How To Make Your FIRST Commission Online… In Just 5 Days Time (Complete Step by Step Blueprint Inside!)

Hey wassup guys… James here.

Got something special for you guys today.

What I’ve done is made a video walking you through a complete system (yep that’s right – from start to finish) on how to make your FIRST commission in …Wait for it… in just 5 days time from now!

Now the best part of this is it’s completely newbie friendly. So there’s none of that website building, complicated SEO that takes months to see results or any of that funny business.

…This is FAST, EASY and FUN to implement…

And like I just said, you should start seeing profits hittin’ your account in just five days time!

And before you ask, this isn’t just a bunch of theory either, in fact, I’ve implemented the EXACT system countless times before and profited every single time so I KNOW this stuff works.

Now here’s the deal. I want you to promise me ONE thing (and I’m talking to people who’re just starting out or are struggling to make money online here) and that is…


Did you know that OVER 95% of people FAIL online due to the simple fact that they don’t take action? And that’s not some number I’m throwing out there, there has been countless case-studies that prove this.

The thing is, people get excited about making money online but then see the system with their own eyes then look for a reason to NOT do it.

Please please please don’t be one them. If you’re new to this, or you’ve been trying to make it work for you for sometime but for whatever reason, it hasn’t worked out… Then this is who I’ve created the video for.

I’ve made this method as quick and painless as possible to start seeing profits as soon as possible so you’ve got NO excuses now, so TAKE MASSIVE ACTION!

Okay, I think that’s enough “pep talk” so here’s the vid… Dig in and of course… TAKE ACTION…This stuff works man!


Important Update

Since making this video, Safeswaps solo section has grown so big, it now gets it’s own website called, Udimi. So when you go buy a solo, head over to Udimi instead of Safeswaps.

Buy Solo from Udimi here


Clickbank Market Place


Now if you would like to see an even simpler, yet more powerful way of making a passive income online… Then I have another free video you maybe interested in.

But listen up because I only want serious action takers because this method you’re about to see, can quite EASILY make you a $1000 a day income… Some times more, a lot more in fact.

Now if you’re serious, and you want access to this more powerful method, then you can watch the free video here.

And remember: I’m not just saying this lightly either. Not only am I making a $1000+ a day online, but everyone else who grabs it ends up making around $300 – $500 just after 3 months of implementing it.

You can see how I – and everyone else who got access to it – makes money using this very powerful method by clicking the button below:



100 replies on “How To Make Your FIRST Commission Online… In Just 5 Days Time (Complete Step by Step Blueprint Inside!)”

Hi James, just actually tried this and I was absolutely astonished it worked!

I bought a solo for $40 and sent the traffic to the 5iphon site like you told me to in the video and to my amazement, I made $103!

I’m really really pleased with with the amount I made as I made around $50 profit. Of to order another one anyway.

Thanks for putting this together for us by the way. I really do stuff your videos and there no BS and straight the point!

Thanks again!

Will 🙂 🙂 🙂

I also spent $40 but made $74.23. Not as good as William’s but it’s still a good chunk of change so I’m happy.

Thanks for this btw James. Most people would of charged for this but you didn’t and I really appreciate it.


Yeah I’ve actually been using Safeswaps in my own business for over a year now and it’s some of the easiest and most targeted traffic out there.

I get a lot of optins and sales from it so I’m happy 🙂


Hi James. I love your work.
Would you recommend Fiverr to blast my Solo Ads?
35,000 targeted subscribers for $5.

Your mate in the UK LEE SHEPHARD

Hey Lee,

Glad you’re diggin’ my stuff mate 🙂

And if you’re enjoying this, then you’ll love my Evergreen Wealth Formula as I share a lot more advance techniques in easy to follow video tutorials.

With your questions. Although I haven’t seen the Fiverr gig per-se, I would defo give it a miss. There’s no way someone is going to sell you 35,000 subscribers for 5 bucks – and if even if they did… They would be complete, utter junk.

But hey, it’s 5 bucks, man. If you don’t mind potentially losing $5 dollars, it could be worth a punt… You never know.

Hope this helps anyway, Lee.

James Scholes

Hi James,

I have been looking for the link to the FREE system in the description box but I am not seeing it. I intend to join the other money making sites that you have shown as soon as I make some money.

Hey Sybil,

I had this video on Youtube but I decided to take it down and share it only with my list and it was promoting the free course you originally signed up for to get on my newsletter.

So basically… You’ve already got it 😉

Hope this helps.

James Scholes

Believe it or not I know this method, But I never tried it, As you said James I was afraid.
But you have raised my confident over 9000!!!!

So thanks James And I think I’m gonna try this

Just one question does it work with CPA offers, Thanks and I hope you answer.

You’re welcome, Ahmed… Glad you see the potential in it.

With your CPA question, not really because Safeswaps is full of people in the “Internet Marketing” and “Make Money Online” niche.

If you want to go down the CPA route, then I would recommend to go down the “Facebook Ads” route but that’s another video for another day 😉

James Scholes

How can I tell if an alleged “Business Opportunity” is actually a ponzi or pyramid scheme? I just started a $2 weely subscription with a company called RWJ Marketing, But now… I’m starting to worry that the claims they are making are too good to be true And I’ve possibly fallen for a scam! 🙁

Hey RWJ,

If you’re not sure, cancel your subscription.

Also, do some research on the company …Sometimes your answer is just a “Google search” away.

Hope this helps.

James Scholes

That’s great, Ahmed.

Keep going and you’ll build a list that will make you money for years to come.

James Scholes

Honestly, i still really don’t understand how to use this 5iphon Hardcore thing really.. yes i have signed up for free for now and i signed up for getresponse too, so what next, what am i emailing to the list and how? you said its like me having a site but i after signing up on 5iphon, there is nothing else to do on there… i am sorry.. i am lost. How do i email out the free offer. Kindly provide assistance cos i have watched your video over and over again and all it shows me is how to get the solo from safe-swap and not show what next.. Please enlighten me more.



Hey Damilola,

Once inside of your 5iphon account, you need to setup your auto responder account (That’s Get Response for you) so it allows you to collect emails.

Once you’ve done that – you then need to head over to Safeswaps here and buy a solo from there and send traffic to your 5iphon site.

What happens here is not only will you make some commissions (that will be recurring commissions if you sign up to the “Hardcore” edition) but you’re also building a list as well where you can sell to them on the back end too – therefore making even more money 🙂

Hope this helps anyway and good luck, Damilola.

James Scholes

P.S. If you want something A LOT more easier and more “step by step”, then I recommend my Evergreen Wealth Formula as I literally hold your hand and walk you through the entire process on how to make money online using my most profitable method that runs itself once it’s setup and running.

Get it here:

Hey Brazina,

You wanna ignore that because you’ve already signed up for it (that’s how you got on my list basically) and use the actual method I share in the video.

Hope this helps, Brazina.

James Scholes

Hi James, great video you have there and I intend to give it a try immediately. but first i have some questions. I logged into the siphon site thru the link you gave on this page and learnt that I had to pay $20 to activate my siphon extreme membership and another $20 to unlock my list buiding site immediately.

My question is, must I pay the second $20 to unlock my list buiding site or can I just pay only the $20 premium member fee and then follow the method you’ve revealed in your video here to unlock and build my list?

I mean, rather than paying the second $20 unlocking fee can I instead use that money to buy lists on safeswap?

Please let me know what you have to say on this ASAP.

I actually intend buying solo ads from you on safeswap with the confidence that I would get a good deal from you and you would even over deliver. That’s just how much faith I’ve come to have in you and what you’re doing to help folks like me earn money online. I would appreciate if you would let me know in your reply here how much you charge for 100 solo ads.

thanks and awaiting your reply.

Gabriel Mordi

Hey Gabriel,

Let me answer your questions for you, buddy 🙂

Q. must I pay the second $20 to unlock my list buiding site or can I just pay only the $20 premium member fee and then follow the method you’ve revealed in your video here to unlock and build my list?

I mean, rather than paying the second $20 unlocking fee can I instead use that money to buy lists on safe swap?

A.The last I recall, you pay around $40 to activate the extreme version.

After that, I think you pay around $20 a month and you’re free to cancel whenever you want.

Obviously, if you do cancel, you lose all the benefits the “Extreme” versions brings which is, you make monthly, recurring commissions each time someone signs up.


Q. I would appreciate if you would let me know in your reply here how much you charge for 100 solo ads.

A. I’m afraid I don’t sell solos anymore but don’t worry, if you follow what I teach in the video… You’ll find plenty of good solo sellers 🙂

Hope this helps anyway, Gabriel and of course… Good luck!

James Scholes

Hey James,

If you’ve got your 5iphon site setup and you’ve created an account over at Udimi, then you need to find a decent solo seller on Udimi and buy a solo of them.

There really isn’t much more to it than that… Hence why it’s so easy.

Hope this helps anyway, James.

James Scholes

Hi James,
I was really excited when I saw this video. When I tried to implement, got confused. Pardon my ignorance but I have to ask you these stupid Qs,

1. At you need pay $40 so that you can paste your referral link from clickbank. Correct? But actually the leads from coming from, how these two are connected?

2. I signed up on but did not see what you have shown. For example, some saying 100 clicks for $30 or something like that.

I really wanted to implement bit confused. Please help


Hey Vamsi,

Let me answer your questions for you, buddy 🙂

Q. At you need pay $40 so that you can paste your referral link from clickbank.

A. It’s optional as you can use the free version but I recommend to upgrade to the paid version as there is so many benefits to going with the premium version as not only will get to build a list… But you’ll get paid monthly commissions for every sale you make etc.


Q. I signed up on but did not see what you have shown. For example, some saying 100 clicks for $30 or something like that.

A. I did make the video about a year ago and things have changed somewhat.

But basically, the fundamentals still apply as you just want to buy a solo send them through your 5iphon link and if you’ve upgraded to the paid 5iphon version not only do you get to build list that you can profit from again and again… But you’ll make recurring monthly sales for every sale you make.

Hope this helps anyway, Vamsi 🙂


Awesome fucking job James!!!!! My commissions started rolling in just like you said. Im glad I invested my money into the Evergreen Wealth Formula. Your the real deal these other ppl are frauds just trying to make money off the newbies

Hey Hassa, hope you’re doing okay, buddy 🙂

That’s great you want to grab my course by the way.

Let me know once you’re in and I’ll give you a hand with it.

Good luck anyway 🙂

James Scholes

hey james… i really love your videos, very inspiring and am looking forward to being your next evergreen wealthy formular student.
in the mean time, lemmie check out this stuff.

I’m definitely interested in giving this a try. But I’m wondering how much are the commissions for the hardcore edition?

Hey, Sharon… Hope you’re okay.

To answer your question: the commissions are monthly recurring commissions.

So the first month someone signs up through your link, you get $20.

Then every month after that, you get $10 a month as long as they stay subscribed.

As you can imagine, once you’ve got a few signed the commissions start adding up really quickly.

So yeah, definitely give it a go, Sharon 🙂

Good luck,

James Scholes

you are doing something really nice for all theese people 😀
keep doing what you are doing
but in 17 and i dont have a credit card or anything i can pay with
i just want to help my familly with some extra money couse we need it
but i cant find the free link video you mansioned about 6:35 in the video

Hey buddy,

The website mentioned in the video you’re referring to is Safeswaps.

However, they no longer sell solos there, so you’ll need to get ’em from Udimi instead.

There’s a link to Udimi below the video.

Glad you’re diggin’ my videos by the way 🙂

James Scholes

i really appreciate and apprehended that you are going to show me one way or the other to make money online. im only planning to join EWF first and do implement any method later and i think there wont be any other investment to to start with make money for time being right. also i dont possess a laptop of my own can i do it from the browsing centre any time.

Hey Venkateshbabu… Hope you’re okay.

If you’re planning on getting the EWF then I would skip all the free additional training I email out and just use the EWF instead.

It’s way, way more profitable than any of the free training I’ll mail out you see.

Hope this help anyway 🙂

James Scholes

hi james it possible to scale this up lets say upto $3000 amonth?
2.whats the total cost of setting it up before i buy solo at udimi?

Hey Henry,

Here’s the answers to your questions:

1. Yes, absolutely.

However, I would recommend using your own custom website to do this as 5iphon is a little saturated and some solo sellers are referring to email it to their lists.

So create your own squeeze page with your own offer and scale it up to whatever desired income level you want.

2. Well 5iphon is $40 and a auto responder will be about $20 a month and I think that’s about it.

Hope this helps anyway, Henry 🙂

James Scholes

Thanks for your video’s. You offer a ton of value. Using Solo Adds, seems to restict you to the MMO / IM niche. Do any of your teachings cover how to go into other markets, such as,travel etc.



Thanks, Nick… Glad you’re diggin’ my vids.

Regarding your question: I have tons of free training you can use other niches and markets.

You can find a load on my Youtube channel here:

Also, as you can see, I’m always posting free video tutorials to my email list as well.

A lot of my training can be used in all markets… So keep your eyes peeled for ’em.

Hope this helps anyway, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Is the Evergreen Wealth Formula usable in all markets? In video marketing do I have to appear or talk in the videos?



Hey Nick,

To answer your question: yes, the EWF can be used all markets.

With video marketing: no, you don’t have to be in the video.

You can make slideshow style videos or screen captures if you want.

Hope this helps anyway, Nick 🙂

James Scholes

Hey James,

Are you saying you can use all the 5iphon tools as a free member after setting everything up or do you have to pay the premium fee to have access to all the tools plus the list building options and of course the monthly commissions.

Could you clarify this please, and your videos rock dude!!


Hey William… Hope you’re okay, mate.

There’s two versions of 5iphon – free and paid version.

The free version allows you to use it’s viral list building system free.

But if you want to make monthly recurring monthly commissions from it… Then you’ll need to upgrade to the paid version.

Hope this helps anyway, William 🙂

Good luck,

James Scholes

Hi James,

Simply put, I got a little excited about this and jumped in and paid $40 on this system when in FACT, my main objective was to hurry and get your Evergreen Wealth Formula. Should I just get my money back from this and just focus on Evergreen instead?

I don’t want to waste my time on anything that is not a sure thing!

Kind Regards,


Hey Dee… Hope you’re okay.

Regarding your question: if you have to choose between the two, I recommend going with the Evergreen Wealth Formula.

You’ll make way, way more money with the EWF than you will with anything else, you see.

Hope this helps anyway, Dee 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James! Can you please give me the link to send you to your page on Udimi, so that I can download the clicks there? Also, there is one more problem; I live in Greece. Will I still get the money?

At 11:13 you access your own profile of Udimi. I tried typing your name to find your profile a few hours ago, and yet I still wasn’t able to find it. Could you please give me a link that eill lead me to your profile or something? Also, will I still get the money, even if I live in Greece?

Hi James,

I’m interested in signing-up to 5iphon but noticed the old dates on the pages and videos (2011, 2012, etc.)

Is this system still up-to-date and working?

thanks! Mike

Hey Mike… Hope you’re okay, mate.

Regarding your question: yeah, it still works great.

In fact, I should imagine it’ll always work well so you’ve got nothing to worry about on that front.

Good luck 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James,
After purchasing the evergreen formula, will I have to purchase other things before getting income?

I mean inside the lesson will you ask us to buy such and such products like we have to spent $40 on 5iphon etc.

Secondly, will I get access to the evergreen materials instantly or you will have to post the materials via the snail mail.

Thanking you in advance for the replies. Have a good day. Maza

Hi Maza… Hope you’re okay.

Here’s the answers to your questions anyway:

Q: After purchasing the evergreen formula, will I have to purchase other things before getting income?

A: The only other investment you’ll need is to get hosting which is considered essential if you want to make money online regardless which path you choose.

But don’t worry, this will cost you roughly around $7 a month.

You’ll also need to invest in something else too which I would say it’s near essential for the course.

This is because it practically automates the entire system.

You can get free 30 day trial and after that it’s like 20 bucks a month.

And don’t worry, I show you – step by step – on how to set it all up in no time whatsoever 🙂

So yeah, it’ll cost you around 27 bucks a month to run.

You’ll reap all that back in no time anyway as most members end up making around $300 – $500 a day after 3 months of following the course.

Now if you’re really hard up for cash, I guess you can look for free alternatives online.

Some folk do that in the course and still pull in a staggering amount of money with the EWF system.


Q: Secondly, will I get access to the evergreen materials instantly or you will have to post the materials via the snail mail.

A: The EWF course is a online course.

So yes, once you’ve purchased, you will get instant access to the entire course.


Hope this helps anyway, Maza 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James!

EWF sounds very exciting! The idea of making $100+ per day in 3 months after learning and taking action with EWF gives me hope (I’m in debt up to my eyeballs, my junker car is a ticking timebomb, and my job is killing me with boredom hehe)

BUT…my skeptical mind is also kicking in. Isn’t the IM/MMO niche very saturated and competitive? Can a newbie really get his foot in the door?

Are the free traffic methods you teach honestly doable by a beginner?

Lastly, how much time per day is required to get to that $100+ per day level in 3 months?

Thanks, man!

Hi Kerry… Nice to meet you.

Glad you find it exciting by the way.

Anyway, lets answer your questions for you:

A: BUT…my skeptical mind is also kicking in. Isn’t the IM/MMO niche very saturated and competitive? Can a newbie really get his foot in the door?

Q: Personally, I don’t think the IM niche is saturated… Or any market for that matter.

In fact, the bigger and more competitive the market, the more profitable it is.

What you’ve got to remember is that tens of thousands of people take an interest in this subject every single day.

So it’s very hard for a market to saturate when there’s literally thousands of people coming into the market every single day for the first time.

So me personally, I wouldn’t say it’s saturated so you’ve got nothing to worry about on that front, at all.

Besides, you don’t want to go into a market with no competition anyway…

The reason why there’s no competition is because there’s no money to be made there… So it’s worth keeping that in mind.


A: Are the free traffic methods you teach honestly doable by a beginner?

Q: I’ve laid every single aspect of the course in a easy to follow step by step manner.

So anyone – regardless of experience – can implement it and get results.

Also, when you get the EWF course, you get free one on one email support with me personally.

So if you run into any problems whatsoever, just hit me up and I’ll help you through it.


Q: Lastly, how much time per day is required to get to that $100+ per day level in 3 months?

A: If you’re completely new to the subject, then it’s going take you a little longer.

I mean, for me to complete the setting up part of the course, it would take around a couple of hours tops.

If you’re a complete beginner with no IM experience whatsoever, then for you to complete the setting up part will take anywhere from a day to a week.

Once you’ve set everything up though, you can just follow the quick start guide and start getting lots of traffic within days of implementing it.

Hope this answers your questions anyway, Kerry 🙂

Good luck,

James Scholes

P.S. I just want to give you a quick heads up on a scam you might not be aware of involving the Evergreen Wealth Formula…

A lot of people who are new to IM are unfortunately falling for it.

If you want to learn more about it, I’ve written a blogpost about it.

It’ll tell you what it is, how to avoid it and I back everything up with rock-solid proof too.

You can check it out here:

Hi James, This all sounds like really good stuff, I would really love to give EGWF a go but really struggling financially, in the above video you mention thyat there is a link to a method that is free to implement but cant find the link? could you please send me the link, then maybe I could make enough dosh to buy the EGWF…. Thanks James!

Hi James

Not sure if your still answering questions or not on this method , but i wanted to know is this method still working well now in December 2016 ?as i joined 5iphon as a free member some 4 years or more ago and didnt do much with it , just thinking it must of become very saturated , or do you know otherwise ?

Hope to hear from you !!

also thinking of investing in the EWF system looks really good

Hey Dylan,

To answer your question: yeah, it still works – but for best results – I recommend using your own squeeze page instead of 5iphon.

This is due to what you said, as in, 5iphon is a little saturated, nowadays.

But that said, I’ve been doing this for years and I still make money every week from my 5iphon site and it was something I setup years ago.

Also, people email me all the time saying they’ve implemented this training and made money from it too.

Hope this answer’s your question anyway, Dylan 🙂

James Scholes

not quite sure how that would work still !

so this is my understanding :

1 .I would purchase solo ads from udimi , give the solo ad seller the email swipe from 5iphon they supply it ?or i create one ?

2. once the traffic from the solo ad blast clicks the link it would go to a squeeze page that i create to capture there email first and they would go into my auto responder so i can then mail them out new offers on the backend , once the person has opted into my squeeze page they would be redirected to what page 5iphon ?

if 5iphon is saturated do we even need them at all ?

sorry to ask so many questions 🙂

Hey Dylan,

Here’s the answers to your questions, buddy:

1: Yes, you can either give them a email swipe with your affiliate link pointing in it.

If you’re knowledgable about copywriting, then I would recommend writing your own email as it would perform better normally.


2: Yes, that’s right.

You want to monetise your auto responder with offers so you make commissions, obviously.


3: If you’re using 5iphon with this method, the subscriber will instantly redirected to a special paid offer.

Every time someone sings up for the paid offer, you’ll make $20 and $10 a month until they unsubscribe.

Hope this helps anyway, Dylan 🙂

James Scholes

Hi Kasem… Nice to meet you.

Regarding your question: if you can’t afford to implement this training or grab my course, the Evergreen Wealth Formula… Then use the free you got from me when you first opted in.

It’s free to get access and it’s free to implement too so you’ve got nothing to lose.

Hope this helps anyway, Kasem 🙂

James Scholes

just actually tried this and I was absolutely astonished it worked!
I bought a solo for $40 and sent the traffic to the 5iphon site like you told me to in the video and to my amazement, I made $103!
I’m really really pleased with with the amount I made as I made around $50 profit. Of to order another one anyway.

That’s awesome to hear, Johnna… Keep up the good work.

Also, I recommend saving that solo seller and use them again every 3 – 6 months as they’ve proven to you that they sell quality traffic.

Anyway, really pleased you’re getting results… Keep it up 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James it was nice to here some one that talks like me ha ha I live down under and from Burnley lancs .
I am interested in getting your evergreen formula , but can only do i program at a time as I have just joined 5Iphon .
from what I have seen in the step by step it looks just up my street , as I have trouble implementing so I am good tp follow …hopefully will get to you soon .
Paul Taylor

Eh up, Paul.

First up, it’s always nice to meet a local on the internet.

I’m from Leeds personally so I’m not too far Burnley.

Good luck with the ol’ internet marketing anyway, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Thanks James. Love your stuff. For a newbie, who lost money on scams, and couldn’t understand what was going on, you always deliver. I am most appreciative.

Hey James

I am looking forward to your evergreen wealth formula I might join in next 5 days.I hope of getting a better life.:)

Hey James

Do we need to buy solo ads to get traffic in your EWF course?
And do we need to create a website for it and manage it?

Hey Steve,

To answer your question: no, you don’t need to buy solos to make a full time income with the EWF course.

In fact, the main traffic method I teach within the EWF is what I like to call the “automated traffic streams”.

Each automated traffic stream are easy to implement, takes minutes to setup – and as a result – insanely scalable.

So you can keep adding more automated traffic streams until you’ve hit your desired income goal.

So once you’ve set everything up, the only time you work is to grow your income, never to maintain it.

Hope this helps anyway, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Hey James

Can I hit the income level of $1000 per day?If yes then how much time it will take to get that figures?

Hey Steve,

To answer your question: yes, absolutely.

The EWF is a scalable system, meaning, you can scale up your income to whatever level you desire.

So yes, you can make $1000 a day but keep in mind it won’t happen overnight – you’ve got to keep at it until you’ve hit your desired income goal.

To answer your second question: well, it varies from person to person, really.

But generally, EWF members end up making around $300 – $500 a day in about 3 months of following the EWF system.

Some do it sooner and some take a little longer but it’s generally around 3 months to hit that $300 – $500 a day online mark.

However, one member started making money 17 days after implementing the system.

After that, he just scaled it up to the income level he wanted and last I heard, he’s doing around $800 a day.

But the best one was this 23 year old who made $13,345.28 in 1 day after just 2 weeks of following the EWF system.

Now obviously, I’m not going to say you’ll earn any of the figures I’ve mentioned above because it’s different for everyone, but generally, people who actually implement the system… Make money with it.

Hope this helps anyway, Mike 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James, it’s me Brian again. Hope you’re well. I found a page of yours where I could download “Biz In A Box”. I did this and it said that I needed to watch a video in the package called, “How To Rebrand Report.swf”. I don’t see any video in the package. There is only a folder called “Reseller’s Pack” and a PDF called “Traffic Report”.

I clicked on a link on the page for “Biz In A Box” and it brought me to this page. I watched the video and read the comments to try and understand things but I’m totally confused now. How come others are able to understand what you are teaching and making progress? Does it help to have a minimum 3-digit IQ? I thought this was newbie friendly.



Hey Brian,

I’m afraid the Biz in the Box is no longer actively supported, so yes, some of the content is missing from the package.

So I’m afraid you can no longer rebrand the report anymore.

That said, you’re free to do whatever you want with the package, so if you want to sell it or use it to build a list, be my guest 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James, thanks for your reply. I am busy going through some of your other material and will hopefully be able to start making sense of it. I am a few colours short of a rainbow which will explain why it’s taking me longer than it does for most. I am also eager to get onto your member’s list for EWF but need to be sure that I’ll be able to follow what you’re teaching.

Thanks again,


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