Buyer Traffic Method

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52 replies on “Buyer Traffic Method”

Hi James

Nice traffic method you got there, will try this out later when I get back from work later.

Will this work in conjunction with your evergreen wealth formula system by the way? I bought it recently and I’m making a few sales already just by following the quick start guide you provide in the course and I want to add another traffic stream to my evergren wealth formula site that’s all?


Thanks, Paul… Glad you enjoyed it.

Regarding your question: yeah, you can add this traffic method in conjunction with the EWF course.

That said: you can add any traffic method with the EWF so no worries on that front.

It’s awesome you’re getting results with the EWF by the way… Keep it up 🙂

James Scholes

Hey James,

I tried creating a thread in the War room. It just says it’s an invalid link. I am a War room member. I link it to a blog post I did but my thread just won’t go through. Tried 3 times now..

Any suggestions!

Yeah, it did that for me every time I posted something there, Carl.

I spoke to their tech support and they said it was in a queue, waiting to be reviewed.

So don’t worry – they know about it – just waiting for it to be reviewed by a moderator.

Hope this helps anyway, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Hey James
Fantastic job again, but I tell you what I would kill for at the moment
a step by step how to do CPA Training, Thanks Bro,


Good suggestion, Hubert.

As it goes, I’ve got a few ideas strewing on the subject.

If I get anything that deliver’s consistent results… I’ll shoot a video tutorial and share it with you and my subs.

Thanks for stopping by and watching my vid anyway… Really do appreciate it.

Stay awesome, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Hey brother,

How do I sign up for your affiliate programs? I want to see my subs to all this free content you give! I’m sure they will love your stuff!

Thanks, Keith… Appreciate your kind words, mate.

Regarding your question: I’m afraid the affiliate program is only open to Evergreen Wealth Formula members at the mo.

But if anything changes, I’ll definitely let you know.

Thanks again and I’m glad you’re diggin’ my stuff, by the way.

Stay awesome, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Sonu… Hope you’re okay, buddy.

Regarding your question: this training is all about how to drive traffic to your site.

So you’ll need somewhere to send the traffic to like your own site, blog, video…. Anything really.

Hope this explains it anyway, Sonu 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Likeo… Nice to meet you.

Regarding your question: your best bet is to checkout my Youtube channel.

I have a ton of video tutorials on various ways on how to make money online – free and paid methods:

I recommend subscribing too…

I’m always posting video tutorials on new ways of making money online, you see.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

(Yours Free) (Yours Free) (Yours Free)
Is what you said not one, not two but three times…………..then you ask for $97

Hi Rob,

Are you referring to what I say at the start and end of the video?

If so, this is because this video (and a lot of my other videos too) are on Youtube and I use them to drive traffic to my squeeze page where they can get a free course from me.

So I think you’re referring to the parts where I plug my free offer which you can get in the description of below the video on the Youtube page.

Don’t bother to check it ’cause you’ve already got out by the way.

Hope this clears things up anyway, Rob 🙂

James Scholes

Brilliant training as usual James, I’m going to give this a go as I’m in dire need of some traffic.

Hey Ajewole,

If you’re interested in the method, just implement the instructions on the video as I show you everything you need to do there.

Hope this helps 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James,

I haven’t see the video. But I know it will offer fantastic value from past experience with you. You really come up with solutions that work like gangbusters very freakin’ time. Thanks for that mate.

And to anybody reading my comment. This is what I have to say about James: He is the REAL deal!

He is REALLY passionate about what he does. And isn’t a snake oil salesman so rampant in the IM niche. He genuinely cares about you and offers you Gr8 suggestions whenever you request them. And if you have the funds then buy EWF without any hesitation. Because that is all you ever need. I am saying this because if a man can provide so much value in his free tutorials then imagine how much value will be in his paid courses. Personally I haven’t bought EWF yet. But I will very soon. I am saving the funds to buy that beauty. And so should you if you care about your online success. I am aware that this may seem like a promotion, and if it does, I don’t care. Notice that I haven’t slipped any affiliate link below. That should tell you all you need to know.

Thanks James for being a real inspiration. Hats off!

Thank you, Gautham… Appreciate your kind words – I really do.

You know, it’s comments like yours that always motivates me to create the training I do.

Anyway, that’s great to hear you’re getting the EWF soon so I’ll see you in the member’s area when you sign up.

Till then, stay awesome my friend 🙂

James Scholes

Hello James, Thanks for your good teachings,please help me out,the hack my Facebook account and change my password. The Facebook I started using since 2013.the person change my user name to :Naug ,user name 08069285980,my password is 09072185529.the have change my password now.please help me out to unlock my Facebook book. Please

Hey Moses,

I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do.

You need to contact FB and see if they can help you get your account back.

Good luck with getting it back anyway.

James Scholes

Hey Marilu,

There’s nothing additional to send – everything you need to learn this method is on this page.

All you do is watch the video and put the method into action.

Good luck with it anyway 🙂

James Scholes

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