$10,000 a Month Blueprint


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86 replies on “$10,000 a Month Blueprint”

Absolutely brilliant James, you put most marketers to shame with your content your always pumping out.

Looking forward to your second video anyway.

I the meantime I will be putting your training into action 😀


Thank you, Chris… Appreciate your kind words, mate.

And yeah, definitely put it into action – it definitely works and you’ll get awesome results too if you put your all into it.

Glad you’re looking forward to my second video anyway, buddy.

Speak soon yeah,

James Scholes

Thanks for sharing this James. You share some real golden nuggets in this training that I can use in my own business. Love how you “snowball” traffic too… Genius indeed.

You rock James! Great video.You gave me a revelation on how the best way to monetize my list.You helped to clear up my confusion! I am a struggling Newbie! Thanks a Million dude! Your stuff is always very helpful! Thanks Again!

David Redfern God Bless!

You’re welcome, David.

Really glad you’ve found something you can take from it and use in your own business.

Keep on going anyway… It’s only a matter of time before you crack it, David.

Speak soon,

James Scholes

Hey James, I would just like to thank you for all your very detailed and informative video tutorials. I have just started taking an interest in making money online and I feel at ease knowing that all you offer is not a scam. I am determined to purchase the evergreen wealth formula in the next couple of days(money is abit tight right now) but as soon as I have purchased it, I know it will change my life. Thank you again and stay blessed.

That’s very kind of you, Luke… Thank you for your kind words 🙂

I’m glad you’re enjoying my video tutorials – I always try to send out as much free content as possible to help as many people as possible.

Oh, and I look forward to having you a member of the Evergreen Wealth Formula course too.

Thanks again anyway, Luke 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Sigrid… Hope you’re okay, mate.

As it goes, you can use the training in this video to promote that website.

So yeah, give it a go.

Glad you’re looking forward to the next video by the way 🙂

Stay awesome, buddy.

James Scholes

Thanks again James for sharing another cool tips. Other marketers will most likely be upselling this kind of info but you its free! Indeed very helpful for newbies like me. So glad to be in your EWF. Awesome.

Great stuff as always James.
I really do enjoy the content that you deliver, no wonder you have so many subscribers cos the content is amazing and free.
Can’t wait for the next one.


Hey Kalene,

Not sure what’s happening if you can’t hear the audio.

It is on Youtube so it should be working fine.

One thing worth trying is viewing the video in another browser.

So try watching it in Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc because this kinda thing is normally a browser issue.

Hope this helps anyway, Kalene 🙂

Good luck,

James Scholes

Hey James. I’ve been waiting patiently for this training video to come out and it was well worth the wait. There are not many truly new methods that come out in the MMO niche, but there are often cases when someone adapts something that already exists and puts a brilliant twist on it. This was one of these moments….the “Doh!, why didn’t I think of that”, type of thing.

As an EWF and Viral Stampede member, I have everything needed to get started on this right away….but something tells me I should wait until that next video comes out first. 😉

One question though. Building the lists with the WF and Safeswaps etc (I haven’t looked at Udimi yet) would be childs play for the MMO niche and perhaps work for the weight-loss niche, but how easy would it be to find solo ad vendors for Bodybuilding, Fishing, Investing etc (or underwater basket weaving). Are these solo ad vendors out there for the other niches?

Anyway, great stuff as usual from the only guy that I listen to these days.

Cheers buddy

Thanks, Dave… Glad you’re diggin’ the video 🙂

Regarding your question: if you want to buy solos outside the IM niche then it’s still worth checking out the Warrior forum.

If you can’t find anyone in the Warrior Forum, then head to the JV section and make a post, asking if there’s anyone in your desired market that you can buy solos from.

Also, simply Google around and see what comes up. I know it sounds obvious but a lot of people – for some weird reason – don’t think of doing it.

As it goes, I did know of a solo directory and it had loads of markets where you could buy solos from.

I use to use it myself when I operated outside the IM niche but I can’t remember it now but if you dig around… I’m sure that or something similar will come up.

Anyway, thanks again, Dave… Really glad you enjoyed the video, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Hey James,

Thanks for the content!

I’m having trouble finding a video series on YouTube that pertains to ‘make money online’ niche.
Any tips?

Also, once I DO find a 7 Day video series, do I only need a series as the opt-in incentive?
Then all the other follow up emails after week 1 can be a one-off? Or does every video after the “7-Day Free Email Course” have to be part of a series that I need to find on YouTube?

Thanks for the help

Hey Frankie… Hope you’re okay, mate.

To answer your question: when you’re searching on Youtube, set the search settings so they show “playlists” only.

This is because people might of put a series in as a playlist you see.

Also, it doesn’t have to be series per-se.

You can go find a Channel with tons of internet marketing tutorials and simply use them.

Hope this helps anyway, buddy 🙂

Good luck,

James Scholes

A shed-load of useful info there, I couldn’t see any joins so either brilliant
editing or one-take – remarkable in both cases.

Pity there is nothing I want to sell.


Eh up, Simon… Hope you’re good, mate.

It was done all in one take by the way, so there was no masterful editing I’m afraid lol.

Glad you found tons of useful information in it anyway. I was a bit worried that I went a bit too fast but the feedback has been brilliant so I’m happy with that.

Thanks for watching anyway, Simon… Really appreciate it 🙂

James Scholes


As usual your training is on point and your awesome video (How to EASILY make $10,000 a month)
reminds me how important it is to stay focused in my online marketing quest. (Great stuff).

I completed most of your training with Evergreen Wealth Formula and
for some crazy reason (temporary insanity I guess) which I can’t explain. I made
a mistake and got off track and distracted with a bunch of other online stuff.

I got your email recently about your upcoming video that triggered something inside and now I’m back and more importantly, focused.
This time I plan to stay this way (focused) thanks to you.

Thanks for being here and I look forward to your new $10,000 month training video and future training sessions.

Ps (No, James did not pay me to say any of this:), it’s all from the heart, he is the man and the real deal in online marketing training)..


Wow, thank you for your kind words, Allan… Really do appreciate it, mate 🙂

And I completely agree with you – it’s so easy to get distracted in the game.

I guess it’s because we work from home on the internet and it’s so easy to keep checking your emails or going on Facebook to see what’s going on.

So yeah, stay focused and never give up – that’s the only way to succeed in the game.

Thanks for stopping by and watching my video anyway, Alan… Really do appreciate it.

Good luck and keep up the good work anyway… You’ll get there 🙂

James Scholes

Thnx a lot james for sharing this cool stuff, absolutely amazing info to kickstart my affiliate marketing biz. You showed the easy way to do it yourself successfully.. Looking forward for your next video.. Best of luck james 🙂

That’s awesome, Patrick.

Just follow the instructions and look up everything you need to know on Google.

I should be posting a new video on Monday so keep your eyes peeled for that.

Speak soon, mate 🙂

James Scholes

Hey James! I really appreciate the video, really, really helpful! I have a question though, what do you think about MailChimp?

Hey Mathias… Hope you’re okay.

Regarding your question: I would recommend to stay away from Mail Chimp.

There’s nothing with the quality of the service itself, it just doesn’t allow you to promote affiliate offers.

So it’s kinda useless for what I teach in this video training.

I do recommend a few on this page – two are paid and the last one is free but limited.

If you can, I’d opt for the one of the paid services as they are overall better auto responders.

Hope this helps anyway 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James,

My name is Steven Segal, you may of heard of me as I have stared in many terrible movies such as Under Siege and Under Siege 2…

As I don’t get a lot of work in movies these days I am on the look out for other ‘make money online’ opportunities and I have stumbled across you.

I just wanted to say your video tutorials are great but there’s one in particular that really hit home with me. The video in question is where you make the entire video in your vest.

I don’t know what it was but (maybe the vest) that video really inspired me to take my online earnings to the next level…

The reason I’m writing this is purely to say thank you and ask that you maybe make more of the videos in your vest from now on…

Thanks James, you really are the bomb 😉

Hey Steve,

First up, don’t beat yourself up about your movies…

Under Siege was an amazing movie and I always watch it when it’s on the telly.

And with Under Siege 2… Well… Less said the better on that one I’m afraid.

In fact, you made many awesome movies in the 80s but you kinda dropped the ball from the 90s onwards.

Hence why you’ve got so many “Straight to DVD” releases in the last 10 years or so.

Personally, I think you should be in the next expendables movies… It’s full to brim with washed-out 80s action heroes who should stopped making movies a long time a ago… Hence why I think you’ll fit in just fine 🙂

Anyway – enough about that…

Yes, the infamous vest video… As it goes, it’s only you and another guy who are fans of my vest video and request I make for ’em.

Who knows, I might rise to the challenge one day. I did consider making a video in my dressing gown so we’ll see how it goes.

Anyway, hang in there, Steve… I still believe in your straight to DVD movies made on a shoe string budget 🙂

James Scholes

P.S. Awesome site by the way 😉

Hey Waddie,

I actually link to a free auto responder service below the video.

Although it’s not as good as the paid options, it’s good enough to get the job done so use that.

I’ve also got videos showing you how to build squeeze pages and generate traffic for free on my Youtube channel so check ’em out.

Good luck, mate 🙂

James Scholes

You’re welcome, Carl… Glad you enjoyed it, mate.

As it goes, I’m just about send another video to my subscribers.

So if you’re sub to my newsletter, make sure to watch out for that one too – should be emailing it about 15 minutes from now.

Thanks again,

James Scholes


Thanks for video it is very interesting as to how to make a nice living with email marketing

but would like to ask about if you are going to make any videos about sqeeze pages as i

have not got one or could you give me any suggestions.. Cheers….


Hey Carl… Nice to hear you’re enjoying the training so far.

Regarding your question: I do have a video on my Youtube channel if you wanna watch it.

It’s a guide on how to create squeeze page for free too.

Here’s a link to my Youtube channel:


I’ve got a ton of other video tutorials on my Youtube channels too.

So make sure to check ’em out as well.

Hope this helps anyway, Carl 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Brian… Hope you’re okay, mate.

If you’re on about the order button, it appears 10 minutes into the video presentation.

From there, you can order the EWF and get instant access to the entire course.

If you want, I can send you the order link so you don’t have to resit through the video presentation again.

Let me know… I’ll be more than happy to send you it 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Alecia,

I have one for the Evergreen Wealth Formula.

I only accept EWF customers really but if you reply to one of my emails we can talk about it there.

Hope this helps anyway, Alecia 🙂

James Scholes

Hi James, thank you so much for giving out information that can make people a lot of money! I am new to all this and really appreciate the help you give in your videos! I am looking at doing this full time one day, just love watching your vids and putting them into action! I would love to say that one day I will be in your shoes and help everyone out the way you do! Thanks again James you are awesome!!

You’re welcome, Dean… Glad you’re finding my videos useful

And with being successful online, it’s just a case of never, ever giving up… Ever.

Eventually you’ll crack it and you’ll be able to scale it up to whatever desired income level you want.

I wish you luck with it anyway, Dean 🙂

James Scholes

I love this video but have a question.

I appreciate you telling us about the “DUMB” mistake you made.
But can you advise us on how to not make the same mistake?
Is the only way to NOT sell solo ads?

Hey Sam… Hope you’re okay.

To answer your question: like in all things in life, there’s bad eggs in everything.

So the only thing I recommend is to read a lot of reviews on the person and see what others are saying.

It’s not something a lot of people are doing anyway so it’s not like it’s common or anything – just keep your eye open for it and you should be fine.

Hope this helps anyway, Sam 🙂

James Scholes


seem like very powefull method but wanted to ask:

Your stats of income are from septmber 14, can you show income from recent times ?
i saw in your paypal income some 200$ income, from what sources these amount coming from ?
Does your system work as well these days with all the changes in the internet world ?
Do you update the course with new content and resources along the time ?
do you support and help by email to help achive these kind of results ?

Hey Elis… Hope you’re okay.

Regarding your question: as it goes, I’m planning on updating the income proof on the video presentation in the next week or so.

I would of done it sooner but I was waiting for 2016 as I want the income proof shown in this year, you see.

And yes, I’m always updating the course to make sure it’s always working.

I’m not one of these marketers who make a living of launching products every month you see.

I’d rather focus on one and make it as awesome as possible.

As it goes, I updated the Youtube module recently to bring it up date with the methods I’m using right now in 2016.

You can read about it here, in fact:


I also added another module a month ago in the advance section of the course on how to make $10K in 7 days as well.

The only thing I can think of is that some of the sites might of changed their layout a little.

But these are just cosmetic changes so I haven’t bothered updating these.

But yeah, all the actual strategies and methods are rock-solid and work brilliantly in the here and now in 2016.

Also, I give everyone who grabs the EWF one on one email support too.

So if you run into any problems whatsoever, no matter how big or small, hit me up and I’ll help you with it personally.

Hope this answer’s your questions anyway, Elis 🙂

James Scholes

Hello James

Thanks for your quick reply.
you forgot to answer my questions regarding what kind of products are bringing you 200$ revenue in your paypal account, these numbers are not typical for an avarage affiliate promoting product.
Thanks , you realy don’t seem like the avarage marketer lounching a new product each month 🙂

Hey again, Elis.

The $200 commissions was a private agreement I had with a product vendor.

They didn’t have a traditional affiliate program. In fact, they didn’t have one at all.

But I reached out to them said I could sell their product quite easily.

After talking to them, we both agreed I would be paid $200 for each sale I made for them as it was a fairly high priced product.

So I guess it’s classed as “affiliate marketing” if you wanted to categorise it.

Hope this helps anyway, Elis 🙂

James Scholes

Hey James,

I get your emails EVERYDAY and love your content man.

I’m building my list now too.

What kind of open rates are you getting on average?

That’s awesome, Keith… Keep up the good work with building your list 🙂

With my open rate: to be honest, I don’t pay too much attention to it.

All these people who are boosting open rates will most likely to forget to tell you that they’re constantly deleting subscribers who don’t open their emails – hence why they’re getting sky-high open rates.

Me personally, I just focus on delivering value to my list and sales soon follow, and I recommend you do the same too.

Hope this helps anyway keep up the good work, Keith 🙂

James Scholes

Hey Paul… Good to hear from you, mate.

To answer your question: yes, absolutely.

It’s a brilliant business model and something you can scale up to whatever desired income you want.

So if you’re willing to put the work in, then the sky’s the limit with this.

Hope this helps anyway, Paul 🙂

James Scholes

You’re welcome, Nick… Glad you liked it, buddy.

As it goes, I’ve created a ton more step by step video tutorials and I should be posting ’em sometime next month.

So yeah, keep your eyes peeled for ’em if you’re on my newsletter 🙂

Also, it might be worth checking out my Youtube channel too…

I have a ton of training on there as well if you’re interested.

Check it out here if you want:


Thanks again anyway… Truly do appreciate it, Nick 🙂

James Scholes

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