Finally... A complete system designed to take anyone - regardless of experience - from zero to making a full time income online in JUST 30 days from now
$10,000 – Free Skype Training
Here’s a detailed tour of what’s inside and how it works:
Here’s what people said after seeing the ‘incomplete’ version:
34 replies on “$10,000 – Free Skype Training”
Just keeps on getting better and better this. I hope I’m one of the lucky 100 who gets this as I know you’ll deliver big time with this James!
Thanks, Joe… I just want to deliver massive value and make sure you hit the ground running when you implement this in your business that’s all.
I’ll see you Monday anyway 🙂
James Scholes
Thanks James.
You really do care about your subscribers and it’s very telling in every aspect of your marketing… And this further proves it. I’ll definitely be getting this when it comes out as I’m a huge fan of your evergreen wealth formula system and if this is the follow up to it… I know this will be even better.
Thank you, Adam… I just want to make sure you get awesome results when you implement it in your business that’s all.
Glad you’re diggin’ my EWF course – and if you enjoyed that – I should imagine you’ll love this 🙂
See you Monday anyway.
James Scholes
Hi James
I would like to say thank you for doing this. I appreciate your one on one skype consultation. For me personally I think this will be a big help as I am a beginner and it would be good to chat to someone before putting your course into action. I just hope I’m one of the first 100 to get you new system.
Kind regards,
You’re welcome, Beth… Glad you see the value in this.
This is – what I’ve found – it doesn’t matter how step by step or easy to implement… People will ALWAYS have questions.
So this is why I’m doing this… To make sure you’re heading in the right direction and answer any questions you have before putting it into action.
I hope you’re one of the 100 anyway, Beth 🙂
See you Monday,
James Scholes
Get to hear that grufty Yorkshire accent in real time… Count me in!
LOL yup, that’s right, Chris… At no additional cost too!
You get a full hour of me yappin’ on for a full hour as well 😉
See you Monday anyway, mate.
James Scholes
Hey james, I know at the end of the day, it’s about making money, but I am a straight out beginner, I’m not sure if this will work for me, money making aside, will this work for me, I’m looking for some one to coach me, tired of loosing money every time there marketers say they got the formula to teach and show me how to make money
I simply can’t afford to loose no more money,help me out u do 1 on 1 mentoring
Hey Jim,
If you’re a straight out beginner then I reckon my Evergreen Wealth Formula is your best bet.
To get this free Skype chat you need order my new course and I recommend you grab my course if you’re in the right position to use it.
If you haven’t got a list, then I don’t think this course is right for you yet.
If you do buy the EWF course I do give one on one email support though.
So if you do run into any problems – no matter how big or small – you can get hit me up and I’ll assist you via email.
If you’ve got anymore questions, don’t hesitate to ask and I’ll be more than happy to answer ’em for you, mate 🙂
Good luck,
James Scholes
By the way, Jim… I do offer one on one mentoring.
If you wanna talk about it more – just drop me an email here: and we’ll take it from there.
Hope this helps anyway, Jim 🙂
James Scholes
Can we make pmt thru our bank account or paypal.
Hey John,
Not sure what you mean by ‘PMT’?
If you’re on about what payment processor I’m using – I’m using Paypal.
Hope this helps anyway.
James Scholes
PMT meaning payment lol My real question: Can I ALSO use my checking account to make payment.and thanks in advance!
To buy this course?
If it’s compatible with Paypal (which I should imagine will be like most are) then yes, you can.
James Scholes
Thanks again for your energy, excellent value and personal touch (very rare in the OLM marketing Business), see you on Monday. And for our one on one skype consultation (got to claim it:).
James, I don’t no if you recall but I wanted this one on one since I became a member back in 2014 now it has manifested in the physical.
This is what I’m talking about! Very Cool Stuff!
As that great Motivator Zig Zigler said, ” I’ll see you at the Top”…
Thank you for your kind words, Allan… Really do appreciate it.
And yes, I’ll see you at the top, my friend!
Till then… Stay awesome.
James Scholes
Hey James,
You keep pouring on the value…simply amazing! You’re too cool for school…LOL! Anyway, most “top dog” marketers would never give away their personal e-mail for one on one help for a $497.00 course (it would have to be at least a $997.00 buy – in for most) let alone a $97.00 course such as the EWF…kudos to you, my friend.
My deal is this, James: I’ve been in the IM/NM Niche for more years than I care to remember; not making it happen that is. And I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve had your EWF Course (system) since the 4th of July (I live in the US) and still haven’t IMPLEMENTED and mined the Gold from it…UGH! By the way, how’s my “copy” James? Should I stay in this industry or see if Walmart is hiring…LOL!
Anyway, for the sake of time and simplicity, let’s just say that I LET the “business of life” take over. Well, that shit is coming to an end. So, now, I must humble myself and start from the beginning of the EWF (once mastered) THEN segue into the sequel of the killer EWF.
The way my mind works is that now I’m forced to make the EWF front-end work once I secure the back-end sequel to EWF. I may be dumb but I’m not stupid into thinking that the sequel to the EWF, first, will ever be offered again, and second, if it is ever offered again, it sure as hell isn’t going to be offered for the mere pittance of $297.00.
In closing, I’ve had many false starts with lauded guru’s (false prophets) and have been down the primrose path of hell chasing shiny objects for way too long…done with that shit!!
And for the newbies out there if you don’t understand that James and his “mission” is the real deal after all of the VALUE he keeps on shelling out (and for FREE to boot!)…I’m afraid you’re going to be broken beyond despair if you keep chasing the shiny objects and trying to learn from the lauded guru’s. I know this from experience not theory. Please, I implore you to take heed to my message and don’t go through the hell I have.
Love you all,
P.S. Helpful Hint: Copywriting is the million dollar skill in this industry. Learn it ALONG side your other marketing mediums; you’ll be glad you did. I’m sure James would attest to that as well since he’s a top copywriter himself.
Interesting read was that, John.
And yes, I totally understand your mindset why you’re buying this course…
Investing in this will force you to take action with the EWF course and I definitely think it’s a good idea.
Just remember when you do: you really need to commit your life to it as this is where most people fail.
They give it everything they’ve got… For a week and get bored!
That’s not the way to do it, you just keep at it everyday until you succeed.
But anyway – like you said – you can always hit me up and I’ll be more than happy to help you out.
Anyway, I’ll see you Monday, mate 🙂
James Scholes
P.S. I couldn’t agree with you more with the copywriting…
Like you said, this is an absolute vital skill if you wanna succeed in this game.
It’s so much more than writing sale’s letters too…
I use it in every single aspect of my marketing like videos, blogging, email marketing… Everything basically.
So like John said… Learn this crucial skill and it’ll pay you back tenfold.
Hi James I’d love to have a Skype session with you But as I’m a near beginner, should I concentrate on the Ever Green Wealth Formula First? Obviously I want in on the new course, and WILL purchase it if I’m one of the lucky ones, but I was just wondering if the Skype interview would be too early for me at the moment and I wouldn’t want to be wasting your time on the Skype interview. What do you think?
Eh up, Pete.
To answer your question: you don’t need to use the Skype consultation straight away.
If you want to use it a year from now… That’s completely fine with me.
So you can order the new course and when you do eventually get to implement it – hit me up and we’ll sort out a Skype call for me and you.
So there’s no rush or time limit on it – use it when you need it.
Hope this helps anyway, Pete 🙂
James Scholes
Hey James,
Thanks so much for the reinforcements;I take them for granted most of the time. In the words of the late great “Godfather” of self development, Charles F. Haanel…”see it through even if the heaven’s fall.”
See you on Monday with bells on, brother.
Peace out,
P.S. “Repetition” is the first law of learning. -Bob Proctor-
Hey no worries, mate… Always happy to help 🙂
See you then,
James Scholes
Hi James, I am following you on daily motion and youtube because I like the content you give out. To be honest I am contemplating on registering for your evergreen wealth formula because it seems to be answering some of the questions related to taking up affiliate marketing for full-time. I haven’t tried the steps you have suggested in other videos because, to be honest, I have learnt so much that I am overwhelmed by information download because of which I haven’t even taken my first step because of confusion. I look forward to this Skype conversation for better clarity so I can start making money from this month itself.
Hey Dhruv… Hope you’re okay.
If you’re just starting out then yeah… The Evergreen Wealth Formula is your best bet.
It’ll walk you step by step through the entire process with easy to follow step by step videos tutorials that anyone – regardless of experience – can follow.
I also give you all the content and websites and all you do is simply fill in the blanks… Like I show you in the video tutorials.
So yeah, I recommend if you’re feeling overwhelmed and you don’t know where to start.
Now the free Skype consultation is only available to the first 50 people who grab my new paydays course which is totally different to my Evergreen Wealth Formula course.
So unfortunately, you won’t be getting Skype with the Evergreen Wealth Formula – not the Evergreen Wealth Formula course.
Hope this helps and I look forward to you becoming a member anyway, mate 🙂
James Scholes
James, what’s available now? EvergreenWealthFormula or 10K+ Paydays? Sorry I am messaging here but I don’t know how to contact you.
Hey it’s not a problem, Dhruv… I’m here to help, mate 🙂
Well, the EWF (Evergreen Wealth Formula) has been available for a while now.
My new course is coming out tomorrow which kinda like the sequel to the EWF and is more for intimidates to advance users.
If you’re a complete beginner with zero internet marketing experirence then the EWF is the best one for you.
If you’ve been marketing for a few years and you’re getting good consistent results and you wan to scale it up massively… Then my new course that’s out tomorrow would be ideal for you.
Hope this helps anyway, buddy 🙂
Hey it’s not a problem, Dhruv… I’m here to help, mate 🙂
Well, the EWF (Evergreen Wealth Formula) has been available for a while now.
My new course is coming out tomorrow which kinda like the sequel to the EWF and is more for intimidates to advance users.
If you’re a complete beginner with zero internet marketing experience then the EWF is the best one for you.
If you’ve been marketing for a few years and you’re getting good consistent results and you wan to scale it up massively… Then my new course that’s out tomorrow would be ideal for you.
Hope this helps anyway, buddy 🙂
James Scholes
thanks, I did see it yesterday Saturday, I found you in skype
Mrs L A Gibb
That’s awesome, Mrs L A Gibb.
Just remember it’s the first 50 who order my new Paydays system course.
So if you want the free Skype consultation, make sure to order at 9:00am PDT / 12:00am EDT / 5:00 pm UK.
Looking forward to working with you anyway 🙂
Speak soon,
James Scholes
Hey James, I am a beginner is this one-on-one skype consulting applicable to me?
Hey again, Dhruv.
The only people who will be getting free one on one Skype consulting with me is the first 50 people who grab my new course tomorrow.
Here’s the time it’s launching:
9:00am PDT / 12:00am EDT / 5:00pm UK
So if you want this free Skype one on one consulting, make sure to grab my course then.
Hope this helps anyway, buddy 🙂
James Scholes
Would love to have an hour of you time to make money onlne.
There have been so many scams out there and I have already paid for one of you courses but not got round to implementing as my daughter was poorly and I needed to give her and her children loads of my time.
I’m sorry to hear about your daughter, Gill… I hope she gets better soon.
Regarding my new course: if you want free one on one Skype consulting with me, then you need to be the first 50 who grab my course.
Obviously, I can’t do it for everyone as I plan on giving everyone an hour each so it would take way too much time up you see.
Good hearing from you anyway, Gill – and like I said – I hope your daughter gets well soon.
34 replies on “$10,000 – Free Skype Training”
Just keeps on getting better and better this. I hope I’m one of the lucky 100 who gets this as I know you’ll deliver big time with this James!
Thanks, Joe… I just want to deliver massive value and make sure you hit the ground running when you implement this in your business that’s all.
I’ll see you Monday anyway 🙂
James Scholes
Thanks James.
You really do care about your subscribers and it’s very telling in every aspect of your marketing… And this further proves it. I’ll definitely be getting this when it comes out as I’m a huge fan of your evergreen wealth formula system and if this is the follow up to it… I know this will be even better.
Thank you, Adam… I just want to make sure you get awesome results when you implement it in your business that’s all.
Glad you’re diggin’ my EWF course – and if you enjoyed that – I should imagine you’ll love this 🙂
See you Monday anyway.
James Scholes
Hi James
I would like to say thank you for doing this. I appreciate your one on one skype consultation. For me personally I think this will be a big help as I am a beginner and it would be good to chat to someone before putting your course into action. I just hope I’m one of the first 100 to get you new system.
Kind regards,
You’re welcome, Beth… Glad you see the value in this.
This is – what I’ve found – it doesn’t matter how step by step or easy to implement… People will ALWAYS have questions.
So this is why I’m doing this… To make sure you’re heading in the right direction and answer any questions you have before putting it into action.
I hope you’re one of the 100 anyway, Beth 🙂
See you Monday,
James Scholes
Get to hear that grufty Yorkshire accent in real time… Count me in!
LOL yup, that’s right, Chris… At no additional cost too!
You get a full hour of me yappin’ on for a full hour as well 😉
See you Monday anyway, mate.
James Scholes
Hey james, I know at the end of the day, it’s about making money, but I am a straight out beginner, I’m not sure if this will work for me, money making aside, will this work for me, I’m looking for some one to coach me, tired of loosing money every time there marketers say they got the formula to teach and show me how to make money
I simply can’t afford to loose no more money,help me out u do 1 on 1 mentoring
Hey Jim,
If you’re a straight out beginner then I reckon my Evergreen Wealth Formula is your best bet.
To get this free Skype chat you need order my new course and I recommend you grab my course if you’re in the right position to use it.
If you haven’t got a list, then I don’t think this course is right for you yet.
If you do buy the EWF course I do give one on one email support though.
So if you do run into any problems – no matter how big or small – you can get hit me up and I’ll assist you via email.
If you’ve got anymore questions, don’t hesitate to ask and I’ll be more than happy to answer ’em for you, mate 🙂
Good luck,
James Scholes
By the way, Jim… I do offer one on one mentoring.
If you wanna talk about it more – just drop me an email here: and we’ll take it from there.
Hope this helps anyway, Jim 🙂
James Scholes
Can we make pmt thru our bank account or paypal.
Hey John,
Not sure what you mean by ‘PMT’?
If you’re on about what payment processor I’m using – I’m using Paypal.
Hope this helps anyway.
James Scholes
PMT meaning payment lol My real question: Can I ALSO use my checking account to make payment.and thanks in advance!
To buy this course?
If it’s compatible with Paypal (which I should imagine will be like most are) then yes, you can.
James Scholes
Thanks again for your energy, excellent value and personal touch (very rare in the OLM marketing Business), see you on Monday. And for our one on one skype consultation (got to claim it:).
James, I don’t no if you recall but I wanted this one on one since I became a member back in 2014 now it has manifested in the physical.
This is what I’m talking about! Very Cool Stuff!
As that great Motivator Zig Zigler said, ” I’ll see you at the Top”…
Thank you for your kind words, Allan… Really do appreciate it.
And yes, I’ll see you at the top, my friend!
Till then… Stay awesome.
James Scholes
Hey James,
You keep pouring on the value…simply amazing! You’re too cool for school…LOL! Anyway, most “top dog” marketers would never give away their personal e-mail for one on one help for a $497.00 course (it would have to be at least a $997.00 buy – in for most) let alone a $97.00 course such as the EWF…kudos to you, my friend.
My deal is this, James: I’ve been in the IM/NM Niche for more years than I care to remember; not making it happen that is. And I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve had your EWF Course (system) since the 4th of July (I live in the US) and still haven’t IMPLEMENTED and mined the Gold from it…UGH! By the way, how’s my “copy” James? Should I stay in this industry or see if Walmart is hiring…LOL!
Anyway, for the sake of time and simplicity, let’s just say that I LET the “business of life” take over. Well, that shit is coming to an end. So, now, I must humble myself and start from the beginning of the EWF (once mastered) THEN segue into the sequel of the killer EWF.
The way my mind works is that now I’m forced to make the EWF front-end work once I secure the back-end sequel to EWF. I may be dumb but I’m not stupid into thinking that the sequel to the EWF, first, will ever be offered again, and second, if it is ever offered again, it sure as hell isn’t going to be offered for the mere pittance of $297.00.
In closing, I’ve had many false starts with lauded guru’s (false prophets) and have been down the primrose path of hell chasing shiny objects for way too long…done with that shit!!
And for the newbies out there if you don’t understand that James and his “mission” is the real deal after all of the VALUE he keeps on shelling out (and for FREE to boot!)…I’m afraid you’re going to be broken beyond despair if you keep chasing the shiny objects and trying to learn from the lauded guru’s. I know this from experience not theory. Please, I implore you to take heed to my message and don’t go through the hell I have.
Love you all,
P.S. Helpful Hint: Copywriting is the million dollar skill in this industry. Learn it ALONG side your other marketing mediums; you’ll be glad you did. I’m sure James would attest to that as well since he’s a top copywriter himself.
Interesting read was that, John.
And yes, I totally understand your mindset why you’re buying this course…
Investing in this will force you to take action with the EWF course and I definitely think it’s a good idea.
Just remember when you do: you really need to commit your life to it as this is where most people fail.
They give it everything they’ve got… For a week and get bored!
That’s not the way to do it, you just keep at it everyday until you succeed.
But anyway – like you said – you can always hit me up and I’ll be more than happy to help you out.
Anyway, I’ll see you Monday, mate 🙂
James Scholes
P.S. I couldn’t agree with you more with the copywriting…
Like you said, this is an absolute vital skill if you wanna succeed in this game.
It’s so much more than writing sale’s letters too…
I use it in every single aspect of my marketing like videos, blogging, email marketing… Everything basically.
So like John said… Learn this crucial skill and it’ll pay you back tenfold.
Hi James I’d love to have a Skype session with you But as I’m a near beginner, should I concentrate on the Ever Green Wealth Formula First? Obviously I want in on the new course, and WILL purchase it if I’m one of the lucky ones, but I was just wondering if the Skype interview would be too early for me at the moment and I wouldn’t want to be wasting your time on the Skype interview. What do you think?
Eh up, Pete.
To answer your question: you don’t need to use the Skype consultation straight away.
If you want to use it a year from now… That’s completely fine with me.
So you can order the new course and when you do eventually get to implement it – hit me up and we’ll sort out a Skype call for me and you.
So there’s no rush or time limit on it – use it when you need it.
Hope this helps anyway, Pete 🙂
James Scholes
Hey James,
Thanks so much for the reinforcements;I take them for granted most of the time. In the words of the late great “Godfather” of self development, Charles F. Haanel…”see it through even if the heaven’s fall.”
See you on Monday with bells on, brother.
Peace out,
P.S. “Repetition” is the first law of learning. -Bob Proctor-
Hey no worries, mate… Always happy to help 🙂
See you then,
James Scholes
Hi James, I am following you on daily motion and youtube because I like the content you give out. To be honest I am contemplating on registering for your evergreen wealth formula because it seems to be answering some of the questions related to taking up affiliate marketing for full-time. I haven’t tried the steps you have suggested in other videos because, to be honest, I have learnt so much that I am overwhelmed by information download because of which I haven’t even taken my first step because of confusion. I look forward to this Skype conversation for better clarity so I can start making money from this month itself.
Hey Dhruv… Hope you’re okay.
If you’re just starting out then yeah… The Evergreen Wealth Formula is your best bet.
It’ll walk you step by step through the entire process with easy to follow step by step videos tutorials that anyone – regardless of experience – can follow.
I also give you all the content and websites and all you do is simply fill in the blanks… Like I show you in the video tutorials.
So yeah, I recommend if you’re feeling overwhelmed and you don’t know where to start.
Now the free Skype consultation is only available to the first 50 people who grab my new paydays course which is totally different to my Evergreen Wealth Formula course.
So unfortunately, you won’t be getting Skype with the Evergreen Wealth Formula – not the Evergreen Wealth Formula course.
Hope this helps and I look forward to you becoming a member anyway, mate 🙂
James Scholes
James, what’s available now? EvergreenWealthFormula or 10K+ Paydays? Sorry I am messaging here but I don’t know how to contact you.
Hey it’s not a problem, Dhruv… I’m here to help, mate 🙂
Well, the EWF (Evergreen Wealth Formula) has been available for a while now.
My new course is coming out tomorrow which kinda like the sequel to the EWF and is more for intimidates to advance users.
If you’re a complete beginner with zero internet marketing experirence then the EWF is the best one for you.
If you’ve been marketing for a few years and you’re getting good consistent results and you wan to scale it up massively… Then my new course that’s out tomorrow would be ideal for you.
Hope this helps anyway, buddy 🙂
Hey it’s not a problem, Dhruv… I’m here to help, mate 🙂
Well, the EWF (Evergreen Wealth Formula) has been available for a while now.
My new course is coming out tomorrow which kinda like the sequel to the EWF and is more for intimidates to advance users.
If you’re a complete beginner with zero internet marketing experience then the EWF is the best one for you.
If you’ve been marketing for a few years and you’re getting good consistent results and you wan to scale it up massively… Then my new course that’s out tomorrow would be ideal for you.
Hope this helps anyway, buddy 🙂
James Scholes
thanks, I did see it yesterday Saturday, I found you in skype
Mrs L A Gibb
That’s awesome, Mrs L A Gibb.
Just remember it’s the first 50 who order my new Paydays system course.
So if you want the free Skype consultation, make sure to order at 9:00am PDT / 12:00am EDT / 5:00 pm UK.
Looking forward to working with you anyway 🙂
Speak soon,
James Scholes
Hey James, I am a beginner is this one-on-one skype consulting applicable to me?
Hey again, Dhruv.
The only people who will be getting free one on one Skype consulting with me is the first 50 people who grab my new course tomorrow.
Here’s the time it’s launching:
9:00am PDT / 12:00am EDT / 5:00pm UK
So if you want this free Skype one on one consulting, make sure to grab my course then.
Hope this helps anyway, buddy 🙂
James Scholes
Would love to have an hour of you time to make money onlne.
There have been so many scams out there and I have already paid for one of you courses but not got round to implementing as my daughter was poorly and I needed to give her and her children loads of my time.
I’m sorry to hear about your daughter, Gill… I hope she gets better soon.
Regarding my new course: if you want free one on one Skype consulting with me, then you need to be the first 50 who grab my course.
Obviously, I can’t do it for everyone as I plan on giving everyone an hour each so it would take way too much time up you see.
Good hearing from you anyway, Gill – and like I said – I hope your daughter gets well soon.
See you tomorrow,
James Scholes