How To Make Cash-Generating Videos That Suck Money From Youtube

Hey wassup guys, James here.

Today, I want to share a really cool method that has allowed me to 10X more traffic to my sites and offers and it’s all to do with my favourite site on the entire interwebz… Good ol’ Youtube.

As it goes, it’s something I’ve been doing now for over a year and since doing it… The clicks have gone through the roof as a result. 

So if you want to increase traffic and make more money… This video is for you!

Oh yeah, one more thing. Stick around till the end. Not only will learn some super ninja techniques from yours truly, but you’ll also see me “try” to use these super ninja tactics on you… But fail miserably!

In fact, I burst out laughing over it and just give up in the end.

Here’s the video anyway… Let me know what you think below, always interested on your take on things 🙂

Link to Youtube Video: How  to make money on Youtube videos

Now if you enjoyed this video and you would love a video that would walk you through the entire process of making money – from start to finish – then check out this video here.

In this video I show you a really cool system I’ve been using to make a $1532 a day online… Whether I’m sat at the computer or not!

It’s all cool stuff and I show you how to do this in very detailed videos you can implement right now to start making money today with.


>> Click To Watch Video <<


10 replies on “How To Make Cash-Generating Videos That Suck Money From Youtube”

Hi James,

Great work as usual.

Love your Evergreen Wealth Formula course by the way. Making about $200+ a day now following it.

Keep it up, love everything you put out , free or paid.

Martin Fowler

Thank you, Martin.

Really pleased you’re making money with the Evergreen Wealth Formula – have to hit you up for a testimonial some time lol.

And thanks for watching the video btw… Really appreciate it, Martin 🙂

James Scholes

Will do, Thomas.

And thanks for commenting… Always appreciate when you stop by and comment 🙂

James Scholes

Great stuff as always James – what made me laugh was the still frame on the video! Makes you look like a vicar delivering a sermon!!! More tea?

Hey Thanks, Graeme.

And I know what you mean too – They NEVER catch you in a good frame!

Ah well, it was either me giving a sermon or looking like a bog-eyed monster with my arms flappin’ everywhere lol.

James Scholes

I love your videos they are very informative and fun to watch. Keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing you again. Sincerely, Sharon Mayer

Thank you very much Sharon… Really appreciate it.

And yes, I’ll do my best to keep sending videos for you 🙂

James Scholes

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