, passive traffic for life doing this…


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24 replies on “Get massive, passive traffic for life doing this…”

You rock James! You’ve given me a revelation on how to get traffic to my wordpress site. I have a question for you, can this be outsourced or do you have to create the content myself?

Finally got around to doing your evergreen formula course as I bought it months ago but I got distracted with other shiny object. I followed your quick start guide and I made 2 sales with it!!! It definitely reinvigorates your motivation when you get sales notifications in your inbox!!


You’re welcome, Jacob… Glad it helped 🙂

Regarding your question: yes, you can outsource this method if you want to.

However, make sure it’s awesome quality content.

If the content is low quality – or worse still – duplicate content… Then this isn’t going to work.

Me personally, I create all my content, but if you want to hire someone else to create it, then that will work perfectly fine.

Oh, and that’s awesome you’re getting results with the EWF course.

All you’ve gotta do now is to scale it up until you hit your desired income level.

Good luck and keep up the good work, Jacob 🙂

James Scholes

Thanks for this James, I’ve been struggling with traffic for while. Will this work for the weight loss market by the way??

Hey James,

I have to tell you, that was an awesome video. Your method for getting traffic from social media really does work. The secret is consistency. Here’s a great suggestion for those visiting this post. If you want to use this method, and are wanting to make it a bit simpler to implement, set up a blog through word press, and when you create articles, schedule their publishing in the control panel of your blog. This way, all you would have to do is put the link out there every day, after it is published on your blog, according to when you scheduled it. Maybe, do a week’s worth of articles at a time, and schedule them for publishing, one article a day. Try it, and I’m willing to bet you’ll love the suggestion.

Thanks again for the great video.


Thanks, Joseph… Glad you enjoyed it.

Also, thanks for the additional tips too – they’re always appreciate it.

As it goes, I tend to write a load of posts before posting of them.

I even do the same with my Youtube channel as well.

But yeah, consistency is key…

Just stick it out and it’s only a matter of time before you succeed.

Besides, you can never fail if you never give up, right 😉

Thanks again, Joseph.

James Scholes

Thanks James, and if you have a video site I think it is equally applicable, if you put up self made or others ( curated) new videos or featuring new ones continually in same way as text articles on a blog or not ?

Hey Rolfa,

Yes, you can definitely apply this to a lot of things.

Me personally, I use this on my Blog and my Youtube channel.

But you can do this with social media sites like Facebook Fanpages and stuff like that, really.

Just as long you’re pumping out quality, unique content consistently then it’ll work for you – regardless what platform you use.

Good luck with it anyway, Rolfa 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James

Thanks for the informative video. What is your opinion on sharing other articles not created by you, but still relevant to build an audience? For example, if I have a Facebook page about cars, I then share car related articles from other sources in order to get more likes.

Hi Mahesh,

Yeah, you can do that if you want and it’ll work fine – providing it’s quality content, of course.

However, I believe your main focus should be on creating your own content.

You see, when you create your own content, it does a few things for you…

First up, each piece of content you create has the potential to get you traffic for years to come.

Secondly, the more people consume your content, the stronger your brand becomes in their eyes.

So yeah, you can use other people’s content, but remember…

You’re ultimately in business to build your own business, not other peoples’.

And using other peoples’ content is not going to build your business and brand is it.

So get into the habit of creating your own content, and after a while, it’ll come second nature to you.

And if your content is good… People will share YOUR content and build YOUR brand for you 😉

Hope this helps anyway, buddy.

Good luck,

James Scholes

Hi James

You are OUT OF THIS WORLD! Seriously YES 🙂 ! After watching your video, i am started getting traffic although amount is not very big. I hope it will increase.

Please visit my blog learningcms DOT com and give some suggestions.

Thanks again

Thank you James
I am just wanting to start some new mwebsites
I did have one a few years back
It was all you recommened
i had so much “How To ” Stuff
People flocked to me in thousands
Wrote to me in hundreds
Recommended me to others
And You Know I never made adime
I did not know how to set it up for payments
How stupid I was
Am now restrarting (with your advice I love you Thank you
I am elderly so am allowed to say i love you
Thank you so much for your honesty and help

Hi Anne,

It’s such a shame to hear that.

You was able to drive that much traffic but you didn’t monetise it.

Well, if you’ve done it once, I’m pretty sure you can do it again.

So keep at it and it’s only a matter of time before you crack it.

Good luck,

James Scholes

Always good stuff to learn from you James. I would like to know, how come the comments below do not have dates or times stamped on them? I would like to see how current the viewers are. Thank you, kathy

Hey Kathy,

First up, really glad you’re diggin’ my stuff… Appreciate it.

Regarding your question: I turn them off because I teach generally “evergreen” method… Like this method in particular.

So there’s no need for dates etc as the method will work.

And if it doesn’t, I wouldn’t mail it you in the first place.

Hope this helps anyway, Kathy 🙂

James Scholes

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