$23,712.65 in JUST 7 Days

Have you seen my other videos yet? If not, you can watch ’em here:

Part 1: Free step by step “$10,000 a month” tutorial

Part 2: How to make “$20,000 paydays” with email marketing

72 replies on “$23,712.65 in JUST 7 Days”

I hope you go ahead with this James. I’m a email marketer and this course is just what I need right now.

Hey Gavin… Hope you’re okay, mate.

I’m definitely considering it – it’s just a ton of work upfront if I do.

If I go ahead with it, it’s gonna be like, 50 to 60 video course ’cause I want to cover every single aspect on how to make this kind of money with small email list.

I’ll keep you posted anyway, buddy 🙂

Stay awesome my friend,


Congratulation James I’m glad your doing well matey, Please create this course got cash waiting :-), would love to be a beta tester if your going to do that. Can’t wait for this, got a feeling it’s going to be awesome ??

Eh up, Scott… Good to hear from you, mate.

I’m getting flooded with tons emails at the mo so I probably will.

Will have to limit the numbers if I do though ’cause I don’t want this getting abused you see.

But don’t worry, you’ll be the first to know about it.

Good hearing from you anyway, Scott 🙂

James Scholes

Same to you mate. I’m struggling mate, lost my job a few weeks ago. I need to make this work
I don’t know what to promote or what niche to get in to. I’m not giving up though ??

Never give up, Scott…

It took me years to crack this game and I probably screwed up more than most!

Just gotta keep at it and you’ll get there.

Hope things get better for you soon anyway, mate.

Good luck,

James Scholes

Ey up James please show us mate I’m a northern lad like yourself from huddersfield, this sounds awesome man, please show us your fornula, and thanks again for giving us real value

Wow, you’re only around the corner from me – small world, eh.

It’s always good to hear from locals in this game… Hope you’re okay anyway, Steve.

And yeah, I’ll definitely keep you posted whether I “green light” it.

James Scholes


Sorry to say I am from Oldham which I know is on the wrong side of the tracks. However, I too am interested in the prospect of yet more fantastic training from you in the near future.

If you have a waiting list for the course when ready, please place me on it!

Many thanks for all that you do to help people like us, it is much appreciated.


Morrice Wells

Hey again, Morrice… Hope you’re okay, buddy.

That’s awesome you’re interested.

I’m getting a ton of emails about it so I’m probably gonna do it.

It’ll be a ton of work though as I want to make it as detailed as possible.

I won’t be doing a big affiliate style launch anyway – just keep it between us (me and my list).

I’ll keep you posted anyway if I go ahead with it anyway.

Stay awesome my friend,

James Scholes

James you need to make this, it sounds amazing. Also please make sure I’m one of the first to know if you do 🙂

Hey Andrew… Hope you’re okay, buddy.

If I go ahead with it, I won’t be doing a big affiliate style launch or anything – just gonna exclusively launch it to my list only.

I have to keep it limited because it’ll only get saturated if too many people start using it you see.

Good hearing from you anyway, Andrew 🙂

James Scholes

Really glad you’re lovin’ the videos, Frankie… Means a lot when I read stuff like that 🙂

I think I’m gonna – just requires a ton of work as I want to make it really detailed and as step by step possible.

Thanks again for stopping by and watching my videos anyway, Frankie… Really do appreciate it, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Greetings from Canada James. I really enjoy your videos. Right now I am a little lost as to what niche to go into or what to promote. I see a lot of crap out there and I don’t want to build my business or my list promoting junk. What should I look for a a great product for my Lead Magnet?

Hey kelley,

I would recommend to look out for two things when selecting your market…

First up, you want to find something you’re passionate about or have an interest in.

Entering a market you have no interest makes everything hard work.

But when you enter a market you’re passionate about, it no longer becomes work and you wake up feeling pumped ’cause you get to talk or write about what you love.

The second criteria is that their needs to be a big problem the your chosen market…

The bigger and problem the better as you can make your entire marketing around that problem and how to fix it.

So you would create a squeeze page and freebie that would help them on their way to fix their problem and your auto responder would be tailored to your prospect and how they can solve their problem in the quickest, easiest and most painless way possible.

This would be in the context of an affiliate offer and you would promote this in your emails, your blog… Basically your entire marketing.

Once you’ve got some momentum in your business, then the best thing you can do is then create your own product…

I could go on but you’re not at that stage anyway, Kelley, but hopefully, this is enough to get you started anyway.

Good luck with it anyway,

James Scholes

Hi James Please Please Please do it!!! YOU ARE THE BEST You must be one of the most GENUINE marketers I’ve come across! AND THE MOST GENEROUS!! YOU ALWAYS DELIVER. AND YOUR SUPPORT? It’s superb! I can’t fault you!!!! I’ve never known anyone as good as you.


Thanks a lot, Pete… Means a lot coming from you as well.

To be honest, I’m getting overwhelmed with all the emails I’ve been getting over this – kinda opened pandora’s box this is!

I’ll keep you posted whether I go ahead with it anyway.

Oh, and thanks for watching my video, Pete… Really do appreciate it 🙂

James Scholes

Thanks, Venu… Appreciate your kind words.

But the fact of the matter is; anyone can do this – just takes a little persistence and following someone or something that’ll guide you through it.

So stick at it and I’m pretty sure you’ll crack it one day, Venu.

Good luck, buddy.

James Scholes

Congrats on ALL of YOUR SUCCESS James! You never cease to Amaze Me Man!! Very interested in your “Weirdo Payday Formula”!! I’m ALL IN if you do decide to release it! Hope you have a Great Weekend, and Keep Being Awesome Mate!!! 🙂

Thank, Travis… Appreciate it 🙂

I’ll definitely drop you an email whether I go ahead with it not.

I’m telling you one thing though, I’m getting tons of emails over – I can barely manage with the influx of ’em coming in.

You stay awesome too, mate.

James Scholes

To be honest, Katherine… I haven’t even thought that far.

I just wanna see if people are interested that’s all.

And if they are, I’m more than happy to create the training.

So we’ll see how it goes.

Thanks for stopping by and watching and commenting on my video – really do appreciate it, Katherine 🙂

Stay awesome,

James Scholes

Hey James,
You have to do this training!

Well I hope you do anyway, I am a massive fan of your
teaching style and really want to get my business on track the right way.

Cheers buddy

Oh thanks… Glad you’re interested, Glen.

Really pleased you’re enjoying my vids I’m sending too – didn’t think a lot of people really cared for my videos to be honest.

So yeah, thanks again – really means a lot coming from you, Glen 🙂

Stay awesome, buddy.

James Scholes

That’s okay, Melvin.

Just use the free training to get your started.

Then when you’re ready… Just scale it up and you’ll make some good money.

Good luck anyway, Melvin 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James

Thanks for all your fantastic training.

I’m in regardless of how much it costs even if i have to break the bank!! Xmas is getting near and I really need something I can really work at so please go for it!!

What about starting the videos and let us work along with you . That way you would end up with lots of winners to use on your other sites as proven beta testers. It’s hard to set it up when you’re on your own and don’t really know why something is not working. If you set up a facebook page then we could all join it, put our comments there , take the weight of your shoulders when having to answer each email and we could help each other to be successful – all thanks to you. What do you think?

That’s awesome you’re interested, Ian… I’ll definitely keep you posted whether I go ahead with it.

Some good ideas too – I’ll defintely consider them if this happens.

Thanks a lot, Ian… Appreciate it 🙂

James Scholes

James my man- hell yeah, release your magic bro. I went from a full
Time solo ad business to burning out my list and now reprogramming my list
On the affiliate side. From your first 2 free videos, I’ve already seen a huge change
In responsiveness with my list. For the first time in awhile, think they are finally
Viewing me as an authority.
Peeps need to stop wasting time on other so called imer’s- they are just trying to sell
Learn James way- teaching your subs the business while they pay u at the same
I’m seeing that they are happy to pull out their wallets when they get the value
You put into your emails.
I have a list but I need to keep them hungry and responsive and scale and I know James
Has these tools.
So hell yea James- please do it. Let me or anyone here help to assist u because I do
Feel this training could really change so many lives.
Keep up the good work bro,

Hey James, do not step back now just move ahead with what you are doing.You are doing a wonderful service in the field of Internet Marketing, always adding superb value to your list. I am eagerly awaiting for your future videos.

Hi James,
Understand you have really done well in making money online.
I am still a novice and looking forward to a mentor.
You will be lifetime guru if you can give me one free detailed line by line method to make USD1500/month.
Look forward to your support and guidance.
Best regards,

Hey Saikat… Hope you’re okay.

If you’re still at the beginning stages of internet marketing and you need a guide, then I recommend “$10,000 a month” training I shared with my list last week:


I walk you through the entire process of setting up a fully fledge business and getting traffic to it.

If you need more detailed training on certain aspects like how to create a squeeze page and things like that, then you can look it up on Youtube as there’s literally thousands of video tutorials on these things.

In fact, I have a ton of training like that on my Youtube channel which you can checkout here:


I recommend subscribing as I’m always posting new video tutorials on various ways of making money online and getting traffic etc.

Hope this helps anyway, Saikat, and thanks for stopping by and watching my video… Really appreciate it, mate 🙂

Good luck anyway,

James Scholes

Hey James! How are you?..
I’ve been following your videos and I’m getting really great info 🙂
Please keep them coming mate.. Also, looking forward to seeing the course and hope it won’t cost much as I’m just gonna start email marketing with that :p
Thanks again mate and keep up the great work!!

Hey James great stuff, Cant wait to see your training.

Would it be viable to do thank you page redirects to offers

with these advanced emarketing methods that your implementing?

Thanks, Rico… Glad you want in with my training.

I’ll definitely keep you posted whether I go ahead with it.

And yes, you’ll be able to do what you said with what I plan to teach.

Thanks again,

James Scholes

Hi James,
Dave from Scotland here again,
Another golden nugget of training from you. I’m looking forward to seeing more in the future.
I thought you moved all your stuff over from DR to JVZoo though. Will my original ref links to your EWF still work then?
Keep up the great work.


Thanks, Dave… Appreciate your kind words, mate.

Regarding your question: I’ve got it setup so both Warriorplus and DigiResults links work.

So there’s no need to change ’em over.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hey James, I just got laid off and a friend guided me to do an online referral program. Will your marketing techniques yield results once i set up the website to start making money?

Hi James,

Thank you for all your helpful and inspiriting videos you been creating. I am so excited to see if you go ahead with doing this email marketing training method to help people. If you go ahead with the training I would be more than happy to give you a review if you send me a review copy of the training or be a beta tester for you once completed.

Thank you for your time. I am sure you will smash it with the training 🙂

All the best,
Christina Cole

Thanks for your kind words, Christina… Really do appreciate it 🙂

As it goes, I’m emailing everyone about it today.

So keep your eyes open for my next email – it contains some good and bad news about it.

Thanks again,

James Scholes

Awesome stuff mate! Your videos are very inspiring and always top quality. I am looking forward to recieve the training when it comes out. Enjoy your success!

James I,m James too, I just want to say that you are the only Marketer that I will ever listen too.

Stay awesome James

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