Beta Tester – Victor

Have you seen my other videos yet? If not, you can watch ’em here:

Part 1: Free step by step “$10,000 a month” tutorial

Part 2: How to make “$20,000 paydays” with email marketing

Part 3: $23,712.65 in JUST 7 Days Video

24 replies on “Beta Tester – Victor”

Hey Marc… Hope you’re okay, mate.

I’d love to give it to you but it’s not quite finished yet.

I want to make it as perfect for you guys as possible so you get awesome results when you use it.

Victor (the beta tester) saw the incomplete version as he only got 4 of the 7 modules you see.

I’ll be posting a video soon where you get to see what’s inside anyway so keep your eyes peeled for it.

Hope this helps anyway, Marc 🙂

James Scholes

Hey James, I’m really interested and I hope I’m one of the lucky few who gets in. If I could get just a fraction of your results I would be happy. Keep up the good work.

Hey Danny,

Don’t worry – I’ll give you plenty of time to act.

Also, I’m gonna shoot a video showing you everything inside, how it works etc in a few day’s time.

I’ll probably telling you when you can get it then.

Just adding finishing touches and I want to make sure everything working as it should before I announce it you see.

Stay awesome anyway, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Kim,

I’m not sure yet – just adding the finishing touches to the course at the mo.

But when I post the video showing you everything inside next week… I think I’m gonna announce it then.

Thanks for stopping by and watching my video anyway, Kim 🙂

James Scholes

LOL, thanks, Steven… Glad you’re interested in it.

It’s nearly done now – just gotta make a couple more videos and re-jiggle everything around if you know what I mean.

I’ll be posting a video of everything inside too… So keep your eyes peeled for that anyway, Steven.

Speak soon,

James Scholes

I really would like a copy of this!! I can’t wait for this to come out!! Hope you won’t charge too much for this but I am willing to use this course in Evergreen and the other opportunities you have shared. Thanks James-katherine

Hey Katherine,

Really glad you want in – means a lot when I read stuff like this.

It also works great with the Evergreen Wealth Formula.

In fact, it’s kinda like a follow up to it actually…

This is because the EWF gets you to the stage where you can implement this system in your business.

Watch out for the video where I show you what’s inside too.

I’ll be posting it in the next few days so keep your eyes peeled for it, Katherine 🙂

James Scholes



Very interesting James. Like all others people I’m very curious to see what you have prepare for us.
Anyway I will like to wish you luck and success. I’ll be waiting for it.\

Thanks, Stan.

Well hopefully, you’ll be getting a sneak-peak inside soon as I’m gonna make a video showing you everything you’re gonna get.

I’ll keep you updated when it happens via email anyway.

Thanks for stopping by and watching my video, Stan… Really do appreciate it, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Carl,

Not sure yet as the course isn’t quite finished yet.

But hopefully, sometime next week – no promises though.

That said, I’m gonna release a video showing you what’s inside and how it works before that.

So you’ll know exactly what you’re getting you see.

Plus, I think I’ll be announcing when you can get it in that video too.

So make sure to watch out for that video and you’ll find out when you can get it then.

Hope this helps anyway, Carl 🙂

Till then… Stay awesome my friend,

James Scholes

Don’t worry, Pete… I’ll be giving you plenty of warning so you’ll have plenty of time to act.

Nice to hear you’re interested anyway – always good to hear stuff like that 🙂

James Scholes

Hey David,

I’m not sure ’cause I haven’t quite finished creating all the videos yet.

But hopefully, it should be ready by early next week the latest.

Hope this helps anyway, David 🙂

James Scholes

Hey james thnx for creating this course.. I also really need to get in your course.. I am a total newbie IM, hope this can teach me how to make a living working online… Waiting for your new videos.. Best of luck james…

Thanks, Tony… Appreciate it.

As it goes, I’m emailing a new video today.

It’s gonna be really cool so make sure to look out for it when it hits your inbox.

See you then, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

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