Youtube Embedding Service

This special offer is exclusive to the Evergreen Wealth Formula Member’s ONLY and this is the exact embedding service I use myself to rank my Youtube videos for literally ANY keyword I choose!


Here’s what you get:

There is TWO different options you can go for, a 20,000 and a 30,000 package and each package includes…[green_plus_2_list width=”100%”]

  • Every site we embed your video on will have an unique IP address from the last meaning there will be NO duplicates whatsoever.
  • You get a massive mixture of high and low Page Rank websites.
  • Once the job is done, we run every single website through our special indexing service that sends a multitude of different type of backlinks to every page you have an embedded video on.

[/green_plus_2_list]End result: When all of above is combined with the number of embeds you get with this service… You’ll literally be able to walk into ANY niche and dominate first place listings in Google and Youtube in just a matter of weeks!

Here’s How To Order:

Simply choose the package you want, then after payment, you’ll be redirected to the order form where you simply give us Youtube video URL and we do the rest. Then within 10 days, we will send you a report.

20,000 Embeds Package

$60[add_to_cart_btn_style_3 link=”” + target=”_self”] [/add_to_cart_btn_style_3]

30,000 Embeds Package

$80 [add_to_cart_btn_style_3 link=”” + target=”_self”] [/add_to_cart_btn_style_3]

Have questions? Contact me here

Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee that 100% of your embeds will end up on 100% of the sites as there is other variables that come into play like sites being down when embedding your video, your video been taken down from the site itself etc however we normally achieve a 90% success rate when embedding so although we cannot guarantee a 100% success rate, you can expect your video to be embedded onto 90% of the sites you’re ordered. The reports we send after job completion will only contain 5000 sites with your embeds on of the full job. We do this to protect the sites from mass spamming (and when this happens – make it for everyone to embed their videos and makes the method less effective for everyone as a result. Also, all sales are final after purchase. We do this to prevent people gaming our service (which happened quite frequently) hence why we have a no refund policy. However for whatever reason we cannot complete the job, we will more than gladly give you a refund in full.

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