Start Spittin’ Out Commissions as soon as TODAY using this Zero-Cost Trick even Complete NEWBIES can EASILY Profit from


If you’re thinking of getting the Evergreen Wealth Formula, then it’s very important you read this…

You see, there’s a scam going round and it’s tricking A LOT of people – especially people who are new to internet marketing.

I’m going to tell what it is, how to avoid it and back everything up with rock-solid proof too.

>> To see what this scam is and how to avoid it, just click here <<


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If so, You Can Grab My “$1K a Day” blueprint Where I Walk You Step by Step Through the Entire Process Here:



56 replies on “Start Spittin’ Out Commissions as soon as TODAY using this Zero-Cost Trick even Complete NEWBIES can EASILY Profit from”

Thanks, Robbie… Appreciate it, mate.

And yeah, it’s a awesome traffic method too.

It literally generate instant traffic to your blog.

It’s super targeted too – so if you’re marketing good – you’re guaranteed to bag a sale or two along the way.

Good luck with it anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Chris… Hope you’re okay, mate.

Regarding your question: I would recommend to send the traffic to a blog instead.

If you do want to send the traffic to your squeeze – make sure to deliver massive value in the answer you give.

Also, mix it in with other links too to make it less spammy looking.

Hope this helps anyway, Chris.

Good luck,

James Scholes

Hi James,

Thanks for the training.
Can this work going straight to a sales page or affiliate link?
I’m also interested in promoting your product.
Will drop you an email.


Hey Yani,

I wouldn’t recommend promoting a sales page or a direct link to an affiliate offer.

If you do this, your answers will get down voted and then nobody will see it.

What you can do is sign up to my affiliate program, build a free blog using Blogger and and embed my videos on it and put your affiliate link to my squeeze page as I always plug my squeeze page in the videos you see.

If you do this, you’re delivering value and they’ll checkout the link which leads to more free content and me promoting my course.

And you make $50 for every sale you make too.

It works great and it’s worked great for others I’ve shared this method with too.

Drop me an email and I’ll send you a link to my affiliate program anyway.

Hope this helps, Yani 🙂

James Scholes

Thanks for the video James. All these little snippets are invaluable. I’m keeping them all for implementing as soon as possible.


Hi James

As always, you explain everything by fingers and toes, fantastic tutorial and very inspirational for me, to be able to start working on my review for you, I am OK and thank you for your concern when we last spoke. Hope you don’t mind me saying James something about myself here in what I do.

Hey Guys

All James’s members especially new comers please don’t have any doubts you have got yourself a brilliant teacher here. And if any of you want to know how to manage your business please inbox me at the moment at [email protected] so I can add you to my list, My niche’s are Writing and Business management. and can help you set up your business using free methods, and help you to write good articles about your niches.

Thanks all and thank You James
Mrs L A Gibb

Dear James, I wanted to watch your video, but it said a plug -in is needed!! Not sure how to go about this?

Regards Rose.

Hey Rose,

It’s a Youtube video so it should play without a hitch, really.

It could be that you’re missing a driver or something.

Also, it could be a browser issue, too.

So try watching the video in another browser like Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc and see it’ll play then.

Hope this helps anyway, Rose 🙂

James Scholes

Hi there. How do I stop receiving emails from you, but still keep the subscribe? All those profiting tricks need either a complicated method, or Evergreen Wealth Formula, and I don’t plan to buy it anytime soon!

Hey Sarantis,

Well, there’s a link at the bottom of every email I send out.

If you click that, you’ll unsubscribe and you’ll never get another email from me again.

Sorry to hear you’re going by the way.

James Scholes

James, I recently purchased your Ever Green Wealth Formula, so I received and email with this video in it. You really made me laugh with the “float to the top like a turn in a toilet” comment. Keep them coming, I’ll eventually be able to put something together. Thanks for the laugh.

You’re welcome, Shonda.

Glad you find my videos entertaining as well as informational 🙂

Oh, and thanks for grabbin’ my Evergreen Wealth Formula too… Really do appreciate it 🙂

James Scholes

Spot on James! I enjoy all of your training as you lay things out so easily, my 17 yr old can follow it. I just bought your Evergreen Wealth Formula and implemented EVERYTHING! The solo ad that I sent, net me 9 sign ups to my website! This is just the beginning. While I haven’t made money yet, I am pleased with the results so far.

Thanks for making this easy for a beginner like me.

Thanks you, Jeffrey… Appreciate your kind words.

It’s awesome to hear you’re getting results with the EWF too.

Keep at it and it’s only a matter of time before you hit your desired income goal.

Good luck 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Mike,

I do have an affiliate program for the Evergreen Wealth Formula, if that’s what you mean.

That said, it’s not open to the public – just EWF members, currently.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James Lee again.
Just want to clear something up, can we not promote your EWF if we haven’t purchased it but we can promote your $688 a Day free training?

Thanks James, one more question (I think). My concern is saturation on quora, I mean if too many people are promoting your free 688 a Day method then that would in turn create too much competition within quora itself?

You know, I’ve never been worried about competition… Ever.

What you need to do is to get your own angle that makes you unique to everyone else.

If you do that, you’ll attract people to you instead of fighting for their attention all the time.

So instead of worrying about competition, think what you can bring to the table, instead?

Stuff like:

The best answer
The most detailed answer
Funniest answer
Being the most helpful

…Stuff like that, really.

So yeah, stop competing with the herd and bring your own shit to the table.

If you do this, you’ll standout like a sore thumb in the crowd and you’ll attract people to you instead.

Hope this helps anyway, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Dear James.
I paid you the $197 for the Evergreen Wealth Formula..

When I look at the website, the $197 comes up on the screen,
but then is suddenly wiped off the screen???.

I want to get the EWF program going, because, like everyone else,; I need the money…

Please tell me how I can going with your EWF.

All the best

John Hadfield

Thanks, Michael… Appreciate it.

I’ve got some more free training coming soon so make sure to watch out for that when it drops.

Just replied to your email so make sure to read that too.

James Scholes

Hello James,
Was wondering how I could use this system, or anything else you might have up your sleeve, to promote my video marketing biz. I have almost everthing in place but customers. By the way love your info! Thanks, Alan Cinqmars

Hey Alan,

When you say “system” are you referring to the free method taught on this page?

If so, sure, you can use this method to promote your video site.

Also, looking at your site, you could use the traffic aspect of my Evergreen Wealth Formula course to promote your site.

One of the traffic methods taught in the EWF course is the Automated Traffic Streams and I show you how to drive and scale up your traffic in a completely automated manner.

In fact, your video site would be a really good fit for this and I reckon you would get good results with it.

Glad you’re diggin’ the info I’m sending out by the way, Alan 🙂

James Scholes

Hey James, I have not been a subscriber for very long but I have to say, you are one of the few marketers who is giving away free training that actually works. Thanks for the value you give. Wanted to see about becoming an affiliate and selling your stuff.

You can reach me at [email protected]


Hey Larry… Nice to meet you.

First up, thanks for your kind words.

Really do appreciate it when I hear things like this.

Regarding your question: the only affiliate program I have is for my course, the Evergreen Wealth Formula.

However, it’s only open to EWF members so you’ll need to become a member if you want to become an affiliate for it.

Anyway, thanks again and there’s more free training coming soon so make sure to watch out for it when it drops 🙂

Speak soon,

James Scholes

Hey Beckley,

The method is all about making money from a site called Quora.

If you don’t understand it, I would recommend to rewatch it a few times until you understand it.

This is because the video will explain way better than I ever good via email.

Regarding Android: really, you should have a laptop or a desktop computer.

Trying to make a living online with smart device is going to make things a lot tougher for you due to the limitations of smart devices, you see.

Hope this helps and good luck with it too, Beckley 🙂

James Scholes

Awesome info James, as usual you over deliver. Love the simplicity and clear explanation. Will try it out and take your word . ; )

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