$10,000 a Month Blueprint – Subscriber Training


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36 replies on “$10,000 a Month Blueprint – Subscriber Training”

Thanks, Pete… I appreciate you sharing it on Twitter, mate.

Must be doing something right – especially as you think I’m bonkers 🙂

Thanks again,

James Scholes

Hey James read this
First thing is I don’t have money to pay for you.
And my financial situation is really in bad shape, only thing am requesting to you is
If you can give your “evergreen wealth formula for free” I can get back in shape.
First thing after I started earning money will be 100$ payment for you as a small gift from evergreen loser (yup it’s me).


Hey Mallik… Good to hear from you, buddy.

Regarding your question: your best bet is to checkout my Youtube channel.

I have a ton of video tutorials on various ways on how to make money online – free and paid methods:


I recommend subscribing too…

I’m always posting video tutorials on new ways of making money online, you see.

In fact, I’ve been busy creating a ton of new video tutorials new ways of making money online.

I’ll be posting these new video tutorials on my Youtube channel very soon so it’s definitely worth subscribing.

Hope this helps anyway, Mallik 🙂

James Scholes

Hey James, Say I wanted to implement this by promoting your programs It would be basically the same process right?

Hey Daniel,

To answer your question: yes, it would.

What you can do is embed my video tutorials from my Youtube channel and put your affiliate link to my squeeze page below the video.

This works really well because I plug my squeeze page in all my video tutorials on Youtube – but instead of going through my link – they go through your affiliate link instead.

I’ve around a hundred video tutorials on my Youtube channel so there’s more than enough content you can use for your auto responder.

Hope this helps anyway, Daniel 🙂

James Scholes

hello James, please brother, i Love this video, but i dont know how to make a squeeze page or a landing page, am just new online and i am finding it hard figuring things out, could you help me brother, i mean a video that shows me step by step on how to make a squeeze page? I will appreciate, Thanks

Hey Desmond… Nice to meet you.

Regarding your question: I have some free training on how to create your own squeeze page.

If you’ve got your own domain and hosting, then I recommend watching this one:


This tutorial will show you how to create your own squeeze page using free methods:


By the way, when watching these tutorials on Youtube, don’t sign up for the free “$688 a day” course in the description box as you’ve already got it and you’ll only end up with tons of emails you’ve already got from me.

With the second tutorial, I recommend a free auto responder.

However, it’s no longer available so you’ll have to either do your own research and find one yourself.

Or if you want, I can recommend a paid one I use myself which is Get Response:


They do a free 30 day trial with it too so you can try it out to see if it’s a good fit for your business or not.

Hope this helps anyway, Desmond 🙂

Good luck,

James Scholes

Thanks James, I want to buy your training but, I was wondering if its Email marketing or website Model, I thanks you soo much brother, please reply me, i want to buy the training, am a newbie in online business brother, Thanks, i will be waiting for your reply Asap

Hi Desmond,

It’s both, as in, it’s email and you have your own websites as well.

But don’t worry – I give you all the websites and content you need in the course.

All you do is set it up by following the step by step video tutorials in the course.

In fact, it’s designed for folk just like you as I’ve tried to make it as easy to implement and get results from as possible – even if you’ve got zero internet marketing experience.

Hope this helps anyway, Desmond 🙂

James Scholes

Even if i dont want to buy get this program, i will because you have shown true value, as in the way you reply,it shows your going to be there when your needed brother, Thanks, i will see you on the inside James Schools

Hi Godfrey,

To answer your question: it’s perfectly fine to embed any Youtube video onto your site.

However, you cannot download then reupload it to your Youtube account and then embed it to your site.

So you have to use the embed code from the original Youtube video and you’ll be fine.

Hope this helps anyway, Godfrey 🙂

James Scholes

Hey James, I absolutely love the content! Thanks a whole lot. This definitely clears up a lot of confusion I had. I’ll definitely look out for your next lesson

Hey Daniel,

I did explain what it was, but I guess you’re right, I didn’t tell you how to avoid it.

I guess all I can recommend in this respect is to do your research on the guy you’re selling the solo or adswapping with.

So read the reviews and optin to their list to see what they’re offering etc.

It’s not 100% fool proof and it will dramatically lower the chances of it happening.

Hope this helps anyway, Daniel 🙂

James Scholes

Hi Larry,

Are you referring to the free training on this page?

If so, you can simply follow the training as I share the entire method there.

If you want something more “step by step” and delivers faster results, then I recommend checking out my EWF course:


It’ll take you by the hand walk you step by step through the entire process on how to make a full time, automated income you can scale up over time.

Hope this helps and good luck 🙂

James Scholes

June 1, 2019
Hi James,
I’ve been trying to take you up on your Free training offer but I can’t get to the downloads.
Your offer is just what I’ve been looking for for a long, long time and now I need your
help to actually succeed. Please help by sending what I need to my email. Thank you.

Hi Anthony,

Free training? You mean the free training on this page?

If so, there’s nothing to download as the free training is the video itself on this very page.

If this isn’t what you meant, then please go into detail more so I can assist you better.

Hope this helps anyway, buddy 🙂

James Scholes

I was really impressed at the simplicity of this lesson which is why I’m signing up. I’m in the process of getting my MBA. I’ve taken so many courses in everything. Strategy leadership finance accounting business law… but in class we get so burned out that we never even talk about this stuff even though I’m sure deep down we want to. I’ve got a lot of brainstorming to do because I’m not entirely sure how to jump in yet but I understand the process and models. Really looking forward to what you have next for us to learn. What a great guy! Please don’t publish my website unless we talk first though I’d like to figure out how to sell that product! Thanks James you’re the man. Just realized I don’t need to reply to sign up but I’m doing it anyway, why not eh?

Hey James
I have been thinking about your EWF
I got some questions
Do it work still today?
Are you also working with it if yes then how much results are you getting from it?
Hope you will answer

Hey Mike,

Yes, the Evergreen Wealth Formula is still working today.

In fact, I’m always updating it to make sure everything’s bang up to date and working how it should.

I’m not one of these guys who brings out a new product every few months like you see with a lot of marketers doing.

Results wise, I’m doing very well with it and a lot of members I know are making a full time income from it.

So if you’re willing to consistently implement what’s taught in the course, and not expect overnight results, then I should imagine you’ll do well with it too.

Hope this helps anyway, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Hello James
Thanks for replying me
I appreciate that you put so much effort into this course.
One more question?
Is it true I can scale it upto whatever income level I desire even if it is $1000 a day ?

Hey Mike,

Yes, it’s definitely possible but it won’t happen overnight.

The best thing about the EWF is that it’s a scaleable due to the automation aspect of the course.

So the only time you work after setting up the EWF is to grow your income, never to maintain it.

So if you’re willing to consistently apply what’s taught and have some patience, you can make as much as you want, really.

James Scholes

sir i love your teachings, but i will be glad if i can have on whatsapp to teach me more on how to sale form a company +237677654561 thanks sir

Hey Derick,

First up, thank you… I’m really glad you’re diggin’ the stuff I put out.

There’s more coming so be sure to watch out for them when I mail them out to my subscribers.

Regarding your question: if you need to contact me personally, you can get me at my email address: zxzJameszxz@gmail.com.

So drop me an email if you need anything.

Good luck anyway 🙂

James Scholes

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