How to Make $2OO+ in 24hrs using my NEW 3 step “PROFIT” system [100% FREE Training]

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86 replies on “How to Make $2OO+ in 24hrs using my NEW 3 step “PROFIT” system [100% FREE Training]”

Hi Tore,

I take it you’re referring to Dual Squeeze, right?

If so, sure, you can use the free version if you want.

You can use the free version to build a list and you also get the viral list building aspect of it for free too.

However, if you want to monetise DS and make those monthly recurring commissions, you’ll need to upgrade to the paid version.

Also, I give everyone who upgrades to the paid version that auto responder series that will make you additional sales too.

So choose the option that’s best for you.

Hope this helps anyway, Tore 🙂

Good luck,

James Scholes

hi mentor
please don’t be surprised i chose to call you my mentor you bearly know me but i have been trying to follow you all the way i am a novice in internet business please i will be very pleased if you can take me under your wind an teach me how to make money online i am very poor and can really take charge of my responsibility as a father and a husband because i am jobless but please in any way you can help me out i will be pleased to learn from you

Hey Henry… Nice to meet you, buddy.

First up, really do appreciate your kind words.

So yeah, thank you very much for that.

Regarding your request: if you want to make money but you don’t have a lot to invest money wise, then use the free guide you got from when you opted in.

It’s free to access and it’s free to implement as well.

If you do have any money to invest, then I recommend giving the training on this page ago…

It it’s easy to setup and it can bring in fast results too.

Plus, you’ll make monthly recurring commissions too so the money you make with this method can start to compound on itself and your income goes up as a result.

There’s a few things you can try anyway and I wish you luck with it too, Henry 🙂

James Scholes

hello, James

I am a member of the old version of Evergreen Wealth Formula. I would like to implement the new version EWF 2.0 . What should I do to get access to the new version of the program.

my email attached to my old paid version of EWF is : [email protected]

Thank you for your support,


Just when I’m about to give up, there you are again 🙂

This looks really interesting. My downfall was getting traffic – had everything else set up.

So..I watched the whole video…wouldn’t need Optimize Press anymore if I used this?

Renewal date is soon for it but was probably not going to renew it because of problems with getting an email list going.

And we’d still need an auto respond site such as AWeber?

Thanks James, and also – did this change things for you significantly?


Hey Sue… Good to hear from you.

To answer your question: no, you won’t need Optimise Press for this particular method.

That said, you do realise you get life time access to Optimise Press once you’ve paid, right?

You only keep paying the yearly fee if you want the latest updates and support.

Me personally, I didn’t continue my Optimise Press subscription as I’m not bothered about the latest updates or getting support.

So once your subscription ends, you’ll still have access to Optimise Press.

Just thought I’d let you know just in case you didn’t know that.

With the auto responder question: yes, you will need a auto responder and any will do – including Aweber.

And yes, I have seen a boost in optins after using Dual Squeeze but you can use Optimise Press with this method if as well.

Hope this helps and keep at it too, Sue…

I know it can be tough – but if you stick it out – it’s only a matter of time before you crack it 🙂

Good luck,

James Scholes

Thank you James!! You’ve always been a great support, and such a great help. If it weren’t for you I would not be nearly as comfortable with internet marketing. You’re just a nice guy to know.

I wish you the best of success.


Hi James,

What can I say, U D Man bro!!! This stuff is awesome!! THANK YOU soooo much. You never stop giving. I’ve got ewt2.0 but not managed to get the content setup completely yet. Work and family life has been necktie. I will however get this set up over the next few day.

Thanks a million mate!


I am looking into free solo ads. I realize not as good as the paid stuff but when you dont have the money you try things. Hopefully with the fee bonus and the makn part of the course they will all work together.

Hey Harlan,

I’ve never tried free solos but I can’t see them been very good, if I’m honest with you.

Give them a go anyway as they’re free anyway.

Good luck with it.

James Scholes

Hey Carly… Nice to meet you.

Regarding your question: are you referring to the Dual Squeeze site?

If so, there’s a free and paid version of it.

You’ll be able to build your list using the free version of it.

But if you want to monetise it and make commissions from it, you’ll need to upgrade to the paid version.

Me personally, I would recommend to upgrade to the paid version if you can afford it as you can make a lot of money with Dual Squeeze.

Hope this helps anyway, Carly 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Md. Faizul Alam Rahad,

What I recommend you to do is to simply follow the instructions laid out in this video as it’ll walk you step by step through the entire process.

Hope this helps and good luck too 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James (again)…

Your system(s) really sound solid and profitable. As soon as I am able, I will invest. However, I was wondering if you could tell me what would be a reasonable time frame in terms of starting to see some real income?


Hi Derric,

Are you referring to my Evergreen Wealth Formula system?

If so, well, it varies from person to person, really.

But generally, EWF members end up making around $300 – $500 a day in about 3 months of following the EWF system.

Some do it sooner and some take a little longer but it’s generally around 3 months to hit that $300 – $500 a day online mark.

However, one member started making money 17 days after implementing the system.

After that, he just scaled it up to the income level he wanted and last I heard, he’s doing around $800 a day.

But the best one was this 23 year old who made $13,345.28 in 1 day after just 2 weeks of following the EWF system.

Now obviously, I’m not going to say you’ll earn any of the figures I’ve mentioned above because it’s different for everyone, but generally, people who actually implement the system… Make money with it.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

I am a Bhutanese member, I am doubt about the payment in our country, so please can you solve the problem of payment in Bhutan.

Hey Eduart,

Are you referring to Dual Squeeze? If so, there’s a link below the video where you can sign up to get access to the Dual Squeeze member’s area.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

I’m so lost please do not laugh I have probably had 20 hrs of sleep in a month no joke hopping around trying to figure this stuff out have made nothing I’m really starting to get aggravated

Sorry to hear about your struggles, Tonya.

Just stick it out and it’ll get easier to understand as you try to get your head around it.

I always remember when I started out and internet marketing was one of the most overwhelming things I’d ever took on.

I stuck it out and got there eventually though, so stick with it and you’ll get there, I swear.

Good luck anyway, Tonya 🙂

James Scholes

Fantastic job James. as usual, I’m blown away with that you’re showing us here.

By the way, I’ve been reading some reviews for the evergreen wealth formula and it looks like people are getting results with your training.

Here are the reviews I’m on about:

I’m gonna grab the evergreen wealth formula when I get back from work tonight.

Thanks again and I’ll see you in the member’s area!


That’s fine, Ranjan.

It’s entirely up to you whether you sign up or not.

If you like what you see, then yeah, sign up.

If not, no worries, just use the free option instead.

Good luck with it anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hi there,
I am kinda confused here, I joined dual squeeze with the link you provided below (free membership) but the issue is do not know how to create a squeeze page there after. Nothing on my member home page indicates where or how I can create a squeeze page.
Will be glad if you can help.

Hey Uko,

Once you’ve signed up, there’s instructions on how to setup your first squeeze page using DS.

So login to your DS account and follow the instructions at the top of the member’s area.

Hope this helps and good luck with it too, Uko 🙂

James Scholes

Sure, you can use the free version if you want.

If you want my bonus though, you will need to upgrade to the paid option.

But the bonus is completely optional, of course.

Hope this helps anyway, Karo 🙂

James Scholes

Hi Monjur,

Give it a go – there’s both free and paid options so there’s something for everyone.

Plus, if you upgrade to the paid version, you get a free auto responder series from me too.

Just email me the receipt and I’ll send over the download link for you.

Hope this helps and good luck 🙂

James Scholes

Yes thanks James I received your email I been trying to know this stuff because it’s bite different from what I do such as multi level marketing it’s been a little difficult to understand but I’m interested to be part of it, only if you can put me true.

You’re welcome, Francis.

Hang in there and you’ll get there.

If you’ve got any questions by the way, feel free to email me and I’ll do my best to answer ’em for you.

Speak soon and good luck 🙂

James Scholes

Hi Sir James, Am so much happy for your good work here,I so much appreciate your effort and I pray that the Almighty God will give you more wisdom.Am still a student finding it difficult to train myself in university….. I will be so much happy if you can help me to start something online that will be supporting me a bit…. Thank you sir for your caring.

Hey Will,

Funny you bring this up because they’ve just changed the way they pay you now.

They now pay you via cheque instead.

Also, you can use this to promote any affiliate offer from any affiliate network too, so if you change the default offer, it’ll be down to the affiliate network where you got the affiliate offer from.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Jakhia,

If you need money, I recommend following the free training taught on this page.

It’ll walk you step by step throughout the entire process on a great way on how to make money online.

Good luck with it anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Adebowale,

If you go with the paid version, it’ll be $20 a month and that’s everything included.

Like I said, there’s a free version but for best possible results, I’d opt for the paid version.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hi my name is omar Farooq i am from pakistan i am poor man i have searched a lot of websites to make money but all are liars can you tell me any website from which i can easily make money

Hey Umar,

If you want to make money, then use the free training you got from me when you opted into my list.

It’s free to access and free to implement as well.

Also, I have a new training series on Youtube that will show you how to make money from start to finish.

You can check it out here:

It’ll walk you step by step through the entire process on how to make money online.

Whichever you choose, I wish you the best of luck anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Coach the google sent me a message about documentary on YouTube video what is that mean? can u give me advice or idea to make it one.
Thanks coach more power to you coach
From your: Apprentice

Trabalhar em casa, é uma excelente ideia, principalmente para as pessoas que estão desempregados e também por causa, da pandemias;
Más sou uma pessoa que estou desempregada ( sou dona de casa ) e tenho muito tempo livre e gostaria de trabalhar em casa; com mala direta.

Hi Dorineide,

If you would like to work from home, I would recommend following the guide on this page.

It’s a simple way of making money online and it should be fairly simply for a beginner to get results from.

Another way is to grab my Evergreen Wealth Formula:

This will literally walk you step by step through the entire process on how to make money online from start to finish.

I also give you everything you need content wise so there’s zero content creation required too.

Anyway, check it out if you’re serious about making money online as that’s your best bet in my opinion.

Hope this helps 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James, Tks for your email. I’ve signed in lots of sites but get stuck from there due to some of the sites can only do payment through Paypal account credit cards which we dont have here. Here we only used most of wire transfer or cash deposit so there it stucked here due to my registration is complete…..Please can you help cos I’m trying to do an online business here due to Im unemployed…..

Hey Rex,

Sorry to hear that.

The only thing I can recommend is to use a friend or relative’s Paypal or bank account.

Also, you can buy verified Paypal accounts online – just Google around and you should find sites selling them.

I know it’s not ideal but it’s the only thing I can suggest at the mo.

If there’s anything else that comes up, I’ll definitely let you know 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Paul,

I’m not sure what you mean…

Which email address do you want me to confirm?

I’ve had a look at my auto responder and it says you’ve signed up for this offer and you’ve received it.

James Scholes

Hi James,

Thanks a lot for the new training! Much appreciated!!

The thing is, I don’t have an autoresponder nor the money to buy it at the moment.

Can I still make this work?

Are there any ways around this hurdle?

Thanks a ton for all that you’re doing buddy!


Hey Gautham,

You can still make money without a autoresponder but you won’t make as much as you could.

One thing you can do is to simply do a search “free autoresponders” and see what comes up.

A lot of them will allow you to build a list for free until you’ve hit a subscriber limit.

Best of luck with it anyway 🙂

James Scholes

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