How to get MORE subscribers on Youtube INSTANTLY using this SECRET code nobody knows about


So you wanna know how to get MORE Youtube subscribers, huh.

Well, you’re in luck ’cause I’ve got a cool little trick I think you’re gonna REALLY dig.

All it involves is using this little line of code… And that’s it!

Trust me; it’s THAT easy 😉

But hey, that ain’t the coolest part:

Peeps are reporting upto 400% increase in their Youtube subscriber rates when using this little ol’ line of code

Straight up, and to think it’s FREE to do and SECONDS to implement, makes this a no-brainer too.

And before you ask…

Yes, this is completely ethical and it won’t get your videos flagged or your Channel banned either.maxresdefault-1

In fact, Youtube created this awesome line of code… So they WANT you to use it!

Sounds awesome, right. Well don’t worry, I won’t keep you hangin’ any longer.

Just watch the video below and I’ll show you step by step how to do it.

Let me know what you think in the comments below.

And if you’ve got any questions whatsoever – let me know and I’ll answer ’em for you 🙂

Anyway, here’s the video… Enjoy!

===Resources Mentioned in the Video===

Line of code:


Cool little trick, right… But hold your horses for just one minute as I’ve got something even more awesome for you 🙂

For a limited time only, I’m sharing comprehensive training that’ll show you how to make $500+ a day online.

It’s video training and I literally walk you step by step through the entire process.

So EVERYTHING is covered so you won’t struggle implementing it whatsoever.

Basically, I’ve made it as EASY as possible for you 🙂

You can get this training just by clicking this very link here.

But hurry! This training won’t be available much longer.

In fact, I plan on pulling it down soon.

So if you want a complete system that literally takes you by the hand through the ENTIRE process of making $500+ a day online using a fiendishly EASY system…

Then click the video below right now 🙂


16 replies on “How to get MORE subscribers on Youtube INSTANTLY using this SECRET code nobody knows about”

Love your tips James, always increase my bottom line when I put them into action. Looking forward to your next video too.


Thanks James. I’ve been working on my Youtube channel for sometime, trying to build my subscribers and this look like a really great trick you’ve shared.

Thanks again,


Good to hear you’re working on your Youtube channel, Sarah.

Youtube is a brilliant passive traffic driver for me, plus I make a good chunk of change with Adsense too… Which is always nice 🙂

Anyway, growing it and you’ll be amazed how fast it grows after a while.

Good luck,

James Scholes

Fantastic James.

I have pop ups on my sites and blogs and it really does increase my optins, so I should imagine it’ll be the exact same for Youtube too.

Getting great results with your evergreen wealth formula course aswell. I followed your quick start guide and I was amazed how fast I got money coming in.

Don’t get me wrong – it’s not millions ($180 so far) I know this works now so I’m going to give it everything I’ve got now.

Keep your videos coming James… Love everyone of them.

catch you later.


Hey Tony… Hope you’re okay, mate.

Yeah, I have pop up on my sites too.

Nothing new in that sense but they ALWAYS deliver results.

And hey, that’s what matters, right.

It’s awesome you’re getting results with the Evergreen Wealth Formula too.

Just keep at it and the sky’s the limit with it.

Stay awesome my friend,

James Scholes

Hi James,
I cannot wait for the day I can afford to buy the Evergreen formula – which won’t be too long now.
Meanwhile, thank you very much for keeping me updated. I watch all your videos so I can be ready for the Evergreen formula.
I have told you before that in Namibia I have a problem in that Namibia’s financial rules and regulations don’t allow Paypal to pay online entrepreneurs.
I am in the process now to register with I’ve already been accepted, and am now waiting for the Payoneer debit card.
Thanks again for the interesting videos and updates.
Kind regards,
Kobus van Zyl
PS. I am on the point of publishing my first book on Amazon Kindle!

You’re welcome, Kobus… Glad you’re enjoying my free video training I’m always sending out.

Good luck with your new Kindle book by the way – hope it goes really well for you, mate 🙂

Stay awesome my friend,

James Scholes

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