The FASTEST and EASIEST Way To Making Money I know [Guaranteed To Work]


Hey guys… James here.

Got something a little different for you today.article-2255798-16B79B25000005DC-789_634x715

As you know – I’m all about showing you cool ways of making money online. Well, this particular method is a little “out there” if you know what I mean.

But don’t worry, this method super easy to do… Plus you’ll have a blast doing this as well 😉

As it goes, I told a close friend of mine who needed to generate some quick cash that didn’t require all that mumble-jumble internet marketing stuff you’ve gotta learn nowadays.

So I shared a strategy with him that didn’t have an ounce of “internet  marketing” in it… Yet made money quickly and easily.

The end result… He made $57.63 in JUST 40 minutes of doing this one little “trick”!

But that’s not all, not only did he make $57.63 in 40 minutes… But he could spend it as soon as he earned it!

So there’s no waiting around like some of those affiliate and CPA network to transfer your money over that takes like 30 days to get it after you earned it…

As soon as he earned it, he could spend it

As you can imagine, my friend was proper stoked about this, in fact he was a little annoyed with me for not sharing it with him till now lol.

Homer-Simpson-i-want-it-now-a-few-daysBut hey, if you don’t ask, you don’t get right.

But anyway – he now does this 3 to 5 times a week and he’s making some good money doing this, so this got me thinking…

If it’s helping my good friend – who’s absolutely useless with computers and this whole internet marketing thing… Then I reckon it’ll help my Blog readers and email subscribers too.

And this is where you come in 😉

I know – like me – that you’re always on the look out for easy ways of make some quick cash… No matter how weird or “out there” it is.

So I figured I’d shoot this super quick video and reveal it to you what exactly it is.

Trust me, I think you’re really gonna be blown away when you see this – mainly because it’s not the usual stuff I share or teach.

But hey, money’s money… And that’s all what matters right

So here’s the video, and of course… Let me know by leaving a comment down below… Always love to hear your thoughts on it 🙂


Impressive stuff, huh …But if you thought this method of making money was cool… Then you’re gonna absolutely adore what I’ve got for you here.

It’s basically a complete system that walks you through a powerful system you can use right now to generate a $1000+ a day online… Even if you have ZERO internet marketing experience!

Seriously. In fact, a lot of normal folk who watched this video are making around $300 to $500 a day after 3 months of implementing this very method here.

So yeah, if you’re serious about generating a massive, passive income online that literally runs itself on complete auto pilot, then this – without a shadow of a doubt – is for you.


>>> Watch & Implement this $1000+ day method right here! <<<

54 replies on “The FASTEST and EASIEST Way To Making Money I know [Guaranteed To Work]”

Hey thanks, Mike 🙂

Give it a go – defo something anyone can do regardless of your situation.

James Scholes

Thanks again for your awesome videos as usual James.

Love your videos and tips… Always increasing my bottom line 😉


Cheers Reagan… Glad you’re diggin’ my videos 🙂

More coming soon!

James Scholes

This looks really good James!

Like you said, anyone can do this and it looks really easy.

I’ve actually heard of focus groups before but I’ve never actually thought of signing up to any before.

Thanks for the tip anyway.


Hey Steve,

Yeah, I know what you mean with hearing about them, but you never actually think about doing it yourself.

But give it a go – you’ll have a blast doing it and you’ll meet some interesting folk if you know what I mean lol.

James Scholes

Hey James,
Thanks! I must admit, I dig the candid style of your vids, they show how real and the honest value of the information your passing along. It’s a fun surprise to know about some of the smaller projects you have going on, plus- agreed- it really is that simple with focus groups (participated in a few also), along with that, it’s cool to be sharing quality info like that- it’s much appreciated. Always Looking Forward To Your Emails, Thanks Again,


Thanks Edward,

Really glad you dig my candid style as you put it… Really appreciate it buddy 🙂

And yes, focus groups are really fun to do too. My brother does it in London and makes full time living from focus groups and he was the one who told me about them.

I don’t really do it for the money myself – just to get out of the house and meet some fun people really, but I thought people would love to hear about it as it’s a great little way of making some extra cash on the side.

Thanks again.

James Scholes

This sounds fantastic. I am definitely going to try this. Been trying to make money online with no success so maybe this will work for me. I’m retired from the armed services and just need something to supplement my income.

Thank you James!

All well, can’t win ’em all I guess.

Shame really because a couple of hours I mailed video to my list, one of my subscribers already made $75 doing this.

In fact, you can see the email she sent me here:

If you want something that works worldwide, check out my Evergreen Wealth Formula as that’ll work where ever you are 🙂

Good luck regardless anyway, Rodney.

James Scholes

Thanks Cameron – glad you see the potential in this and also enjoying my videos too 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Imran,

If you’re on about buying the Evergreen Wealth Formula, then you don’t need a Paypal account to buy it. When you go to the checkout page, there’s a box that you can tick that will allow you to buy with just your credit card.

So yeah, you don’t need Paypal to get access… Hope this helps, Imran 🙂

James Scholes

Didn’t we just speak via email?

But yeah, thanks… Glad you see the potential 🙂

James Scholes

James your a life saver.


I really needed something like this I will be a faithful follower of yours from this day on.

I didn’t realize you had been sending me videos for a while just watching this on and have to play catch up.

You just Rock and I have been online for 10 years and have never made a dime. I am buying your Eevergreen Wealth Formula and will google this free formula just as soon as I’m done Thanking you for being a caring and sharing person. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Hey you’re welcome, Brazina 🙂

And check out my previous emails if you haven’t already.

You’ll find they’re riddled with video tutorials on various ways of making money online 🙂

James Scholes

Hi james! Giving it a try straight away! I hope it works around the world and not only uk?thumbs up for u! U r amazing!

I don’t know where you’re from, Khadija but generally the bigger the city – regardless where in the world you’re from – the more focus groups you’re gonna find.

Good luck with it anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Sonia,

If you want to learn how to get traffic, I recommend watching my Youtube channel as I’ve got some video tutorials all about getting traffic.

Hope this helps anyway, Sonia 🙂

James Scholes

All these commented people were not shown there face, All are cartoons. I am thinking same person commented by different accounts.

Hey Shashikala,

If you look at your own comment… You’ll notice you’ve got a cartoon for a face too.

I should imagine it’s because hardly anyone can be assed going to the effort of uploading their own image.

And looking at your avatar… I should imagine you’re the same.

Hope this clears things up for you anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Biplab,

Well this method works best in cities.

So the bigger the city you live in… The more opportunities you’ll be able deploy it.

If you’re not sure what to do next, then I recommend you to re-watch the video.

It’s all explained and it’s very easy to do too.

Hope this helps and good luck, Biplab 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Según,

Try viewing the webpage in another browser like Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc.

This normally fixes the issue and the video should play fine.

Hope this helps anyway, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James,

Love your vids and info tips great, I joined a focus group sometime ago because at the time I was unemployed and I did get paid the exact amount that was confirmed in the letter they sent me, I could not believe it getting paid just to listen to somebody talking about counseling and we had to note down if we thought counselling was a good idea and does it help the individual that sort of thing!

As you have reminded me I’m going to look for one in my area now!

Cheers James

Hey, Jan… Hope you’re okay.

Yeah, focus groups are great – really easy and fun way of making money.

Glad you’re diggin’ my vids by the way, appreciate it, Jan 🙂

Good luck anyway,

James Scholes

It’s not the country per-se but the size of your city that matters.

So the bigger the city, the focus groups that’ll be held there.

Hope this helps anyway, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Jan,

Just tried watching the video and it ran fine for me.

I would try again and if it still doesn’t work, try viewing it in another browser like Chrome, Firefox etc as it could be a browser issue.

Hope this helps 🙂

James Scholes

Thanks for the tip – just returned from a focus group meeting here in Delhi – interesting – no cash – snacks – tee – beer – sandwiches – just water and lots of pamphlets – any ways was all about computing

You know, Sylvo… It might be done differently in your country.

But I do know in the UK where I live and in the USA you get paid for going.

It’s quite a lot of money too – about $80 for a hour’s work and it’s not even work really.

Good to hear your experience on it anyway, Sylvo 🙂

James Scholes

Didn’t get to see the video, YouTube took it down??
Can you send it to me directly. I’m just getting back
In town, have been on the road for two weeks and I’m
Just getting a chance to go through my emails,
Thanks James.

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