Hey it’s James and boy, I’ve got some something TRULY amazing today!
Here’s what I got:
I’ve written (Yes written! I never write reports so this is a BIG DEAL) about a really cool method I’ve been using for the last 6 months to drive traffic to my sites and make a ton of easy commissions.
This cool little trick got me 2846 visitors in just 24 hours of using it, but the best part is, I made $649 in juicy affiliate commissions using this “easy peasy” method… Pretty cool right? Well truth be known, I was gonna sell you this badboy but for a limited time I’m gonna GIVE YOU IT FREE!
…But more on that in just a min 😉
So this short report (and when I say short – it’s like 11 pages, chocka-block with tons of pics explaining everything so it’s REALLY EASY to follow and only 10 minute to read) is really cool but I’ve decided to do something really crazy!
I’ve decided – for a limited time – is to give YOU…
Complete Master Resale Rights To This Report… For FREE!
…But what does this mean to YOU?
Basically, once you download this report, you can resell it, give it away to build a list (Recommended) or do whatever you like!
Cool huh, and to think you’re gonna get this FREE TODAY… makes it a no-brainer right?
Well guess what? I figured while I’m in such a gooooooooood mood… Everyone who downloads this killer report, I’m gonna allow you to REBRAND EVERY SINGLE AFFILIATE LINK IN THE REPORT WITH YOUR AFFILIATE LINK!!!
This is huge man! If you’re not sure what this means, let me explain… Whoever downloads the report from you, clicks one of the affiliate links in the report… You make a commission!
But that’s not all! Not only will you make a commission, but each commission you make will be a 100% INSTANT PAYPAL COMMISSIONS slamdunkin’ in your Paypal account the very second you make it!
None of that waiting around like you do with Clickbank commissions, oh no… The second you make it, you get it… Simplez!
Plus, not only are you making 100% commissions on the frontend, but you’ll also get 100% commissions on the backend as well!
(You could say you’re getting 200% commissions here and that’s simply unheard of in our community!)
But then it got me thinking… You’ve got a quality product you can use to build a list etc, you’re gonna make a boat-load of money of the “Instant 200% Paypal Commissions” inside the report but what if you ain’t got the tools to sell this badboy? I mean, it’s no use if it’s stuck on your hardrive building digital dust right?
So this got me thinking (Queue another awesome idea!)
I figured I’d throw in 5 squeeze pages to help you get your rebranded report out there! And these aren’t your run-of-the-mill squeeze pages either… Oh no, these are 5 battled-tested squeeze pages that have gone through months of rigious split-testing.
The end result – Sky-high conversions all round! So not only will you get your rebranded report out there to more people with less work, but you’ll be building a killer list in the process!
…And trust me, you REALLY need to build a list in this game for LONG TERM PASSIVE WEALTH.
And yes, you DO NOT NEED TO WRITE A SINGLE WORD, as I’ve written EVERYTHING so all you need to do is lock, load then profit like crazy!
Cool huh but what if you want to write your own sales copy and make them UNIQUE TO YOU, yet you’re absolutely clueless about writing copy? …And let’s face it, it ain’t easy to write super high converting sales copy that makes your reader optin and TAKE ACTION NOW.
Well guess what? I’ve got your back covered there too (Yeah I know, I’m good to you ain’t I 😉
To turn you into a overnight copywriting genius and get the instant ability to hypnotise people with the written word and make people DO WHAT YOU WANT THEM TO DO… I’ll also throw in 5, yet-to-the-point videos that’ll take you step by step on how to write your own seductive copy so you can MAKE YOUR OFFER UNIQUE TO YOU!
So let’s recap what YOU’RE GETTING FREE TODAY:
- A high quality report that shows you how I made $649 in 24hrs using this FREE method no one knows about!
- You’re getting full resell/give away rights for free.
- You get to rebrand EVERY affiliate link with YOUR affiliate links.
- 5 high converting squeeze pages with done-for-you written sales copy so you don’t have to write a single word
- 5 videos teaching you how to write your own Kick-Ass sales copy if you choose to write your own.
- And hugs & kisses from me… Well… While I’m in a good mood that is 😉
Okay okay… As you can see, this is a pretty insane offer… I could of put this in a fancy-pants package, some
snazzy-lookin’ graphics and sold it for $297 a pop… Seriously I could of… But no, silly old me wants to GIVE YOU IT FREE… RIGHT NOW, HERE… Crazy huh.
But there’s a catch (ain’t there always)… But don’t worry, IT’S STILL FREE, all I want you to do is 3 teeny weeny little things.
What I want to do it get the word out about this. This way, I get more exposure, build my newsletter and perhaps profit further down the road… Who knows. But in return you get this truly amazing (And I mean that) package at ZERO COST AT YOUR END.
And there you go… My Evil Agenda Been Exposed For All To See!
Word of warning though… If you want this, just make sure to GRAB IT NOW as I do plan on selling this as a fully fledge product later on in the year. So as soon as I “pull my finger” and a sales page sorted I’ll be putting a big fat “This Offer As Expired” on this page.
…So please… For the love of god… If you want this free, act now because once it’s gone, it’s gone forever and you will have to pay.
Anyways, I think I’ve said everything I needed to say, to get started, just fill this little simple form in below!
241 replies on “Free Cool Offer”
Hi James,
I downloaded this the other night and followed the instructions and I’m pleased to report that this works!
I followed the instructions and I made $148 within 4 days of using this!!!
Thank you for giving us a chance to get this for free. Your offers and are ALWAYS quality, even the free ones and this one is no different.
Anyway, of to ramp this up start making some good money with it.
Have a great day James
Sup, James
Thanks for this, can’t wait to dig in and start implement this. I’ve given it the once over and to be honest, uou could of sold this due to the amount of “quality” content you’re giving away.
And the method you’re giving away. All I can say is…. WOW! I’ve never actually thought of doing that before, despite how simple and obvious it is. Anyone can do this it’s that simple and you don’t even have to do any work to make it work!
Great as usual James… Keep it up.
Thanks James for this kind offer, love your offers. You always overdeliver regardless if it’s free or paid.
Ralph Bundy
Hey man,
Loving the reseller pack, and 200% commissions are just too hard to say no to lol.
All the videos are really cool too.
Think you’ve hit gold with this and I can’t believe you’re giving this away for free.
Of to take action anyway James 😉
Gavin Schuman
I just want to report back and tell you I’ve made $62 using this!!! It’s not much but it means the absolute world to me!!!
I’m going to really give this everything I’ve got. I’ve been trying to make money for years to finally find something that actually works is amazing!!!
I just want to say thank you James for making this available to me, it really means the world to me to find something that actually works!!!
Hopefully, I’ll be able to buy your Evergreen course is I make enough!!!
Jeffrey E. Larsen
As usual James you always over deliver . Just facts no B.S. no flashy graphics, sports cars or cheap rags to riches fluff( telltale signs of scam sites). Keep up the good work mate!
I would like to have a copy James
Hey guys, it James here.
Just stoppin’ by to say “THANKS” to everyone who’s participated and got their downloads.
I won’t lie… It really helps me out in the long run, but hey, you guys get something cool in the process and I think you’ll agree… It’s all top quality stuff 🙂
And btw, I’m really chuffed some of you guys are making money with it already. I must have a good bunch of peeps on my list who understand to see results, it is absolutely vital to take massive action!
Thanks again guys and enjoy your “Biz in a box” goodies 🙂
James Scholes
Hey James,
Thanks for this. I’ve just filled in the form and gone through the material – well it is free so who can grumble lol but I absolutely love the video on how to make fast cash in 5 days video. Really can this working as it doesn’t look very technical at all.
Have a great day and thanks again!
Wow, already earned 176$ in 5 days!!!
Thanks 😀
Hi James I shared with facebook, but when I published the html on the blog and forum websites, the url would not verify. would you please send me the download because I am really interested and want to learn more.
Hey Herman,
Contact me at: zxzJameszxz@gmail.com and we’ll get you sorted out buddy 🙂
James Scholes
hey james,
completed the 3 referrals and was redirected to the download page but another page of yours came up simultaneously and i had accidentally clicked the download page away.
could you be so kind to email me the download page as i am super excited to give this a try. 🙂
Hey Anne, thank for filling in the form… Really appreciate it 🙂
If you could email me at zxzJameszxz@gmail.com and send me the 3 places you posted at, I’ll get you sorted asap!
Thanks again.
James Scholes
P.S. Don’t forget to check out my Evergreen Wealth Formula: http://www.evergreenwealthformula.com as it’s everything I do to make $1000+ a day of true, set and forget income …And I walk you through the entire process in easy to follow video instructions ANYONE can follow!
Check it out here: http://www.evergreenwealthformula.com
Hi James,
I posted on all the site’s and forums. Twiter and facebook but could not get verified.
Please could you send me a free download?
Kind regards Lee
Hey Lee,
Sorry you couldn’t get access. If you could email me here: zxzJameszxz@gmail.com we’ll get you sorted out asap 🙂
James Scholes
Hi James,
Can I have a copy? It is interesting to know your methods did work, some have been successful using them. I hope I can join them too.
Thank you
Hey Maya,
You certainly can have a copy 🙂
All you’ve got to do is fill in the form on the page, and once you’ve done that… You’ll get access to it.
Hope this helps.
James Scholes
Hi James,
I haven’t receive my download yet.
I have completed with form, until now there no news about the download.
Please reply ASAP.
Thank you James for the download link: I shall have to check out the Evergreen Formula as well Will let you know how the Biz in A Box works out as well!
Always good to get your updates. You are awesome!
Thank you for your kind words, Courtenay… Truly do appreciate it 🙂
And yes, if you enjoy my free stuff, then you’ll love my Evergreen Wealth Formula.
Good luck.
James Scholes
Hi James,
I posted on all the site’s and forums Twitter and facebook and it actually congratulated me for completing all three tasks but I didn’t get the free download, could you please send it to me.
Hi James…I posted your add twice on my Tumbler then entered the URL for verification…bt get a negative response… Bt it is posted…twice…
Hey Ian,
No worries, just email me a link to the 3 places you post to zxzJameszxz@gmail.com and I’ll personally verify them.
Hi James,
I have included the links on three sites as required, including twitter and on my business blog, but the one for facebook didn’t go through for some reason on your link, but shows up really well on the page.So you have the three links.
All busy pages.
I’m looking forward to receiving your package.
No worries Jeff, if you could email me at: zxzJameszxz@gmail.com and send me a link to the 3 places you post to and I’ll personally verify them 🙂
I really appreciate your concern about people wanting to make money online.
It is rare to find a person that is kind enough to provide free profitable
information.I will implement your information and let you know things are
going for me.
Thank you.
Raymond Kolasa
Thanks Raymond 🙂
James Scholes
Thank you for your kind words, Paster-Phil Biggs 🙂
James Scholes
thanks. I would like to have a copy James
Cool, just fill out the form and you’ll get access to it.
If you run into any problems btw, let me know and I’ll help you out where ever possible 🙂
James Scholes
I don’t go on Facebook and I don’t know how to blog. Great opportunity though. Thanks.
Please send that awesome material to my email id.
Hey buddy,
If you contact me via email and I’ll help you out from there.
Hope this helps 🙂
James Scholes
Hi there, James! Would LOVE to have access to this, but I am new-ish to the IM/online business world, meaning I do not have a website or blog up and running yet (though I am in the process) and I have one personal Facebook account at the moment, but none of my friends would be interested in this sort of thing, no offense! They don’t even understand what IM (and all it pertains to) IS, let alone care (too bad for THEM, right?) So, I could do the forum thing, but that’s about as far as my reach extends right now. Do you have any other options you would consider for people like me, so we can have access, also? I really don’t want to miss out just ’cause I’m new!
Thanks for your time and attention!
Hey there!
I’ve just sent you an email that you should will be a big help 😉
James Scholes
Thank you, James, for the personal response and help! Wow, that is so awesome!
Hi I did 1,3 and 4 but I still can’t download the instructions can anyone help me out?
Really looking foward to trying this one out. If it really works I’m going to use the earning to get the formula.
Hey Simon,
If you reply to one of my emails and I’ll help you out there.
Hope this helps 🙂
James Scholes
Hi James,
I downloaded this the other night and followed the instructions and I’m pleased to report that this works!
I followed the instructions and I made $148 within 4 days of using this!!!
Thank you for giving us a chance to get this FOR FREE. Your offers and are ALWAYS quality, even the free ones and this one is no different.
Anyway, of to ramp this up start making some good MONEY with it.
Have a great day James
That’s awesome, Mohammed… Really glad you’re getting results already, mate.
Keep it up my friend 🙂
James Scholes
Hi James
I also have no website and am not a member of any IM forums. All I can do is post your offer on my Facebook and twitter accounts. Will this help me to get the report you offer? Will be very grateful if you if you can help me out
God Bless
Hey Andre,
Reply to one of my emails and I’ll sort you out, buddy 🙂
James Scholes
I DON’T HAVE 97 CENTS LET ALONE 97$ that’s why I have to find whatever i can that’s FREE. If you guy’s make SOOO MUCH MONEY it would be nice to see some REAL charity for people like me who are “Down and dam near Out”. I guess everyone has forgotten what FREE really means other than a come on. It’s not FREE if your paying $97.00 for it now is it ? I guess the internet is another planet where everyone can just LIE LIKE A FUCKING RUG and GET AWAY WITH IT. And not get sued for blatent false advertising, Jesus Christ Give me a Dam Break I’m about to be evicted because yet another Pr#$k screwed me over. I need income fast because i’m dead ass broke now.
I have just had it with all the Bull I keep gettin. If i could tell all of them this I would sky write it.
Hey Claudette,
I really don’t know what you’re on about as this is “cash free” offer and as a result… Doesn’t cost $97 at all.
The only thing I do sell that is $97 is my course, the Evergreen Wealth Formula… Which isn’t advertised here.
And regarding to what you call “REAL charity for people like me who are “Down and dam near Out”” …Well I’ve sent you a ton of guides and tutorials on various on how to make money online over the last few weeks.
If you’re not happy by the way, there’s always the unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email I send out.
So hit that if you don’t want anymore of my emails.
Hope this helps anyway 🙂
James Scholes
i did all the steps but still not going any where thank you
Hey Adnan,
Drop me an email and we’ll sort it out from there, buddy.
James Scholes
I always thought you were an awesome mate. This is absolutely fabulous.
Soon as I get in tomorrow I will take advantage of it. I just finished teaching. It’s 10:30 here in L.A. and I’, tired as hell.
I would like to arrange some kind of financial benefit back to you James if this works. As you may recall my main interest in the monetary income side is to give to St. Jude’s Children Hospital and Wounded Warriors Association.
I feel I can contribute to these causes with your help and guidance James but I don’t want it free OK ? Let me pay my way as we proceed along.
Thanks James,
That’s very kind of you, Gene, but really, you don’t have to.
Any money you make, please do whatever you wish with it… But don’t give any to me.
I make enough and I’d rather you donate it to a charity than give it to me.
Thanks anyway… Really do appreciate it 🙂
James Scholes
Lets hope this is going all well. I tried to fix the bolg but had some small problems on the run.
I keep my fingers vrossed.
Hey Gunnar,
Just to let you know – I got your email and I answered your question there.
Hope this helps 🙂
James Scholes
I am new to this and would like to get started. I wouldn’t know where to start as far as blogs, forums, and websites. I have just started looking on doing a business online. Looks like you are the go to guy as you have a lot of people who trust you and your teachings. I would like to become one of your students and thought this offering would be a great place to get my feet wet.
Thank you,
Louis Dinson
Hey Louis,
First up, thank you for your kind words… Really do appreciate it 🙂
I hope you enjoy the free training anyway.
Good luck, Louis 🙂
James Scholes
Hey, I can’t view the task you want us to complete , it’s blank right now. Is this offer still on ?
Hey Adedeji,
Yeah sorry about that – the form is working again now.
Thanks for your interest too… Really do appreciate it 🙂
James Scholes
Hi James,
Was wondering if there is anyway that I can get access to the free biz in a box, I have posted it to my FB Wall, but since I am new to IM I do not have my own website or blog to post to yet. Is there anything else that I could do to get access to your top notch quality training. I have been following you for a few months, and as soon as I get enough money saved up I want to purchase you Evergreen Wealth Formula, seems like an awesome product!! Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all you do James!
Hey Travis,
If you email me, we’ll sort something out, buddy.
James Scholes
hi james i posted the links you gave me and when i went to verify the url it said it wasnt valid could you elaborate more thanks
Hey Iain,
Sorry for the inconvenience.
If you could email me here: zxzJameszxz@gmail.com and I’ll help you out there.
Thanks 🙂
James Scholes
I have placed the link on my site but it was not able to verify.
Hey Kian,
If you email me and I’ll help you there.
Hope this helps, buddy 🙂
James Scholes
Hey I tried to download the reports and couldn’t download them and I posted this link t three different referral websites .. can you help me out?
Yeah sure, Cornell,
If you email me here: zxzJameszxz@gmail.com and I’ll help you out there.
James Scholes
I don’t have any blog nor website to post on
Can i perhaps do something else to get the report?
Hey Nova,
If you reply to one of my emails, I’ll help you out from there.
Hope this helps!
James Scholes
Hi James,
I will get a copy of this amazing offer but I can’t match your 3 options. I don’t have my own website and I have just started my blog on blogger . What I have is 3 facebook accounts with nice count of likes and followers. Please do something to help me get your free copy.
Hey Wieslaw,
If you reply to one of my emails, I’ll help you out from there, buddy 🙂
James Scholes
I don’t have my own website.
Hey Ajay,
Simply reply to one of my emails and we’ll sort something out.
Hope this helps anyway, buddy 🙂
James Scholes
Just wanna say thanks to you James all the way from Nigeria here.
Thank you, Tu… Really do appreciate your kind words, buddy 🙂
Thanks again,
James Scholes
Okay, where are my free options.
Hey Randy,
Well if you scroll to the bottom of the post, there’s a simple form you must complete.
You’ll have to share it 3 times… Then you’ll get access it.
Hope this helps anyway, Randy 🙂
James Scholes
Yuor page doesn’t work.
I do the links & posts etc.
It recognises them & when I come back it says none have been done
Drop me a email and I’ll help you out there, Jim.
James Scholes
You’re the best James! #LifeChanger
Thanks Jonathan 🙂
James Scholes
Hi James,
Sorry for bothering but I read this like 2 times now and I don’t get what you mean by “Copy and paste the pre-written message” are talking about the link or something you wrote on this webpage?
Hey Michael… Hope you’re okay, buddy 🙂
What it means is that you need to copy and paste the article onto your Blog.
If you don’t have a blog, then there’s other options like Facebook, Twitter etc.
So use them instead.
Hope this helps, Michael 🙂
James Scholes
Pleases read this
Hey Erica,
What can I do for you?
James Scholes
I have posted this link on my facebook
And post on manchester city fanpage
And got many like and people msg me for thanx but no referals showing
I thing i got minimum 30 to 50 referal
Minimum guarented so plz be honest
Give me the file of 297$ day trick thnx
Hey Gigra,
If you drop me an email at: zxzJameszxz@gmail.com and I’ll make sure you get your download, mate.
James Scholes
Thnx james
For the trick
I think that a blackhat trick
You’re welcome, Gigra 🙂
By the way, it’s not a blackhat method – it’s completely ethical.
James Scholes
I would love to have a copy James but I have no facebook account (I know), I have no twitter account (I know again!) and I have now website…What can I do to get my free copy?
Hey Ryan,
To be honest, if you haven’t got your own site and hosting etc… Then this Biz in the Box won’t be a big help to you.
You need your own hosting to get the most out of it you see.
James Scholes
I meant NO website…
Happy Friday!
Hey James i hope all is well!
This looks amazing, I’ve been following your emails for a while now and really excited about this offer, but I’m a little bit of a caveman and I only have instergram and twitter, they are new and not greatly followed. I don’t have any of the other steps. How would i go about taking advantage of this opportunity?
Thanks Luke
Suppose i should read the comments first…there was a lot of comments ha!
Thanks anyway James,
Hey Luke… Hope you’re okay, buddy.
To be honest, if you haven’t got your own site and hosting etc… Then this Biz in the Box won’t be a big help to you.
You need your own hosting to get the most out of it you see.
Hope this helps anyway, buddy 🙂
James Scholes
What is the pre-written message? Do you mean post the pre-written message into my Facebook account?
Yup, that’s right, Dane.
James Scholes
i dont understand any of those four things that i have to do to get access please help me
Hey Connor… Hope you’re okay, buddy.
What you need to do is to post to 3 places like Facebook, Twitter etc to get access to the Biz in the Box.
Hope this helps anyway, Connor 🙂
James Scholes
I try to log into Twitter but the twitter button doesn’t work
Hey again, Trenton 🙂
Just email me here: zxzJameszxz@gmail.com and I’ll help you out there, mate.
James Scholes
I just did what you requested i posted it on twitter but it is not accepting it. my twitters is licamariaN. please confirm to get access to this report!
it would be a shame not to able to get for a tech mistake =/
Hey Angelica,
If you could reply to one of my emails and I’ll help you out there.
Hope this helps 🙂
James Scholes
Here is facebook
Hey Dani,
Not sure what you mean – can you drop me an email and go further into detail where you mean?
James Scholes
Sup, James
Thank you for making traffic easier for us to earn more each day to better our lives so we can serve more people by being their for them.
You’re welcome, mate… Always happy to help 🙂
James Scholes
Hey James,
I posted your link on my twitter account,but I am not getting verification for twitter + Url link.
I was hoping you can help Me.
Thanks Again for everything you give us (Me).
Hey Ken,
Drop me an email at zxzJameszxz@gmail.com and I’ll help you out there.
Hope this helps, mate.
James Scholes
Nothing is free is world
Hey Anthony… Hope you’re okay, mate.
Well it’s “cash” free so it won’t cost you any money.
You just have to share it 3 times to get free access to it.
Your call obviously – just thought I’d clear it up just in case if there was any confusion that’s all.
Hope this helps anyway, Anthony 🙂
James Scholes
I like it
Thanks, Alex… Glad you liked it 🙂
Stay awesome, buddy.
James Scholes
Thank you a million. I did not believe first. Came back today to GRAB IT.
Will comment when i run through it.
Thanks, Farah… Glad you liked it 🙂
Good luck with it,
James Scholes
Trying it now
Okay, John… That’s great to hear.
Hope you enjoy Biz in the Box by the way 🙂
James Scholes
I am quite convinced that this is going to work. I am committed to do everything it takes to succeed in this endeavour. I am sure a lot of my colleagues would love it too. It really is gonna take my internet marketing business to another level. Thanks for the good work James.
You’re welcome, George… Always happy to help, mate 🙂
James Scholes
Hey there 🙂
Let explain…
The method taught in the report is free.
With the Udimi training you’re referring to, I just simply threw that in as a extra.
You’ll notice I didn’t mention it on the page.
So if anything, it was a free bonus.
I hope this explains everything anyway.
Stay awesome my friend,
James Scholes
Hi, tried with Facebook – nothing happened. Don’t have or do the rest… I really could do with a break…
Hey Bizz,
If you email me, we’ll sort something out for you, mate.
Hope this helps 🙂
James Scholes
Could you not simplify this and help me to get started w/ this please? I am a novice and I wanted to try this before going into the permanent one. Thank you.
Sharon Kay Jacobson
Hey Sharon… Hope you’re okay.
You just need to share at 3 places and you’ll get access to it.
Hope this helps anyway 🙂
James Scholes
Hi James I tried posting on all the options but could not also get verified but I would love to get your offer for free plz James
Hey Harjeet,
If you could email me here: zxzJameszxz@gmail.com and I’ll help you out from there.
Hop this helps 🙂
James Scholes
I have tweet ur given message. And share via my facebook and at forum. But only fb referrel is verified. Please troubleshoot it.plz and permit me ur download link
Hey Sumit,
If you could email me here: zxzJameszxz@gmail.com and I’ll help you out with it.
Good luck,
James Scholes
you are great , helpful
You’re welcome, Magdy 🙂
James Scholes
we appreciate your help
Hi James I only got as far as posting it on face book as I don’t know how to copy paste I have no idea what to do next can you please help me .Also I don’have Twitter thank you
Hey Stavroulla,
Don’t worry – it’s very easy to copy and paste.
In fact, I’ve Googled it for you:
Just follow those instructions and you should be fine 🙂
Hope this helps,
James Scholes
Hi James. I only can post to my Facebook. I don’t have any of the others. I’ve never posted in a forum yet is there anyway I can still get it just useing Facebook please?
Thanks, Laurie
Hey Laurie,
Drop me an email at: zxzJameszxz@gmail.com and I’ll give you a hand there.
Hope this helps 🙂
James Scholes
I’m really looking forward to trying your system. So here goes.
Glad you’re looking forward to using it, Lenora 🙂
Good luck,
James Scholes
Hi James,
please send me a copy, I would love to received it!
Hey Alix,
You can get it free just by sharing at 3 places using the form on the bottom of the post.
Hope this helps 🙂
James Scholes
hi james , how can i grab the free offer . please forward me the link of the offer. thank you 🙂
Hey Amlan,
You can get the offer free by sharing at 3 places.
So follow the instructions and you’ll see how to get it free.
Hope this helps 🙂
James Scholes
Your methods from previous videos worked for me. So, would love to see what you’ve got this time. Thanks james!
That’s awesome, Jason.
Hope this works for you too, mate 🙂
James Scholes
HI..James…… I did what you asked…FB done TW done but I still have this problem with the forum…I do not know whyI’m having trouble into my acount … and I can’t open a new one.. They suffer from technical problems apparently.
So Tomorrow is the big day I think…do i still have a chance 🙁
Hey Hicham,
Just drop me an email at: zxzJameszxz@gmail.com and I’ll help you out there.
Speak soon,
James Scholes
I don’t see a link to download..?
Hey Godwin,
There’s a form at the bottom of the page you need to fill in to get access to the Biz in the Box.
So look there and you’ll see what you need to do to get access.
Hope this help anyway, buddy 🙂
James Scholes
Mr Scholes,
I’d really like to give this a shot but is this offer still running or have I stumbled upon some long outdated page? There are no date stamps on the comments, so I’m more than a bit wary about this. You know the saying: “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.”
Also, isn’t it true that Facebook doesn’t want this type of content posted on personal pages? As far as I know, no business promotion should be posted on personal Facebook pages and if Facebook finds an account breaching this rule they will immediately terminate the account Definitely don’t want to risk that! If I’m wrong about this, please enlighten me.
Looking forward to your reply.
Hey Wayne… Thanks for your comment.
Regarding your question: well, all I can say is, it works and it cost nothing to get access to.
So you’ve got nothing to lose, really.
And with Facebook… They have no problem whatsoever what you post on your personal FB account.
They wouldn’t grown to the size they are now if they limited what you could talk about or post on your FB account.
So to answer your question: it’s completely safe to post business related content on your FB account so you’ve got nothing to worry about on that front.
Hope this helps anyway, Wayne 🙂
James Scholes
Hi James,
Thanks for the quick reply. It’s now obvious that my initial apprehension about doing this was unwarranted and that the content on this page isn’t outdated at all.
Okay here’s the thing, I asked my friend named Google to find info which could confirm what you stated about Facebook having “no problem whatsoever” with what I post on my personal FB account. From what I’ve gathered, it appears it’s okay to promote business on my personal page, PROVIDED that most of the posts aren’t like that because the purpose of a personal FB account isn’t to do business.
So, I’ll shortly complete step 1 of 3.
Incidentally, that video on Chris’ success with Evergreen Wealth Formula is very inspiring! It’s hard to imagine how he must have felt when he suddenly made over $13,000 in just two weeks, especially with his self-doubt and having been put down by his parents all his life. It kinda reminds me of Tony Robbins’ upbringing. (Search YouTube for “Tony Robbins Key to Success, Wealth and Fulfillment with Lewis Howes”.)
You’re welcome, Wayne.
Like I said, there’s no problem posting content on any subject – regardless if it’s business related or not – on your FB page.
And yeah, Chris really hit it out of the park too…
$13,000+ in just one day is just simply amazing, isn’t it.
It just goes to show that anyone, regardless of experience, can do it.
Hope this helps anyway, Wayne 🙂
James Scholes
Hi James.
Managed to do facebook and twitter but your system will not find the post I made on the blog. Also tried to do link and text but it just won’t have it.
Can you let me have the link to the download please? Thanks.
Hey Paul,
If you can email me at zxzJameszxz@gmail.com and I’ll help you out there.
James Scholes
I tried twitter, my blog and FB. It only worked to verify FB.
Bummer. Thought I’d found something here.
Hey Jeannette,
If you email me here: zxzJameszxz@gmail.com and I’ll help you out there.
Hope this helps 🙂
James Scholes
Excuse me if I tell you that have no Website, no Bloog, no Twitter, I try and try to follow a Marketer, but I can’t to pay. Not I don’t want, Noo I can’t.
without experience.
Thank you
Hey Lahbib,
To be honest, if you haven’t got your own site and hosting etc… Then this Biz in the Box won’t be a big help to you.
You need your own hosting to get the most out of it you see.
I have plenty of free training coming out soon anyway.
So keep your eyes peeled for my future email… I think you’ll dig it when you see it.
Speak soon, buddy.
James Scholes
Hi James I have posted the links on FB and Twitter but have no website so how could I get through this.
Hey Ankit,
If you email me at zxzJameszxz@gmail.com and I’ll help you out there.
Hope this helps 🙂
James Scholes
Hi James,
Do i have to have a website to do this? I did Facebook and Twitter but i do not have the others. I really would like to do this, can you help?
Hey Darnella… Nice to meet you 🙂
Regarding your question: drop me an email at: zxzJameszxz@gmail.com and I’ll assist you there.
Hope this helps.
James Scholes
Hi James,
I tried to get this download the other day. But i could only do facebook,i could not get in my twitter acc. For the
other i do not have a web site,and i do or could not find a forum to post on. I`m new at this internet thing,that is why i follow you,and also on your mailing list,i need something to start help me make money on the net.
Warm regards
Kobus du Plessis
Hey Kobus,
Just reply to one of my emails and I’ll help you out there.
James Scholes
Need link to download
Hey Sheila… Nice to meet you 🙂
Regarding your question: if you reply to one of my emails, I’ll help you out there.
Hope this helps anyway.
James Scholes
I don’t have a website or a self hosted blog. I’d like your system to learn how to implement those things. I could post to FB and become part of a forum. would that be enough?
Hey Cjack,
Yeah that’s fine.
If you email me the links where you posted to and I’ll hook you up with the Biz in the Box for you.
Hope this helps 🙂
James Scholes
Hi James
I look forward to using this and am very excited to try it! 🙂
That’s great to hear, Stephanie… Hope it works out for you 🙂
Good luck,
James Scholes
i tried other links and tweeting the links but i seem to face problems help me out
Hey Andrew,
If you email me here: zxzJameszxz@gmail.com and send me the 3 links to where you posted and I’ll hook you up with the Biz in the Box for you.
Hope this helps, bud 🙂
James Scholes
Hey! James i did what you asked. And I didn’t get a copy yet.
Hey Mike,
Just replying to one of my emails with the 3 links to where you posted to and I’ll hook you up with the Biz in the Box for you.
Hope this helps 🙂
James Scholes
Hi James
Please send me this link
Hey Adrian,
Just replying to one of my emails with the 3 links to where you posted to and I’ll hook you up with the Biz in the Box for you.
Hope this helps ?
James Scholes
I am very excited to get started. I just hope I know what I am doing
Glad you’re excited, Delfred.
Good luck with it anyway 🙂
James Scholes
Sweet… I’m all in…
Love to have this…
I’m on all your mailing list and am always following what you are doing 🙂
Please hook me up 🙂
Thank you,
John Dumas 🙂
Hey John… Nice to meet you, mate.
Regarding your question: if you want the Biz in the Box, just follow the steps at the bottom of the post and you’ll get access to it.
That’s awesome you’re enjoying my vids and stuff… Appreciate it 🙂
Stay awesome, buddy.
James Scholes
I placed the link on my web site yet it says required referral not found.
im lost again
Hi Billie,
If you reply to one of my emails, I’ll help you out there, mate.
James Scholes
They both got posted but no link thanks
Hey Tom,
Just top me an email with links to both places you posted to and I’ll hook you up with a free copy, buddy.
James Scholes
Hi James,
I haven’t receive my download yet.
I have completed with form, until now there no news about the download.
Please reply ASAP. Hindi
Hey Hindi,
Just reply to one of my emails and I’ll help you out there.
Speak soon,
James Scholes
Hi James
bit confused hope u can help
,i already rebranded the report with my affilate link from digi results , but the links point to your squeeze page where they would enter there email , surely that would go into your autoresponder right ?
so if that affilate links in the report goes to your squeeze page , what is the purpose of having the 5 squeeze pages that come with biz in box ,? i have my own autoresponder so what should i be doing ?
hope you can clear things up a bit more .
i will then send traffic with solo ads from udimi , but need to get this set up right firstly 🙂
great content your giving !
thanks mate
Hey Dylan,
The whole point is you use the report to build your list.
So use one of the squeeze pages and use the report as an incentive for people to optin.
Now, as it’s rebranded with your affiliate link, every time someone signs up and ends up buying… You make a $50 commission.
If you get a lot of traffic coming in, after a while, the commissions will start coming in on a regular basis.
Just approved you as an affiliate by the way, Dylan 🙂
Good luck,
James Scholes
I don’t have website
It’s too hard for me to leave this opportunity of 200%.so I have to do it till win ?
That’s the spirit, Igellat.
Good luck anyway 🙂
James Scholes
I need help getting started with the Evergreen Wealth Formula…. There is no info on how to get started… I hope I didnt just got scammed again. $97 is alot to lose
Hey Terrence… Nice to meet you.
Regarding your question: the order button appears 10 minutes into the video presentation.
From there, you can order the EWF and get instant access to the entire course.
If you want, I can send you the order link so you don’t have to resit through the video presentation again.
Let me know… I’ll be more than happy to send you it 🙂
James Scholes
hi, James
Thanks for all, can’t wait to dig in and start implement this
You’re welcome, Ahmed.
Hope you get awesome with it anyway 🙂
James Scholes
Thanks James for the awesome Free Funnel!! 🙂
Hey Big James.My God ,I can’t believe you would give this program away free.Can’t thank you enough James.This’ll get me that much closer to buy the “Evergreen Wealth Formula”.
Hey it’s not problem, Eugene… Glad you’re excited to get access to it 🙂
James Scholes
I just received a receipt for the “free product”. Please refund my money. Your email address bounces when I try to make the refund request.
Hi Lisa,
Sorry, I have no clue what you’re on about.
Are you mixing me up with somebody else?
Because if you’ve bought anything from me, you would have had to either use your credit card or pay with Paypal… So you would of known if you purchased something from me.
James Scholes
Hi James
I just want to find out. How long does it usually take for a new product listing to get approved on Digiresult.
It has been saying awaiting approval for the last 7 days.
Many thanks and I love your work.
Hi James,
I wouldn’t use DigiResults to sell your product.
Personally, it looks abandoned – and as you can see – they’re taking a long time to reply.
In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if they never reply.
What you want to do instead is list your product at either JVZoo, Clickbank or Warriorplus.
Hope this helps anyway, mate 🙂
James Scholes
Hi James,
This is awesome!
I love this!
Thank you, Isaac… Appreciate it 🙂
James Scholes
You are a good marketer
You’re welcome, Michael 🙂
James Scholes
Hi James, I would love to download but Im only on facebook Im afraid I had a falling out with Twitter regards Anita
Hi Anita,
No worries, just reply to one of my emails and send me the link you’ve posted to on Facebook and I’ll verify it myself.
James Scholes
I sent you an email because the systems didn’t verify my posts.
I missed your last offering and can’t wait to dive into this one!
Hi Christine,
Just send me the email to where you posted and I’ll send you link to where you can download the Biz in the box.
Just reply to any of my emails I’ll get it by the way.
Hope this helps.
James Scholes
Hi James, I posted to FB which was a success. I also tweeted which was not. Can I please have the download.
Hi Catherine,
Reply to one of my emails with the links to your Facebook and Twitter accounts where you posted and I’ll personally verify them myself.
James Scholes
post it on facebook and twitter but just try to verify twitter
Hi Jeremy,
Just noticed your post here.
If you didn’t get your download, just reply to one of my emails and I’ll hook you up, mate.
James Scholes
This looks good James. I tried to get the countdown timer and got a notification that it was no longer available. Do you have another alternative recommendation?
Hi Gail,
It’s funny you mention this because the countdown timer I mentioned video stopped working for me today.
I’ve contacted their support and they’ve told me they won’t be repairing it as the product hasn’t been publicly available for over a year now.
So that said, I’m in the same predicament as you and I’ll be looking for a alternative myself now.
If you hit me up in a month from now, I should have a placement and I’ll share which one I invested in.
James Scholes
I can’t click any of the buttons to download.
None can I email you as the link is not working too
Many thanks for your help
Hi Elizabeth,
Yes, reply to one of my email with the link and I’ll verify it myself for you.
James Scholes
I have no website yet. I have read the traffic report. I already posted the link on facebook. What’s next?
Hi Emerico,
You can give it away or sell the report if you want to.
If you’re not sure how to do that, then there’s a video tutorial on how to profit from it if you want to make money with it.
Good luck,
James Scholes
Hi James I posted on Facebook but can’t seem to down load the program 🙁 please can you reply back to me
Much appreciated
Hi Charlene,
If you reply to one of my emails, I’ll help you out there.
Hope this helps 🙂
James Scholes
I have posted 4 times.
Hi Denise,
Reply to one of my emails and I’ll help you out getting the Biz in the Box.
James Scholes
I post the link it just stopped theri it dident move to further step what I have to do now
Hi Adithya,
Reply to one of my emails and I’ll help you out there.
James Scholes
Hi James,
I’ve downloaded this and I am going through it.
Thank you for all the effort you put into your products, and then to offer them for FREE, for some of us to truly get ahead of this business.
Your products are always good, I am never afraid to follow you and put into action what you give me.
Thank you James, Have a great day, I will !!
Hi James,
I have been following you and using you products. Thank you for helping newbies, and everyone else, a shot at making money on line.
However, I am having trouble downloading this program. I was able to Post it to Facebook, and I got your Thank you, but when I tried to download it, I had problems, and now I can’t get back to that page. Help Please, Kathy
Hi Kathy,
I was just about to reply to your last comment.
Anyway, reply to one of my emails and I’ll make sure you’ll get your download.
James Scholes
I like the video, as I do with all your stuff. I did follow the instructions, in fact I sent it twice thinking I did something wrong. I wasn’t able to download “Biz in a Box” can you shoot me the link. Thanks, Kathy
Hi Kathy,
Just email me at zxzJameszxz@gmail.com and I’ll help you out there.
James Scholes
Hey James,
Thanks for the opportunity. I look forward to putting this into action!!
You’re welcome, Huw… I wish you luck with it 🙂
James Scholes
hey is evergreen wealth formula is closed??
Hi Mike,
To answer your question: the EWF is still currently open.
If you want to get access to the EWF system, you can do so here:
Hope this helps, mate 🙂
James Scholes
I have been looking for a concrete money making tool on the Enternet , unfortunately I was not sucessful in that , what I am going to ask is how this going to work for me?
Hi Awadalla,
It’s basically tools and content to help you make money.
There’s also a free guide on the other side that’ll show you how to make money with it too.
Hope this helps anyway 🙂
James Scholes
no form found to fill up!!!
Hi Nepthalie,
I’ve just checked and I can see the form on the page.
If you can’t find it, it’s at the bottom of the post, just before the comment section.
Hope this helps 🙂
James Scholes
Hey James I tried signing up with DigResults but they have never sent me a confirmation email. I have checked spam folder and even tried a different email address and still no confirmation email to get into DigResults. What to do
Larry Johnson
Hey Larry,
I’ve recently moved my product to another affiliate network because DigiResults looks like it’s been abandoned for a few years now.
So what I would do is head over to JVZoo or Warriorplus then find a product to promote at one of those sites instead.
Hope this helps anyway 🙂
James Scholes
Hey James,
Thanks for your quick reply. So to follow up with my last comment. With DigResults out of the picture are we not able to promote the $688 free report, that the Biz In A Box speaks about? Or is there another affiliate site that you are using for the Free offer?
Hi Larry,
To be honest, I’ll be closing this offer down in the next week or so as it’s out of date now and I’ll be replacing it with different free training instead.
One of the reasons is that the EWF affiliate program is on longer open to the public as it’s only open to EWF members now.
James Scholes
Let me explain my situation., I am an 80-year-old guy that needs some help. I have an autistic great-grandson
that is living with my wife, daughter (his grandmother), and me. His mother and father are not able to be in the
picture anymore. We are living on Goverment pension called Social Security , and I need the help. My hope is
to gather a pop full of money for our boy when he needs someone to care for him. We are not going to live forever.
and who knows the three of us would not turn down new cars and house repairs. I am sure the picked relative would appreciate a pot full of money.
I signed on to the web hoping I could get a system for free. I started getting into the information and the training when I RAN INTO $297 and $197. That does not sound like free. Is the first PART free and the SECOND PART HAS THE BIG MONEY PRICE?
PLEASE, give directions to get to the free part so I can get to churning. If this all a big mistake tell me. The plan is to get some money so I can buy PART 2. THEN POUR THE COAL ON. Do you also publish the email twice, once back to me? thank you,
Pat Washmon pdwashmon@gmail.com
Hey Pat, nice to meet you.
I’ve just read your comment and I’m sorry to hear about the struggles you’re going through.
Hopefully, things will get better for you sooner rather than later.
Regarding the free training you mention in your comment: I recommend signing up for my free course.
It’ll show you how to make money from start to finish using free methods.
You can sign up to it here if you’re interested:
So give that a try and see how you go with it.
Good luck 🙂
James Scholes