Bum Reveals: 3 Reasons Why You Suck at Internet Marketing

9 replies on “Bum Reveals: 3 Reasons Why You Suck at Internet Marketing”

Ha! awesome video as usual James.

I really agree with everything you said in this video and I think a lot of people do fail with the last one (C and C) but that means more money for us right lol.

Get brilliant results with your EWF course by the way. I had my first $700 day last week so that’s pretty awesome. Still gunning for a $1000 day and I know it’ll only be a matter of time before I hit it using your methods James.

Keep those videos coming!


Hey thanks Mally 🙂

Just kinda rolled out of bed and decided to shoot a video for you guys.

Hence why I look like a complete, utter bum lol.

Glad you’re getting results with the EWF btw.

Just keep scaling it up and I’m certain it’s only a matter of time before you hit the magical “$1000 day” milestone.

And don’t worry, Mally… More videos coming soon 😉

James Scholes

Love your style! Been a subscriber for a while and I always look forward to getting your emails as your not like most of the scamming bastards out there. Just so down to earth and chilled out in everything you do!

Like mally, Im a evergreen member and it’s a cracking little course. Once again, love your teaching style, so easy to follow! I havent had a $700 day like mally but Im doing around $50 to $200 which Im well happy with!!!

I need to contact you james as I have a few questions I want to ask you. How do I contact you personally?

Hey Daniel,

Glad you’re diggin’ my style 🙂

Just being myself really so it’s always good when I read things like this 🙂

And with the EWF. Dunno how long you’ve been doing it but it’s great you’re making a consistent income with it.

Like I said to Mally, just keep following the course and you’ll scale it up in no time.

There’s my email in the EWF member’s area.

Plus, you can reply to any of my emails and I will reply.

I’m just a one-man-band you see so you won’t be dealing with anyone but me… Think that’s a good thing, right lol?

But yeah, if you want to contact me just hit reply to any of my emails and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

James Scholes

Hi James

I’m thinking of buying your Evergreen wealth formula system and you said you are adding a new module. What will this new module be about?


Sarah Goddard

Hey Sarah,

As it goes, I was making some of the module this morning and it’s all about how to make A LOT of money very quickly with affiliate marketing.

It’s actually what all the big boys do to make massive paydays with affiliate marketing.

But the best part is, it works beautifully in conjunction with the EWF course and all the current member’s get the new module free of charge 🙂

However, once it’s added, the price will be going up considerably.

So if you want the EWF at the current low price, plus get the new module free and all the new updates and modules free as and when they’re ready… Make sure to grab the EWF straight away.

Hope this answers your question, Sarah 🙂

James Scholes

Hey James I’m enjoying your video’s and have only just started.

I am killing myself to get your EWF but finances are a bit tight at moment as I had shoulder surgery which has slowed me down and unfortunately my bloody bank account.

Anyway I have followed your tutoring on making a youtube video with affiliate links added (i hope) lol and everything you mentioned actually works from start to finish and i’m useless with some of the computer terms people say out there.

So that’s some compliment to you as you got inside my thick head lol.

Hopefully I might start to make a little bit of money from the video, actually I have made 2 now, so watch out world, and thanks again for being a good bloke.

All the best, Gary.

Hey Gary,

First up, I’m REALLY glad you’re enjoying my videos.

To tell you the truth… I enjoy making ’em for you guys too 🙂

Sorry to hear about all your problems.

I’m sure over time things will get better.

And don’t worry about any jargon in the Evergreen Wealth Formula.

I’ve designed it for folk just like you, you know, tried to break everything down to make it as EASY as follow.

Plus, I help everyone who grabs it too.

So any problems – hit me up – and I’ll help you out there ever 🙂

Keep it up anyway, Gary… It’s only a matter of time before you achieve success.

James Scholes

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