Free Video Training: 3 Step Affiliate Formula

207 replies on “Free Video Training: 3 Step Affiliate Formula”

Thank you Michael… Really appreciate that 🙂

If you’ve got any questions whatsoever, feel free to ask away as I’m here to help!

James Scholes

Hi James,

This is Sarah here and I want to thank you for your Evergreen wealth formula course, it’s absolutely smashing training and I’m now making $60 a day online that comes in passively!!!

I’m really thrilled by this and I’m so glad I chose your course over everybody elses as you’ll know, there is a lot of scams out there.

Thank you again, James. You’ve really made the overwhelming really easy.

Back to work anyway 😉

Sarah Tindale

Why thank you, Sarah. So glad you’re having success with it already because as I remember, you only got the Evergreen Wealth Formula about 3 weeks ago.

Anyway – keep it up, just a case of scaling it up to the income level you want to be at now.

James Scholes

Hi James,

This is really cool and I have learned a lot from this video. I will be applying some of things that I have learned to my website.

My niche (Piano Lessons) is fairly competitive but not so large in my opinion. So I am working hard to dominate it.

Thanks again for sharing this great video! I will give you an update some times later!
All the best!
Carlinton 😀

Good stuff, Carlinton.

I do know the Pinao Learning niche is a very profitable market, and if you’re passionate about this niche, then over time you will dominate it because you’ll build up your own fans and followers and they will lap up anything you recommend to them – whether it’s affiliate products or your own.

Your Blog will also become an authority website over time and be considered the “Go to” place to for learning how to Piano.

Stick it out… You’ll get there, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Hello james i am from india our family is very poor i working as a store keeper in a small company my salary is 5000 rupees around 45pound in uk currency please send me a free course with very minimal investment considering my salary a course by which i could finaly earn money i have been trying for 3 years to earn online but cant do it pleaseeeeeeeee help me James i dont have acces to internet in my home i do this in a internet cafe please me course to my email

Hey Anil,

The best way to make money without a shadow of a doubt I’ve found (and my students) is using my Evergreen Wealth Formula: but if you can’t currently afford it, I send out loads of free “how to” video tutorials on various ways you can make money online.

In fact, when you first sign up, I send you a video tutorial on how to make money online using free methods so go dig that up and implement it if you want a free method of making money online.

Then when you want to take it to the next stage, then I recommend my Evergreen Wealth Formula ( as that will bring in a lot more money quicker than the free training I send you.

…Just a case of scaling it up once you’ve got the ball rollin’ 🙂

Hope this helps and thanks for commenting.

James Scholes

Hi James,

Just want to say thank you for the video. As always, very helpful indeed.

To anyone who wants to make money online I would recommend picking up James’s course as he shows you everything you need to do to succeed online.

James also gives amazing support too. He literally one of the nicest and helpful guys I’ve ever met and he’ll out you where ever possible.

His course will earn you money as it is for me. I’m now making $50 – $300 a day online now just by following what James teaches in his course.

Thank you James. I’ve learned loads from your course but more importantly… It works!

Sarah Tindale

Hey Sarah, to see you stop by and watch my video… Really appreciate it 🙂

And THANK YOU for the kind words too. I’m really glad the course is working for you and you’re making money with it. As I remember, you bought it about 2 months ago as well. So the money you’re earning already is quite impressive… Keep it up!

It’s what I love about you too, Sarah, you’re a action taker and people take action will see results… Just a matter of time 🙂

James Scholes

Hi Morgrice,

I’m James Scholes (the guy in the video) and everything I show you in the video is everything I do from home on the internet in my spare room.

So yes, this is the real deal and it all works really well… Providing you put in the work that is 🙂

Hope this helps and thanks for watching and commenting… Really appreciate it.

James Scholes

hi james i need you to help me make money online.i joined clikckbank 8 monthsago and can you believe me i havent made a cent yet?i keep buying traffic and i havent gotten any sales.i am struggling here to make money i am a newbie so its even harder.i want to go see a doctor to do some tests and its alot of money and i am trying to make some money.i have a wedding to go december i dont see the money yet.i want my own wedding business i cant get a break thru.please help me james.i want to give my little girl a good me

Hey Karen,

Sorry to hear about your troubles. I really can’t say specifically what you’re doing wrong as there could be so many factors that could need tweaking etc but if you’re buying traffic you’ve got to make sure that the traffic is targeted to the offer you’re promoting.

Also, and if you’re getting targeted traffic, then you’ve got to make sure that your offer converts. Basically, you’ll get zero or poor results if one of these are not up to scratch so that’s what I would look into… Hope it gets better for you anyway 🙂

If you’re struggling to make money online and you need something that walks you step by step all the way, then I would recommend checking out my Evergreen Wealth Formula course as a lot of people who’ve picked it up start making a full time income from home in about 3 months from implementing the system… Could be what you need?

Anyway, Karen, hope it gets better for you. If you’ve got a proven plan on how to make money, and you commit and consistently apply the methods… Its only a matter of time you’ll see results 🙂

Good luck.

James Scholes

Hi James,
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!

I have been watching some of your videos. Your youtube videos are fine but I find that the JWPlayer videos take a long time to load and with a lot of breaks.
Its not much fun and I wish you could do something about it (if possible)
Rajhamsan Iyer

Hey Rajhamsan,

Thanks for letting me know about this. You’re the only one reporting this issue so I think it maybe because you might have a slower internet connection than the people who normally view my videos.

Anyway – I’ll bare it in mind and try and use Youtube to host my videos whenever I can. Thanks again for the heads up… Really do appreciate it 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James,
Thanks for replying to my msg regarding jwplayer.
Actually, I have a broadband connection which is reasonably fast, and I have no problem watching other videos.
Is there a way of downloading jwplayer videos and watching them later? that would really help!
I also notice that these videos don’t have any band showing the volume setting and the duration of the video. It helps knowing how long the video is, if you are hard-pressed for time.

Anyway, your videos are great, even if I have to wait longer than others!



I’m afraid there is no way to currently download the videos but it will be something I will look into… Especially if more people report this as an issue.

I will try and use Youtube more in future anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Really sorry to hear that, Joe.

My mother past away recently so I understand how you feel.

James Scholes


Sent James a few emails before and he was ultra responsive, that is vital when making a decision to buy a course as you will most probably be asking questions after your initial purchase.

Forget about jvzoo and warrior forum i find most of the product creators there just want your money and then have non existent support.

James, would we promote the evergreen wealth formula as our oto seeing as it’s highly converting?


Hey Shaun,

First up, thank you for your kind words… Really appreciate it my friend.

Now to your question.

I’m not 100% sure what exactly you mean. Do you want to promote my EWF as a OTO for one of your products, so when someone buys your product, you want to offer my EWF as a OTO?

Am I right?

James Scholes

I will like to know if this your products ( evergreenwealthformula) also works for people who are from Africa, i am a Nigerian and i will like to know if i sign up . will i be able to apply things that i will learn from yo and be able to make money from Nigeria where i currently reside as well, and i will also like to know if its a one time payment or a reoccurring subcription.

Thank you,

waiting to hear from you.


Hey Dami,

Yes, it certainly does. In fact, if you’ve got a internet connection and computer… You’re good to go, regardless where you are in the world 🙂

The entire course is a one time fee btw and you get everything you need so there’s no upsells, downsell or anything like that.

You also get new modules and updates as and when they happen free of charge too.

However, as I keep adding new modules etc, the price is constantly going up so if you want to lock in the price and get everything free onwards, then make sure to grab it as soon as you can.

Hope this helps anyway, Dami.

James Scholes

Thank you you for writing back james, its nice to hear back from you , see you inside soon. 🙂 would love to give a try, i have tried so many programmes and no luck yet, i hope this will be the real deal. i will definitely give a try.


It’s definitely the real deal, Dami.

As you’ve probably seen – I make a lot of money from it, plus a lot of my students are making a full time living off it now as well.

So yes, it works very well for me and everyone who implements it.

Hit me up once you’re inside if you’re having any problems btw. I help everyone personally who grabs the Evergreen Wealth Formula.

James Scholes

I really don’t know. Do you have a friend or a relative in another country who could buy it on your behalf?

I’m sorry you couldn’t get access, Dami.

If there was any other of assisting you – let me know.

James Scholes

Hi James,
I am Chantay from Laos, I tried to make money online for four years but it failed, and I know your videos are very useful, but the problem is I have no money to invest, do you have any free course?
Please kindly help.

Thank you very much James

Hey Chantay,

The best I can recommend is the course you got when you first opted into my newsletter as I gave you a video showing you a free method you can use right now to make money online.

Obviously, the Evergreen Wealth Formula is the best choice but if money’s tight, then that free course (that uses free methods to implement) could be just what you’re looking for 🙂

Hope this helps!

James Scholes

Hey John,

This is the real deal btw.

And not only that, but longterm evergreen methods that will make you money for years to come… Not some flash in the pan “trick” that works today then stops the next day like you see everyone else pushing.

Hope this helps anyway and if you’ve got another question – feel free to hit me up again and I’ll more than gladly answer them for you 🙂

James Scholes

Good day..

I’m really interested in enrolling for the evergreen wealth fprmula program but ive been having problems paying. I dont have a paypal account and evenso, my country is blacklisted.
I really need you to advice me on another mode of payment so i can start immediately.


Hey Samuel,

Sorry you’re having problems, mate… Let me see if I can help.

You don’t need a Paypal account to buy the Evergreen Wealth Formula. When you’re on the checkout page, there’s a box you can tick where you can pay WITHOUT a Paypal account and just pay directly with your credit card instead.

Hopefully, this should work 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James,

I have been Unemployed for 4 years. I dont have money to purchase Software I can use to make money online.
Is there any good but free Software i can use to gain traffic to all my Affiliate websites from Clickbank ?

Hey Paul,

To be honest with you, there’s no software – free or paid – that will get you traffic.

There’s tools that will assist you but that’s as good as it gets I’m afraid.

However, I do cover traffic extensively in the Evergreen Wealth Formula so if you want to learn how to get traffic by the thousands everyday using free methods… It could be worth checking out, mate.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

I see what u r saying about it………I think u need to make ur video with less nosey and clarer it well take off like a rockit and keep going to the top . Can’t wait to the to see the new video with trouble hearing it.thanku agin for the update Ok Arlene Hanna

Thanks for your feedback, Arlene… Really do appreciate it 🙂

Hopefully – when I make my next video – I’ll try and make it easier for you to understand.

Thanks again 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James,

The auto responders and such things is a payment needed for these extra’s,if so how much extra on top of EWF will it cost..I need to know …

Hey George,

The only other investment you’ll have to get after buying the course is to get your own hosting and this will work out around $5 a month.

Just in case you’re wondering btw, hosting is basically where you “host” your websites (which I supply free in the course) and it’s absolutely essential if you’re serious about making money online. You could compare hosting to a shop where you sell your wares… Except it won’t cost you thousands a month like a shop would.

I guess – if you really wanted to – is do some research yourself and try and find some free hosting but from what I’ve seen, it’s very limited is free hosting but hey… You could find something out there.

The hosting I recommend is the same guys I use myself and they’re absolutely stellar! If you’ve got any problems whatsoever, they normally contact you an hour after you’ve emailed them.

There is another purchase but it’s not essential but it does automate everything so once you’ve set it up, it’ll run itself for months making you money without ever touching it… It only cost a $1 a month to get started with it so it’s well worth it in my humble opinion.

So yeah – as you can see – it’s only cost you a couple of dollars month to start up and run this which is well worth it – especially when you think about the money you can make doing this (a lot of my students are making $300 – $500 a day after 3 months of implementing the Evergreen Wealth Formula so it literally pays for itself plus gives you a really good “problem free” life style as well.

Hey Tselmenkhorloo,

If you need some detailed step by step video training – then simply keep your eyes peeled for my emails as I’m always posting video tutorials on various ways of making money online.

James Scholes

Hey Mark,

I’m not sure the exact amount but I would say I get to keep around 99% of it as the only real investment is hosting (which is around 5 bucks a month) and I use free traffic methods so they don’t cost a cent to implement.

Hope this is what you mean anyway, Mark 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Jerome,

If you want to learn how to drive traffic then I recommend checking out my Youtube Channel as I’ve got some videos on that very subject.

Also – if you want my best traffic methods – then I recommend checking out my Evergreen Wealth Formula.

These are the exact strategies I use myself to drive thousands of people to my sites and blogs on a daily basis.

Hope this helps and good luck with you driving traffic, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Thank you James for all your videos.You have done a great job,compared to many on the internet.I am going to join very soon.I would like to ask if you can email to my email some more videos.

You’re welcome, Ben… Really glad you’re enjoying ’em 🙂

Regarding your question – if you stay subscribed, I’ll be emailing more videos to you all the time… So keep your eyes peeled for ’em.

Hope this helps anyway, Ben 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James, I am really tempted to buy your Evergreen Wealth Formula but it’s just the $350k+ a year that gives me some doubts. Now while I know you have build up many years of experience is this system really that powerful that I could make even 1/10th of that in a year? Also many thanks for all the free videos and information you put up.

Hey Andy… Hope you’re okay, buddy.

To answer your question… Yes, it’s certainly possible.

Now obviously, it isn’t going to be a overnight thing, but if you stick with it… It’s only a matter of time before you get there.

In fact, with it being a “set and forget” system, once you’ve got it up and running, you can either leave it to make you a passive income… Or scale it up to your desired income level.

Your call really.

Also, I give personal support as well. So if you’re having any problems – no matter how big or small – simply email me and I’ll get back to you asap and help you out with whatever your problem is 🙂

But saying that – with how I’ve laid the course out – I’ve tried to make it as easy to implement as possible with easy to follow step by step video tutorials that anyone – regardless of experience – can follow.

Hope this helps anyway, Andy 🙂

James Scholes

Hello, I’m only having a youtube Channel with my Own Music on it and Links to Stores who distribute my music, so I have the question: will ist drive any traffic to my channel (or the stores) if I’m using your Formula?
I didn’t own a Website, just this channel…
And sorry for my Bad english, I’m from Germany 🙂
Greets, Norman dück

Hey Norman… Hope you’re okay, buddy.

When you say “Formula” you mean the Evergreen Wealth Formula, right?

If so, yes, you can use the Evergreen Wealth Formula to drive traffic to where ever you want to send it.

Hope this helps anyway, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Bryan… Hope you’re okay, buddy.

To be honest, I’m not too sure why you would say that.

The video on this page has absolutely nothing to do with what you’ve said.

It’s all about building a fully-fledge online business that will generate you a longterm, passive income.

So in the context of this video on this page… It involves a lot more than just uploading videos.

Hope this clears things up for you anyway, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Hi Real James not Robo James

you said you’re not releasing products weekly but now it’s daily.
or am I making a mistake ?

Hey Wanda,

I haven’t realised a product for over 2 years now.

This video is basically free tutorial and I promote my main course… The Evergreen Wealth Formula.

I’m not kinda guy who pumps out new courses every month anyway.

Hope this helps anyway, Wanda 🙂

James Scholes

Hey, Sharon… Hope you’re okay 🙂

To answer your question, generally, EWF members end up making around $300 – $500 a day in about 3 months of following the EWF system.

Some do it sooner and some take a little longer but it’s generally around 3 months to hit that $300 – $500 a day online mark.

However, one member started making money 17 days after implementing the system.

After that, he just scaled it up to the income level he wanted and last I heard, he’s doing around $800 a day.

But the best one was this 23 year old who made $13,345.28 in 1 day after just 2 weeks of following the EWF system.

Now obviously, I’m not going to say you’ll earn any of the figures I’ve mentioned above because it’s different for everyone, but generally, people who actually implement the system… Make money with it.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

James you are out of this world, the information you share is simply fantastic, always looking forward to your emails. Keep up the great work.

Thanks so much for all your help

Well! well! thanks very much for the free tutorials given so far. To set the ball rolling, i’ve been able to set up my own youtube channel with about 10 videos for a start from the first video you gave. But how i wish i can afford the evergreen formula this instant, i wont hesitate doing so because of all the load work you’ve reduced. hope to get it soon by his special grace.
I’ll really appreciate if you can show me another trust way to pull traffic for my youtube views aside the one you gave in the second video which was not too…

Hey Chukwuka,

Really glad you’re enjoying the free training… Really appreciate it 🙂

If you want to learn how to get traffic to your Youtube videos, I recommend watching this video here:

It’s a quick, easy and free way to get real human views to your videos as soon as today.

Hope this helps anyway, mate 🙂

Good luck,

James Scholes

Hey James I have been watching your videos for about a month now, i’m really getting into watching them.
But I have a small problem that i’m kind of worried about… is there an age limit to do what your doing? i’m 16 turning 17 soon and i’m not
sure if I would be accepted to do this stuff, would there be problems if I were to do this?

Hey Michael… Hope you’re okay, mate 🙂

To answer your question: I should imagine you’ll be okay.

I mean, if you’re got a Paypal and a bank account you’re basically good to go.

Hope this answer’s your question anyway, Michael 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Gail,

If you’re referring to the Evergreen Wealth Formula, when you get it, let me know and I’ll help you out with it.

I give anyone who grabs it one on one email support you see 🙂

James Scholes

I don’t have any website. I am new in this marketing process.
But I need to earn money at home.
Can u help me to earn money from home?

Waiting for reply.

Hey Md. Wahid Hussain… Hope you’re okay, buddy.

If you actually grab the Evergreen Wealth Formula, it actually gives you all the websites and content you need with easy to follow, step by step video tutorials that anyone – regardless of experience – can follow.

Also, if you hit any problems – no matter how big or small – feel free to hit me up and I’ll personally help you.

Hope this helps anyway, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Destinee… Hope you’re okay, buddy.

To answer your question: yes, you can do this for sure.

Also, it’s completely safe to do too.

Hope this answer’s your question anyway, Destinee 🙂

Good luck,

James Scholes

Hi Jmaes,

I am SEO expert & I have seen your video but sorry to say am getting nothing! Could you please help me how to start.


Sorry to hear that, Sainy.

I recommendation to you is to use your expertise in SEO and rank the Youtube videos and promote a affiliate/CPA offer or something like that.

Hope this helps, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Only one question will not help me with the answers that I want. I would like to see you and show you what I need help with. When are you next in Manchester?

Brilliant lessons


Hey Charles,

I’m afraid I won’t be in Manchester anytime soon.

You can always drop me an email and I’d be more than happy to assist you that way.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

What are the requirements, daily time to work, costs, background etc. Seriously, can a newbie earn 30k a month within 30 days?

Hey Christian… Hope you’re okay, buddy.

Let’s answer your questions anyway:

Q: What are the requirements

A: A device that can connect to the internet… And that’s it really.

I supply everything else in the course.


Q: daily time to work

A: You can put in as little as much into as you want.

Obviously though – the more you put in – the quicker you’ll get results.

But most of my EWF (Evergreen Wealth Formula) students put in around a couple of hours a night into it initially.

But once you’ve got the ball rollin’… You can either leave it to make you a passive income or scale it up to your desired income level.

You call really.


Q: costs?

A: The only other investment you’ll need is to get hosting which is considered essential if you want to make money online regardless which path you choose.

But don’t worry, this will cost you roughly around $7 a month.

You’ll also need to invest in something something else too which I would say it’s near essential for the course.

This is because it practically automates the entire system.

You can get free 30 day trial and after that it’s like 20 bucks a month.

And don’t worry, I show you – step by step – on how to set it all up in no time whatsoever 🙂

So yeah, it’ll cost you around 27 bucks a month to run.

You’ll reap all that back in no time anyway as most members end up making around $300 – $500 a day after 3 months of following the course.

Now if you’re really hard up for cash, I guess you can look for free alternatives online.

Some folk do that in the course and still pull in a staggering amount of money with the EWF system.


Q: Seriously, can a newbie earn 30k a month within 30 days?

A: Generally, EWF members end up making around $300 – $500 a day in about 3 months of following the EWF system.

Some do it sooner and some take a little longer but it’s generally around 3 months to hit that $300 – $500 a day online mark.

However, one member started making money 17 days after implementing the system.

After that, he just scaled it up to the income level he wanted and last I heard, he’s doing around $800 a day.

But the best one was this 23 year old who made $13,345.28 in 1 day after just 2 weeks of following the EWF system.

Now obviously, I’m not going to say you’ll earn any of the figures I’ve mentioned above because it’s different for everyone, but generally, people who actually implement the system… Make money with it.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Dane… Hope you’re okay, buddy.

It’s basically a comprehensive course on affiliate marketing (selling other peoples’ products).

And I walk step by step through the entire process with easy to follow video tutorials that anyone – regardless of experience – can follow.

I also give you all the website and content you’ll need to make it work and profit from.

You can either use the websites and content I give you “as is” or change to your particular linking – your call really.

But yeah, I’ve tried to make as easy as possible for you, buddy.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Samara… Hope you’re okay, buddy.

If you’re referring to the Evergreen Wealth Formula then it’s a one time payment of $97 and this will give you life time access to the entire system.

This will also give you access to the latest updates and new modules as and when they’re ready for free too.

Plus, if you have problems whatsoever – no matter how big or small – just hit me up and I’ll help you out.

I give everyone who buy’s the EWF one on one email support you see.

Hope this answers your question anyway, buddy 🙂


Hello James! Will this programme work for people who cannot receive payments through PayPal? Is there an alternative source of receiving payments with this programme?

By the way, thanks for the training, very enlightening.

Hey Peter… Hope you’re okay, buddy.

To answer your question: although Paypal would be handy to have – it’s definitely not essential.

In fact, I have tons of EWF members who can’t get access to Paypal accounts for one reason or another still go on to make a full time income with the EWF.

So yeah, you definitely don’t need a Paypal account to make the EWF work.

Hope this helps anyway, Peter 🙂

James Scholes

Hello James!

I love your tutorial videos. I am learning a lot thru them, Great info!!

THANK YOU for all of the free info you give Us (Me)!


P.S. Soon I will be purchasing Your Evergreen Wealth Formula.

Hey Paul… Hope you’re okay, mate.

Anyway, to answer your question: oh definitely, the EWF works great in the here and now.

In fact, I’m always updating the course to make sure it’s always working.

I’m not one of these marketers who make a living of launching products every month you see.

I’d rather focus on one and make it as awesome as possible.

As it goes, I updated the Youtube module recently to bring it up date with the methods I’m using right now in 2015.

I also added another module a month ago in the advance section of the course on how to make $10K in 7 days as well.

The only thing I can think of is that some of the sites might of changed their layout a little.

But these are just cosmetic changes so I haven’t bothered updating these.

But yeah, all the actual strategies and methods are rock-solid and work brilliantly in the here and now in 2015.

Hope this answer’s your question anyway 🙂

James Scholes


please teach,me how to make 1 landingpage and how to connect to autoresponder,
i dont know tehnical stuff.
i learn internet marketing ,..but i only lose money.
i am poor,and i tell to every bory how the internet is a eay to make more money but i dont make yet

hi James,i have some quiz below

1.have been going through some comments and answers regarding EGW and i noticed that you gave two cotradicting answers regarding the cost of running EWF formula ,one person you told is $5 hosting and $1 to automate it but another guy you told is $7 for hosting and $20 to automate it so which is which bro? EWF aclickbank product coz previuosly have had problems purchasing through clickbank since i need to be in? and is there another way to get in if not clickbank(paypal may be coz i have no problem with that)

3.last time i sent you mail was 3months back telling you i was from KENYA and was about to drop out of college due large debts and i needed something to do online to enable me continoue with schooling and thanks i found you online,yeah indeed i did drop and am yet to manage $97 for your course coz i need to get back to college and wind up my course hope EWF will help me

4.since then (3months back) have recieved soo many mails from you with different gift and offers on how to make money online and the information is now OVERWELMING so please recoment for me what go for first

5.someday commision as a bonus once i purchase EWF has been a mojor drive for me though i do not know how it operates yet,hope all still get it once am in

N.B quiz 4 is a more concern for me bro,thanks,keep up the great job

Hey Henry… Hope you’re okay, mate.

Anyway, lets answer your question:

1: With the changing answers… Things change over time you see.

But it’s around $7 a month for your hosting and if you wanna automate the entire process, it’s now a free 30 day trial and after that it’s $20 a month.

It was a $1, 30 day trial but it’s now completely free to trial it for the first 30 days now.

So as you can see, things change as time goes by – hence why I answer the same question with slightly different answers.

2: No, it’s not a Clickbank product – it uses Paypal as it’s checkout so you should have no problems buying it then.

If you want me to email the order link so you don’t have to sit through the entire video presentation – let me know and I’ll email to you.

3: No answer required for this one.

4: If you’re new to internet marketing then your best bet is my Evergreen Wealth Formula.

It’ll take you step by step through the entire process on how to make money online – even if you have no experience whatsoever.

So yeah, go for the Evergreen Wealth Formula.

5: I’m afraid that was a time limited bonus and it’s no longer available.

Hope this answer’s all your questions anyway, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Can I use a smartphone as a android I’ll would like to know if I can so I can make extra money on my spare time thank you

Hey Anthony… Hope you’re okay.

To answer your question: you can but I recommend using a laptop or a desktop computer.

Just makes it so much easier as You have access to a bigger screen and keyboard.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Please send my email address so I can download and read it. I would be so appreciated if you can do that for me.

Thank you James. Your course helped me out with a lot with Internet marketing. You teach very amazing things I’ve never learned in college lol. I’ve learned that without getting results it’s too early to give up. I’m still trying my best to stay consistent with this training and get results. Thanks again James.


You’re welcome, Abdi 🙂

Just stick it out and you’ll get there anyway.

I’m updating the the Youtube module in the next week or so anyway so keep your eyes peeled for my email about that – it’s killer stuff, man.

Speak soon,

James Scholes

Oh definitely, Samuel.

In fact, you can make as much as you want.

In the Evergreen Wealth Formula, I show you how to make a full time passive income from home.

So if you wanna know how, grab that it’ll show you how to profit in the quickest time possible.

Hope this helps anyway, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James,

My name is Shazli from Malaysia. I have sent you an email a couple of weeks ago from [email protected] (my primary email account) and i haven’t got a reply yet. Maybe you missed it because you have a lot of emails coming to you everyday. Please look it up and reply as i am interested in your Evergreen Wealth formula program. i have been researching online for more than 4 months on how to make an income online. I am coping with Bipolar Disorder and currently jobless. I really wanna learn internet marketing skills as i believe by earning at least US1000/month (about MYR4300) i am able to support myself and contribute financially to my parents whom im currently living with at the age of 35! more importantly i really believe it will help me feel better and overcome my current limitations. I have been the shadow of my former self for a long time now. Anyway Just in case you can’t find my email, i guess my main question is, does evergreen wealth formula program covers CPA marketing as well?

Hey Shazli… Good to hear from you.

Just had a quick look for your email and I found it in the spambox.

But anyway, to answer your question, the EWF doesn’t cover CPA marketing.

I hope you learn to overcome your condition and life gets better for you sooner rather than later.

Good luck,

James Scholes

Hi James,

Thank you for replying. i really appreciate your prompt feedback and thank you for your wish. Before i proceed in buying your EWF program, i want to know whether one would need to be really creative to succeed? Due to my condition i mentioned earlier, sometimes i struggled with feeling blunt and lose the ability to think or focus. but i am confident that i can follow step by step instructions. also, my ability to communicate verbally is not very good currently. I know youtube is one of the best way to generate free leads. i understand from one of your videos that we can use other people’s video to generate traffic. Do you think i can succeed with your EWF program based on the situation that i am now?

You’re welcome, Shazli 🙂

Regarding your question: well, I’ve laid everything out in a easy to follow step by step manner.

So you should have no problem following what is taught in the course.

But if you do have any problems – no matter how big or small – hit me via email and I’ll help you out with it.

All EWF get life time one on one support with me, you see.

Hope this helps anyway, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

is it like over the shoulder training? (like me sitting beside you). also i understand that will be an operating cost like domain hosting and autoresponder fees and paid traffic. I have only US600 at the moment. do you think its enough?

Hey Shazil… Hope you’re okay.

To answer your question: yes, absolutely…

I’ve basically filmed all the training with screen capture software so it’s like you’re literally sitting with me and I’ll you step by step through the entire process.

And yes, $600 should be more than a enough.

Hope this answers your questions anyway, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Thanks for answering my questions so fast. i’ve been involved with another internet biz opp in the ‘make money online’ niche that HAVE support team, and they take a day sometimes 2 days to answer prospects/customer’s questions. You are operating alone and able to answer within the same day and at times minutes or hours. That shows your dedication and pure commitment and for that i really respect you buddy 🙂 anyway, i forgot to ask another question: Does all the income that will be generated from your EWF courses (when implemented) will be paid through Paypal only?

P/S: if yes then great because i’ve already created one 🙂

You’re welcome, Shazli… Always happy to help 🙂

Regarding your question: you can get multiple ways but Paypal is one of the main ways of getting paid.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Linda… Hope you’re okay.

If you’re on about the order button, it appears 10 minutes into the video presentation.

From there, you can order the EWF and get instant access to the entire course.

If you want, I can send you the order link so you don’t have to resit through the video presentation again.

Let me know… I’ll be more than happy to send you it 🙂

James Scholes

Hey James! Thanks for the video! Good stuff. I really like that you stress finding a market instead of a niche. I also think, like you, that it’s so important to promote markets that you are passionate about. I agree whole-heartedly. Thanks for taking the time to show us these things and help us out! One day, my life will change because of the action I’ve taken and part of that credit will be yours. ~Ava

Yup, you’ve gotta go where your passion is, in my opinion, Ava.

Glad you’re diggin’ my training anyway – plenty more coming soon so keep your eyes peeled for it.

Also, I have a ton of training on my Youtube channel if you’re interested.

If you are, you can check it out here:

Thanks for watching and commenting anyway… Really do appreciate it, Ava 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Toby,

I’m not sure what you mean, exactly?

If you’re on about this video tutorials… Then simply implement the methods taught in the video.

Hope this helps anyway, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Hi Abderazak,

Well the video is a video tutorial that teaches you the method on how to make money.

So ideally, if you want to make money, then you’ll need to watch it all as you’ll need to learn all the steps to implement the method.

Hope this helps anyway, buddy 🙂

Good luck,

James Scholes

Hi, James

I’ve been thinking about join evergreen wealth formula, but my money is tight. I can afford $97, but I was curious if there are advanced courses require other payment? Would I be getting update instantly if I pay the $97?

Hey Dan… Nice to meet you, mate 🙂

Regarding your question: advanced courses?

I’m not sure what you mean, if I’m honest with you.

I don’t plan to bring out any courses in the future.

In fact, I’m always updating the course to make sure it’s always working.

I’m not one of these marketers who make a living of launching products every month, you see.

I’d rather focus on one and make it as awesome as possible.

As it goes, I updated the Youtube module recently to bring it up date with the methods I’m using right now in 2016.

I also added another module a month ago in the advance section of the course on how to make $10K in 7 days as well.

But yeah, all the actual strategies and methods are rock-solid and work brilliantly in the here and now in 2016.

And yes, you will also give you access to the latest updates and new modules as and when they’re ready for free as you get life time updates with the EWF course.

Plus, if you have problems whatsoever – no matter how big or small – just hit me up and I’ll help you out.

I give everyone who buy’s the EWF one on one email support, you see.

Hope this answer’s your questions anyway, Dan 🙂


James hey, I have came across your videos subcribe to them as well. Money is a challenge for me currently. I can’t even afford a laptop right now and have to be borrowing one. I am a believer the money can be made online. I am currently married with a wife that is finishing school. i also have 2 kids and i want to be able to give them the life i never really had. I have been reading,watching videos, created a site sign up with a few affiliate sites. Times like these i feel frustrated. i have been putting in the work but not seeing that results man. Despite the free methods. Can you help me sir. What am i not doing?

Hey Wade… Nice to meet you, mate.

Just read your comment and I can totally relate, man.

It’s tough – especially when you put in all that work and get zero results.

Your best is to grab my Evergreen Wealth Formula course.

That’ll get your going in the quickest and easiest way possible.

However, if you can’t afford that, then I recommend using the free training you opted in for.

It’s free to get access and it’s free to implement.

Also, I recommend using the Youtube Booster Method I mailed the other in conjunction with it to accelerate the results.

I’ll be mailing some more free training in the near future.

So yeah, keep your eyes open for that too.

Good luck and I hope you find success in the near future, my friend 🙂

James Scholes

Sir, the problem with me is that I don’t have any credit card to make payment. What am I suppose to do ?

Hey Kasem,

If that’s the case, then just use the free training I’m always sharing with my subscribers.

I’m always posting free step by step video tutorials on various ways of making money online so there’s always another option.

Hope this helps and good luck, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James,

I am really tired of all the online bullshit I see which doesn’t give me the right consistent results etc. Some of the businesses I have come across just want you to keep upgrading, making you feel like you are constantly against the grain.

What business model can I follow to really build something where I can consistently make a minimum of $2000-$3000 a month?

I was considering giving up on the whole online money making process, but I still believe in my dreams and feel I just need to find the right model.

Would appreciate your help.

Hey Siddharth… Nice to meet you.

Regarding your question: there’s tons of online business models out there that will make $2000-$3000 a month.

Stuff like:

Email marketing
Affiliate marketing
CPA marketing
Product launching
Search Engine Marketing

Now that said, here’s what I recommend you do…

Find a market full of desperate people (weight loss, seduction etc).

And build a email list in that market and promote affiliate offers in the process.

Once you start getting consistently, you can bring out a product in that market – either by creating yourself or outsourcing it – and recruit affiliates to promote.

Obviously, this won’t happen overnight, but you’ll get to build a business and your income will gradually grow over time too.

Hope this helps anyway, Siddharth 🙂

Good luck,

James Scholes

Hey James! Awesome content! absolute love how you give specific detail and everything about presentation! Thanks for giving a super good method!! I greatly appreciate your honesty and truthfulness! Will soon be able to purchase the EVERGREENEALTHFORMULA!

Hi James great video mate! I really love your laid back presenting style people can really relate to it, it’s got me super stoked to get on with my evergreen wealth formula now so take it easy pal and thanks once again
Kindest regards

Hello James. I’ve been doing tons of research on Affiliate Marketing and earning income on-line, It’s very interesting and intriguing to me. I’m truly considering getting the EWF that you created and learning from you. I’ve always worked jobs that would require me to work Mon thru Sat with little return and that take so much time away from my family. I lost my job 2 months ago and have been looking for work ever since. I’ve always dreamed of Financial freedom without the everyday hassle and of traveling to an office through tons of car traffic. Being able to receive earnings in a passive residual manner is what I’ve learned is really a great way to earn income. I love the fact that if even if I couldn’t go to a physical office. The money still comes in residually. I just want to believe it’s true and that you’re real not a scam. I hope to hear back from you soon. Thanks

Hey Ethan… Nice to meet you.

Regarding your question: I assure you, I’m the real person and my course, the Evergreen Wealth Formula, is the real deal.

Don’t get me wrong – you won’t become an overnight millionaire following it.

But if you’re willing to implement it, and stick it out, then you can make as much as you want with it over time.

Plus, you can always hit me up and I’ll help you through it you run into any problems too.

Hopefully you won’t as I’ve tried to make it as easy to implement as possible.

Hope this helps anyway, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Hi Anthony,

If you watch the entire video, at the end of it, additional content will appear just below the video.

If you want, I can send you the order link so you don’t have to resit through the video presentation again.

Let me know… I’ll be more than happy to send you it 🙂

James Scholes

Hi Muhammad,

Which material are you referring to?

If you’re referring to the Evergreen Wealth Formula mentioned at the end, then a button appears at the end of the video where you can get access to it.

James Scholes

Hey Aivee,

At the end of the video presentation, the button appears at the end.

Just click on the button then follow the instructions and you should get access in no time.

If you don’t want to resit through the video presentation again, just visit the page then leave the video playing and the button will appear around 20 minutes after starting the video.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

hi James
thanks for all this great content. i wanted to know how much are your students making after implementing this system and buying the EWF?

You’re welcome, Andres… Glad you’re enjoying the content I’m putting out.

Regarding your question: well, it varies from person to person, really.

But generally, EWF members end up making around $300 – $500 a day in about 3 months of following the EWF system.

Some do it sooner and some take a little longer but it’s generally around 3 months to hit that $300 – $500 a day online mark.

However, one member started making money 17 days after implementing the system.

After that, he just scaled it up to the income level he wanted and last I heard, he’s doing around $800 a day.

But the best one was this 23 year old who made $13,345.28 in 1 day after just 2 weeks of following the EWF system.

Now obviously, I’m not going to say you’ll earn any of the figures I’ve mentioned above because it’s different for everyone, but generally, people who actually implement the system… Make money with it.

Hope this helps anyway, Andres 🙂

James Scholes

Hello james

It is so helpfull
I come from the very poor family and i really want to help my parent coz. We are poor but i dont have money i cant afford for it.. Is there any methods? That i can earn money without an envestment?

Im in philippines please help me sir james to earn money for my family.

Hai… I am erna, thank you very much for your kindness… But i don’t understand yet how it can be successful… Because i am not understand about the Internet it… But i will learn it hardly… Once, thank you very much…

James is mint, I have learned more from him on his YouTube channel, than I have programs I have paid for over the past 3 yes while I have been learning to try get my head around internet marketing, his trainings are also entertaining, he has a unique character you just gotta love, I find it fun to learn from him, Thank you James great guy x ?

I’m very excited about your way of training because you make it way easy to understand and implement. Please for the evergreen wealth formula ($197 course), please is it a one-time payment or monthly subscription?

Hey Nelson,

It’s a one time payment of $197 and this will give you life time access to the entire system.

This will also give you access to the latest updates and new modules as and when they’re ready for free too.

Plus, if you have problems whatsoever – no matter how big or small – just hit me up and I’ll help you out.

I give everyone who buy’s the EWF one on one email support, you see.

Hope this answers your question anyway, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James,

After an update of my Windows, I have found all my folders lost, as well as my ‘history’ and I did not receive login details to your Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0 program because I didn’t complete the purchase (the upgrade). The following details are proof of purchase. Can you please send my login details?

07 Apr 18 PAYPAL *JAMES 35314369001 GB 274.55

Hi James, thanks for all the free training you always provide. Now this might sound like an odd question, but because you have so many free trainings, I honestly don’t know which one to start with to get earning online. I have an affiliate offer or two I could promote, so is it perhaps best to start with this training? I don’t want to go around trying too many things otherwise I will lose consistency and focus. Would appreciate your clarification and honest feedback.

Hey Sid, nice to meet you.

Well first up, I would recommend grabbing my Evergreen Wealth Formula:

That’ll the be the fastest way to get results in my opinion.

However, you can’t get it (for whatever reason) then I have some free training you can checkout.

It’s free to get access and it’s 100% free to implement too:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Whatever you choose, I wish you luck with it and I hope you get results with it too.

Good luck,

James Scholes

Thanks so much for the links James! This is gold! I have to say all these years of being online, I haven’t seen anyone as helpful or committed to helping others even with free information! Keep it up!

Hi James , thank you very much for this quality training , I have been around for awhile but still not able to fiqure it yet , so I need your help to start a passive income business online .



I’ve just checked and the video is there and playing fine at my end.

Try refreshing the page or visiting the link through another browser like Chrome, Firefox etc and see if that works for you.

Good luck,

James Scholes

Hi, James, I have 2 major problems working online
The first one is I am broke. I am a student from a poor family with no job.
Secondly, my country does not support PayPal.
I am really interested in affiliate marketing but I don’t have the funds to pay for hosting, domain name, and training so I need something I can work on now that will pay me via skrill and give me funds to start with affiliate marketing

Hey Juanito,

First up, sorry to hear about your situation.

It completely sucks being broke, it really does.

I’ve been there myself and it’s all you can think about when you’re in that situation.

Anyway, if you can’t afford website and hosting, then checkout

You can build a website for free using their drag and drop website builder.

There is a paid option but the free one will be more than enough for what you want.

Payment wise: I’m not really knowledgable but you can Google “buy verified PayPal account” and see what comes up.

You can also Google “Affiliate programs that pay via Skrill” as there should be something that will pay you by Skrill, out there.

Hope this helps and good luck with it too, Juanito 🙂

James Scholes

Thanks so much old pal for having faith in me till now,today I’ve finally found a reliable computer to work on and I’ve watched the above video. I’ve worked on the new website sing and have’nt published it yet as you recommended on your previous tuitorial. Now I hope to do my very best in the coming sessions.Thanks again old pal!

Hi James
it was really a nice one but my problem is i don’t have money for now so i’ll need links where i can start geting small money for me to be able to work with you


If you can’t afford the course, then I recommend using the free course you got from me when you opted into my newsletter.

It’s free to access and it’s free to implement too.

Good luck with it anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Kelvin,

If you enjoyed this free training and you want to learn more, then I recommend signing up to my course, the Evergreen Wealth Formula.

It’ll literally take you step by step throughout the entire process on how to make money from start to finish.

You can sign up to it here if you’re interested:

If you can’t afford that, then I’ll be sending more free training soon so make sure to watch out for that when I email it to you.

Good luck 🙂

James Scholes

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