Get Page 1 Google Rankings in JUST 7 Days


Hey wassup, guys… James here with a nice ol’ treat for you 🙂

Page-1-on-Google-baby_converted-300x214Today, I’m going to spill the beans on a little secret I’ve been using that…

…Literally allowed me to crush my competition and get first page rankings in Google. 

…All in JUST 7 days from now! 

This is fiendishly easy to do and it’s 100% free to implement too. 

So if you NEED hyper targeted traffic right now without paying a buck for it… 

…Then check out my free training and I’ll show you how to get top Google rankings in just 7 days from now using this cool little trick nobody knows about! 

Anyway – I won’t bore you any further. So without further ado… Here’s how to do it!

 Tools & Resources Mentioned In The Video

SEO Quake 

Keyword “This blog uses premium CommentLuv” -”The version of CommentLuv on this site is no longer supported.” “recently posted..”


Now if you enjoyed this guide and would like access to my best stuff then I recommend you check out this FREE video asap!

Yes, it’s totally free to watch and it’s where I walk you through – step by step – on how to make a full time living  – even if you’re a complete beginner with ZERO internet marketing experience.

In fact, everyone else who’s watched the video and followed the simple steps, end up making around $300 – $500 a day after 3 months of following this video you’re about to see!

It’s really cool stuff and you can watch it free here right now

This free video won’t be available for very long, so if you want free access to it, make sure to watch it right now as I don’t want this method you’re about to see suffer from over saturation.

To get started… Simply click the button below to get instant free access!




63 replies on “Get Page 1 Google Rankings in JUST 7 Days”

This is a really valuable video James. Thank you for sharing.

I bought your Evergreen Wealth course last month by the way and I’m blown away of what’s inside. I’ve already made my first few sales following your system and it seems to be gradually growing too.

So keep doing what you’re doing because you rock, James!!

Hey Josh,

Glad you can see the value in this video… It really does work and it doesn’t cost anything to implement either.

Pleased you’re happy with the Evergreen Wealth Formula and you’re making sales following it btw 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James, My account got locked again. I think maybe it’s my connection back in the Philippines. I’m here in the UK at the moment. I hope you can unlock it for me.


Hey Carlo,

I’ve unlocked it for you, mate.

It’s with you logging in from multiple locations from around the world but like I said, it’s unlocked now so it’s totally sorted.

Hope this helps, Carlo 🙂

James Scholes

Hey CJ,

If you’re on about the Evergreen Wealth Formula then no, it isn’t.

It’s basically a complete system that will walk you from start to finish on how to make multiple income streams passively online and as a result make a full time living from home.

However, if you’ve already got your own business and/or own website, you can use the Evergreen Wealth Formula to send you free, passive traffic to it and start making money doing that.

And the video module is only a tiny part of the course so if you don’t want to use that then you don’t as it’s totally optional and you can instead use the other methods to drive traffic that has nothing to do with video marketing or making videos at all.

So yeah, video marketing is a powerful part of the course but it’s only a tiny fraction of what the Evergreen Wealth Formula as to offer.

Hope this helps anyway, CJ 🙂

James Scholes

Hello James,

I’ve been trying this online marketing for a few years no, but hadn’t made anything as yet.
Hopefully things will change.


Sorry to hear that, Craig… Hope your luck changes fast for you.

Anyway – as you’re on my list, you should of received quite a few free video tutorials that will show you various ways on how to make money online… So check them out.

However, if you want personal help then why don’t you grab my Evergreen Wealth Formula as not only is my no1 way of making money online in the fastest possible way… But I also help everyone who gets it.

Quite a few people have really good success with it and they tend to make around $300 – $500 a day around 3 months of following the course.

So if you want quickest and easiest way… Then I would check that out.

Regardless, hope you make money whatever you decide to do. And if you want anything… You can always reply to any of the emails I send out and I’ll personally get back to you (Don’t have a big tech support like a Guru or anything – just little ol’ me on the other end I’m afraid :))

James Scholes

Hello James. Thanks for sharing this. It looks like a good method, just what I was looking for to start getting some SEO. I have a website and would like your opinion on whether it’s best to create each backlink to the most relevant page, or if it’s best to create all backlinks going to the home page. Thanks Again. Jeff

Hey Jeff,

Ultimately, it really doesn’t matter… You can use this on either a Blogpost or on the homepage itself.

Just make sure to do your keyword research and on-page optimisation before implementing this backlinking method – otherwise it’ll be a uphill battle.

Hope this helps, buddy 🙂

I have honestly learnt something new .. not just from this video but from previous ones you have sent me too. Thanks James.


Great video James. You’re a genius! My question is, can I use this method to rank my youtube videos as well? It looks like it only works for website/blog articles. Fact is, I’m on the zero cost youtube affiliate marketing trick you revealed and currently about hitting my 60th video and was just wondering if I could use this method you reveal here to rank my youtube videos for SEO. Pls let me hear from you. thanks.


Hey Gabriel,

Yeah sure.

Instead of putting a website URL… Just put your Youtube URL there instead.

And yeah, it’ll definitely help to get you higher rankings in Google – providing you do it enough times that is.

However, if you want to accelerate your Youtube marketing, I really do recommend picking up my Evergreen Wealth Formula course.

I don’t mean to come across all salesly, it’s just that I’ll show you how to make 1 video do the workload of uploading 300+ videos like I show you in the free training.

When you do what I show you, you’ll instantly ranked in Google AND Youtube search results and start getting real, targeted and passive traffic to your video everyday.

But yeah, what I show you in this video will help it get ranked in Google 🙂

Thanks for calling me Genius btw.

Really appreciate it… Even though I’m not lol.

James Scholes

Hey Nitin,

Sign up for what exactly?

If you mean the Evergreen Wealth Formula, about 10 minutes into the video presentation a button appears and you can order it from there and get instant access to the member’s area where you can start implementing the methods straight away 🙂

If you want, I can send you a direct link to the check out page so you don’t have to re-watch the video presentation again?

Let me know… I’ll be more than happy to send you it 🙂

James Scholes

this comment tool only allows you to select the post you want if u have left 3 or more comments on the website. I could not select the post with the keyword i wanted becuz each website i went to said i must have 3 approved comments before i can select the post i want. it only shows me the most recent post i made

Hey John,

It depends on the Blog owner and how he’s configured the CommentLuv plugin.

A lot of ’em just leave it at it’s default setting which you’re experiencing right now.

However – some blog owners let you post your link with your first comment if you share their blog post on your Twitter, Facebook, Google+ account/s.

So try sharing their post as it you might be able to post your blog link with the first comment.

But if that’s the case – can you really want a backlink from their site – then simply leave 3 comments on their site.

Hope this helps anyway, John 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James,
I have a question here. Am I able to use the same methods which you shown in the video to rank my Fiverr profile? For an example, I will rank my profile “” and have it rank up into the searches using PR backlinks with the specific niche keyword. Is it possible?

Looking forward to your followups!


Hey Leonard,

Yeah sure you can use this backlinking method to rank your Fiverr page.

Just make sure to do some keyword research first to see if the keyword you want to rank it for is a worthwhile keyword though.

Good luck with it 🙂

James Scholes

Yeah, I’m aware of that.

I’d say it’s a good way of generating additional keywords and it would definitely come in handy when you’re doing your keyword research.

But this is a backlinking strategy so it’s kinda a different subject as that’s about keyword research and this is backlinking.

James Scholes

Hi James

First and foremost I must say James “YOU ARE THE BOSS”..

I got your evergreen formula a week ago and I have been testing
and trialing all your methods (well I haven’t got through them all
yet but getting there) and it’s just awesome.

The best thing I like what you do James is that you give give give..
I also follow another gentleman Jeff Walker and he does exactly
the same give give give for FREE and he like you always stresses
that point to take care of your customers but it’s not only the FREE
stuff it’s your reply to emails, comments etc is always quick.

The SEO QUAKE I have received is just brilliant James thank you
very much and thank you for everything else.

Kind regards

Hi James, greetings from South Africa.
I have to congratulate you on the way you present your videos, you do it with passion and its easy to follow. I have been looking for ways to make money online and I must honestly say you are different from the rest. Currently I look at all your videos you send me, I hope to start making money with all the “free stuff” so that I can generate money to buy your Evergreen Wealth Formula. I know to you guys it doesn’t sound like allot of money, but the moment you convert the dollars to rand our local currency its allot of money. So please be patient with me.
Again thx allot, if you ever come to South Africa please pop in.


Hey Willie,

First up, sorry for the late reply.

I normally reply a lot quicker – just been super busy lately that’s all.

Anyway, really glad you’re diggin’ my vids, man… Really do appreciate it 🙂

And no rush by the way – just grab the EWF course when you can afford it, buddy.

Thanks again and thanks for the awesome comment too!

James Scholes

I did this for 2 weeks instead and I’ve got heaps of visitors! I’m getting 75,000 a day and counting!

Thanks a lot!!

Hi James I am enjoying your training. As a newby I am try to take baby steps to get my head around all your information. Thanks

Hey Gilbert,

Really glad you’re enjoying my free training… Appreciate it, buddy 🙂

Just follow the step by step video instructions and I’m pretty sure you’ll get there.

Good luck,

James Scholes

Hey Isaiah… Hope you’re okay 🙂

To answer your question: the payment processor I use currently Paypal.

However – when you’re on the Paypal checkout page – you can opt for pay with a credit or debit card if you want.

So you don’t need a Paypal account to buy the EWF.

Hope this helps anyway, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Well now a days its becoming very hard to get our adsense approved, i’ve tried many times for a site but my bad. Although i noted you notes and i wish it will be approved soon.

Personally, I find it quite easy…

Just setup a blogger blog, post around 5 blogpost with quality, unique content.

Then apply and you should get approved.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Teddy,

It’s below the video but I’ll post it here for you too:


Keyword “This blog uses premium CommentLuv” -”The version of CommentLuv on this site is no longer supported.” “recently posted..”


Where it says “keyword” you need to put the keyword related to your market.

Hope this helps anyway, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James you keep giving really good value, i have learn so much from your videos and i am going to get your evergreen wealth formula this week. keep up the good work james

Hi again james,

I just followed this instruction since my last comment and the software seems to have updated. When i googled with your code is bringing up articles similar to this even though im searching viral news

Hey Keith,

Regarding your question: did you put your keyword in the code like I showed you in the video?

If you did, then just try another keyword and see how that goes for you.

Also, if you can’t find any websites that are related to your niche, then it’s still fine to get a backlink from a website that’s not in your niche… So I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

Hope this helps anyway, keith 🙂

Good luck,

James Scholes

Hey Cameron,

What do you mean by landing pages?

They come in many shapes and sizes, you see.

If it’s a content rich, then yeah, you can definitely use that with this method.

If it’s a squeeze page however, then it won’t work – needs to have content with a good stick rate to make it work.

James Scholes

I got some very good info that I did NOT know before and it leads me to what you have in štore.
Thank you very much!

Hey Tore… Hope you’re okay, buddy.

If you’re struggling to make money online then I recommend using my course where I walk you through the process.

It’s free to get access and it’s 100% free to implement too:

If you can afford it though, I recommend you sign up to my Evergreen Wealth Formula as you’ll get results way faster much more easily.

Hope this helps 🙂

James Scholes

Hey buddy,

I’m afraid Google doesn’t share PageRank anymore, so SEO Quake can no longer give you this info.

That said, you can still use this method to find sites where you can post your comments/backlinks to so it’s still useful in that respect.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

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