The Emergency Fast Cash Formula


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89 replies on “The Emergency Fast Cash Formula”

Fantastic video as usual James, I will be doing this when I get home tonight.

Its good to hear from you by the way. I’ve been on your list for while and I was getting concerned something happened to because you haven’t emailed for quite some time.

Good to see you’re back and sharing your videos again as your methods and teachings are the best!


Hey Derrick… Good to hear from you, mate.

Glad you enjoyed today’s training.

I’ve been busy creating tons of new video tutorials so I’ll be sharing them with you and the rest of my subscribers over the coming weeks/months.

So yeah, you’ll be hearing from me in the near future so keep your eyes peeled for my future emails.

Speak soon, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Awesome vid!


I have the Evergreen Wealth Formula and am currently in the process of making a Facebook//Skype group for the Evergreen Wealth Formula members to join in and help each other out.

If you want to join then just leave your Skype username here or just write my name at the beginning of the sentence 😉

Looking forward to seeing you in the group,

Hi James,

great training! one thing though, your like button seems to be inactive
so can’t access the fill in the blank templates. Already subscribed
to The Evergreen Wealth Formula but would really appreciate the


Hey Heather,

Sorry for the inconvenience.

I thought I’d try something new with the FB like thing But it doesn’t seem to be working.

I’ve removed it so you can download the website template and email swipes anyway.

Glad you’re diggin’ the training by the way, Heather 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James……..yes as Derrick says GOOD TO HEAR FROM YOU AGAIN!!! I also thought you left the planet without saying good bye.
Yes James nice to hear from you again.


Well I’m back, Kobus.

I’ve got tons to share with you so you’ll be hearing from me a lot more over the coming weeks/months.

Good to hear from you anyway… Hope all is good at your end, mate.

James Scholes

Hey man thats a nice video.But to sell my product i need to send massive mail to people.without that how i ganna make money.Is there any way to do that free because i don’t have any money at all.Can you please tell me how i can get free email list which will give me money and free way to send massive mail.I don’t need huge profit. it would be fine for me if i could make 1000 dollar per month.

However thaks for the video

Hey Pulok… Nice to meet you 🙂

Regarding your question: the only way you’re gonna get a list is by building it yourself.

You don’t want to buy lists and you definitely don’t want to use free ones as they’ll be complete, utter junk.

So the only thing I can recommend for you is to start building your own list by generating traffic to a page where you collect leads.

Traffic wise: I cover traffic – free and paid methods – on my Youtube channel.

You can find all my traffic training here:

So start today and don’t delay and it’ll pay off in the long run.

Good luck, Pulok 🙂

James Scholes

hey James, cool vid great ideas. but dumb question: how do we get eyeballs to our website?


Hey Rafe,

Well this particular method is aimed at email marketers but you can use this anywhere you’ve got a following like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram… Anywhere really.

This also works great with Facebook ads as well… So try that if you haven’t got a following on a social media site or own a email list.

But yeah, there’s loads of ways you can go about this.

Hope this helps anyway, Rafe 🙂

Good luck,

James Scholes

james have you looked into some of the studies in your traffic course i like the traffic training specially on twitter and the forms all became paid now as well .rest of the course is a amazing optins with the system is 60 % and more i have been running paid traffic and been killing it thanks hope people realize the value you are giving to the market place . this is my honest opinion on evergreen

kind regards
izak janse van vuuren

Hey Isak,

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your feedback – appreciate it.

I’m adding some new modules to the EWF course soon so keep your eyes peeled for it.

Absolutely awesome you’re getting results with the EWF course too.

Keep up the good work and keep me posted how you go.

Speak soon,

James Scholes


This looks like a grand slam. I didn’t know you could hit a home run over the pond !!!

Thanks, Emmerson… Appreciate it.

And don’t worry – I’ve got plenty of free training heading your way soon 🙂

Thanks for stopping by and watching anyway.

James Scholes


A great video and I can see that this would work very well to bring in people into your list as well as make some money.

I do have a question. You give the bonus material to purchasers of the product that you are acting as an affiliate for. Since they are taken to the product website and purchase through the product site, how do you know that they actually bought so that you can provide the free material? They could visit the product site and then decide not to buy.

Do you ask them to send you proof of their purchase and then you send them the download link or do you not worry and send them the material whether they buy or not?

If you ask for say PayPal proof is there an automated method that you use or do you or someone else manually check their proof against your PayPal records?

Thanks in advance.


Hey Michael… Hope you’re okay, buddy.

Regarding your question: if you look at the bonus page I give you for free, you’ll see it tells the customer once they’ve purchased, to email you to get your bonuses.

From there, you can ask for a receipt and verify it with the affiliate network where you found the product from.

Hope this helps clears things up for you anyway, Michael 🙂

Good luck,

James Scholes

hi James!
Awesome video(as usual)!
just one thing i wanted to mention is no longer available to purchase…
please update:)
thanks again for the BRILLIANT video!

Thanks, Billy… Glad you enjoyed it.

With Scarcity Samurai: I didn’t realised it was no longer for sale until after I posted the video.

I’m afraid I don’t know any other countdown timer as I’ve always used SS.

That said, there’s loads out there – all you’ve gotta do is Google around and I’m pretty sure you’ll find something similar out there.

Hope this helps anyway, Billy 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Robert,

If you want the free downloads, then you need to fill out the form below the video.

It’s free to do and it’ll take you less than a minute to do.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Thanks, Robert… Glad you enjoyed it.

Regarding your question: well, if I was implementing this, I’d make a order button using Paypal.

So you would just login and create a order button within your Paypal account.

If you’re not sure how to do this, then just Google “How to create a Paypal order button” and you’ll find tons of guides on how to do it.

It’s free to do and it’ll only take you a few seconds to create too – super easy, basically.

Hope this helps anyway, Robert 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Ujjwal… Nice to meet you.

Regarding your question: your best bet is to checkout my Youtube channel.

I have a ton of video tutorials on various ways on how to make money online – free and paid methods:

I recommend subscribing too…

I’m always posting video tutorials on new ways of making money online, you see.

Hope this helps anyway, Ujjwal 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James,

Got your email, watched it & it all sounds great, but I don’t see the links?

I’m looking for the swipe templates for the website and PLR content to setup.

Cheers, Malcolm.

Hi Malcolm,

If you look just below the video, you’ll see a form.

Just follow the instructions within the form and you’ll get access to the PLR and template contents for free.

Hope this helps anyway, Malcolm 🙂

James Scholes

Thanks, Robert… Glad you’re enjoying my vids.

Regarding your request: there’s a form just below the video.

Fill that in, you’ll get free access.

It’ll only take you a like, 20 seconds to fill in… If that.

Thanks again… Appreciate it 🙂

James Scholes


You seem like a great bloke. Your videos are very intuitive and well made. Excellent work! I’ll definitely be implementing your suggestions when I get home.


I’m not sure what the catch is, but I guess I’m gonna give it my all and try it out…

Hi Crystal,

I assure you, there is no catch.

It’s free training, and to get the tools mentioned in the video, you just hit the share button and you’ll get free access to ’em.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Scott… Nice to meet you.

Regarding your question: I recommend using an affiliate network like Clickbank to find an affiliate offer to promote.

Most of the products pay you 50% commission rate for each sale you make so you can rack up money pretty quickly once you know what you’re doing.

Good luck with it anyway, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Great video James
Your stuff is so well explained without any of the BS you usually get.
My question is this: The method is great but what if you don’t have a list to market it to?

Thank you, Lee… Appreciate it.

Regarding your question: you can use this in a number ways if you haven’t got a list.

If you’ve got a following on a social media site like FB, Twitter, Instagram etc you can use this method on there.

Also, you can use this method with FB ads by using their pixel targeting system so the offer follows them on the internet on the various sites they visit.

So yes, there’s quite a few ways you can implement this training if you have’t got a email list to market to.

Hope this helps anyway, mate 🙂

James Scholes

What is takes to get cash money i don’t understand is through the video watching or what you are saying in the video i your speech because is not obvious at end of the will won’t see the result after wasting of time,energy and money as well because am using money subscribe now so therefore i need proper explanation

Hi Akinwale,

It sounds like you’re struggling to understand what I’m saying in the video.

If that’s the case, then I’m afraid you won’t understand my other training as it’s all in video format.

The only thing I can suggest is to turn on sub-titles in your language and read it instead.

Hope this helps anyway and I wish you luck with it, Akinwale 🙂

James Scholes


Kindly send me the free templates on the bonus and any other free staff you promised in the video. I have never made money online but am now convinced that through your lessons I can start making money online.



Hi Godfrey,

There’s a form below the video where you can get access to all the content mentioned in the video.

It’s just a case of clicking a button and you’ll get instant free access to all the content mentioned in the video.

Hope this helps anyway, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James,

First off I want to thank you for another video giving me a “heads up” about WA, you know what I mean. Regarding this video and the Emergency Cash Formula, I just can’t thank you enough. I look forward to future news from you.

Hey Alan,

You’re welcome and I’m glad you’re enjoying the free training.

And yes, I’ve got more coming soon so make sure to keep an eye out for it in the near future.

Speak soon, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James how are you mate your a real cool guy and that $100 a day method sounds interesting, but i can’t really understand what you are doing i kinda get what your saying, but i think i could understand better if you were actually doing it on the video i am interested to know if you have a video that is more detailed about the formula?

Hey Shemor,

Regarding your question: I’m afraid I don’t.

If you’ve got any specific questions about this method though, I’d be more than happy to answer ’em for you 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James,
Great training video for this newbie.

I’ve installed the Commentluv plugin. And have commented on some other posts. But the ten last posts don’t come up for me.

Is that only available in the premium version?

But the site is getting registrations.

Cheers and thanks, Michael

Hey Michael,

I’m not sure what you mean because there’s no mention of Commentluv plugin mentioned in this training whatsoever.

Could you explain further so I can understand and answer your question better?

James Scholes

I beg your pardon James!

My mistakes.

It was regarding another Video training. “Improve Google Ranking Instantly Using This High PR Backlink Trick””

Not this video. I guess I’ve been watching too many videos 🙂

Yeah, I thought you was on about that video, Michael.

Anyway, to answer your question: when you say your posts don’t show, do you mean your comments are not showing?

If so, the reason for this is because most blogs these day pre-approve comments, otherwise a lot of spam comments would get accepted.

So what’s probably happening in your situation is that your comments have either not been approved or they may have been seen by the moderator and assumed to be spam.

If it’s the latter, it’s because your comment/s have come of as spammy, basically.

So you need to give more detailed comments and have no links in the comment itself and you should get your comments approved.

Hope this helps anyway, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Glenys,

There’s a form below the video.

Fill that in and you’ll get the downloads for free.

It only involves pressing a couple of buttons so it’ll only take you a few seconds to do.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Gissel,

Below the video on this training page, there’s a form you can fill in to get free access.

It only involves pressing a couple of buttons and you’ll get instant access to everything then.

Hope this helps, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James,
I watched your video tutorial and it was a great one. Please, can I have the download the website template and email swipes you talked about in your video?
I appreciate all that you are doing to help us succeed online.
Regards and God bless.

Thank you, Anthony… Really glad you enjoyed it.

Regarding the downloads: there’s a form just below the video.

Fill that in and you’ll get instant free access to everything.

All it involves is pressing a couple of buttons and that’s it.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hi Collins,

You’re wanting access to the content mentioned in the training, then fill out the form below the video.

It’s just a case of pressing a button and you’ll get access to the additional content for free.

Hope this helps and good luck 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James,
I’m having a problem gaining access to the downloads, can’t seem to get it to work. Can you send me a link to download it? I’m anxious to start this right away!

Hi Omoada,

It’s free training on how to make money online.

There’s also some free downloadable to content you can use in conjunction with it too.

Hope this helps and good luck with it too 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Daniel,

Did you checkout the free training you got from me when you opted into my list?

If not, check it out because it’ll show you how to make money online.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

James. Tried to share on FB but no go. FB won’t allow to be posted. “Your message couldn’t be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive.”

Did post on my rwitter accounts.

Please sent me the template and swipes. Thank you.

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